The gunpowder plot Flashcards
Who takes the throne after Elizabeth 1?
James 1 of scotland and James 6 of England
Was james brought up catholic or protestant?
When james becomes king of scotland and england what does it do?
Unites countries - UK begins here
What sort of king did catholics think James was going to be?
One who favoured catholocism
What did james write?
A translation of the bible called the King James Bible
What did james do that angered catholics?
Exiled catholic priests
Who were the men in the gunpoeder plot?
Catholics that wanted to kill james an puut his daughter on the throne (to influence for catholic purposes)
What was their plan?
Rent area under Houses of Parliament
Set off gunpowder when important event
What actua;y happened?
They rented areaa under hosues of parliament
Bought gunpowder, were waiting for chance
Plot is delayed due to plague
Gunpowder expired - more needed to be bought
Lord Monteagle received a etter saying king would die
Gunpowder was found
Plot didn’t succeed
Guy fawkes was tortured as punishment
Why did people want to kill james?
James wasn’t english but was ruling over english soil
People found unfair
James mother was catholic - hoped he would have favoured Catholicism
What was the significance of the letter recieved by lord moteagle?
Monteagle showed letter to Roberct cecil (king’s spymaster)
Parliament was closed when king discovered this
A man called john johnson (guido fawkes in disguise) was found ith firewood and matches
John Johnson was arrested
What do we use to analyse sources?
Author - who by
Date - when written
Audience - who for
Provenance - background info
Tone - how it sounds