The Growing Environment Flashcards


Explain the effects of temperature during vine growth, grape formation and ripening?


Temperature has a huge influence on vine growth and/or grape ripening in all parts of the vine growth cycle. A summary is provided below:
Cold Temperatures ensure dormancy.
Temperatures above 10°C stimulate bud

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What is the optimal temperature for winter dormancy?


Cold temperatures (under 10°C / 50°F) in the winter ensure the dormancy of the vine, however, extreme temperatures (around -20°C / -4°F) can cause winter freeze and damage the vine.

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What temperature stimulates budburst?


Temperatures above 10°C (50°F) stimulate budburst, and budburst is often more successful and uniform if there is a significant rise in temperature at this point. Warm soil temperatures can also promote budburst. Cold temperatures that bring frost can be very harmful for buds and new growth and can reduce yields substantially.

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What’s the optimal temperature range for photosynthesis?


As the new shoots grow and leaves develop, the vine begins to use photosynthesis to create sugar for energy. The optimum temperature range for this approximately 18–33°C (64–91°F), and hence temperature is not usually a limiting factor at this time.

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What temperature promotes successful uniform flowering and fruit set?


Warm temperatures promote successful, uniform flowering (optimum above 17°C / 63°F) and fruit set (optimum range 26–32°C / 79–90°F), whereas cold, damp conditions can cause problems for flowering and fruit set and therefore reductions in yield and potentially quality of the grapes and wine.

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What temperature promotes bud fruitfulness?


Warm temperatures at this time also promote increased bud fruitfulness (above (under 25°C / 77°F is best) in the next year, and therefore affects yields in the next growing season.

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What influence does temperature have on the various aspects of grape ripening?


Sugar accumulation in the grapes in generally faster at warm temperatures due both optimum rates of photosynthesis producing sugars and because increased grape transpiration promotes the movement of sugar into the grape.

Malic acid degradation is also increased at warm temperatures. Mean temperatures above 21°C (70°F) in the final month of ripening can lead to a rapid loss of acidity, whereas mean temperatures below 15°C (59°F) can reduce acid loss to a point that acidity levels in the must are too high.

The effect of temperature on the formation of aroma precursors and aroma compounds is very complex; generally riper aroma/flavours are associated with grapes grown in warmer climates.

Cool conditions may hinder the breakdown of methoxypyrazines, which can give herbaceous aromas.

In black grapes, anthocyanin synthesis (and therefore the development of colour) is optimum at 15–25°C (59–77°F). (Tannin synthesis possibly follows the same pattern, but more research is needed.)

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How does extreme heat affect the grape ripening?


Extreme heat, especially when paired with dry conditions, can cause photosynthesis to slow or stop, slowing vine growth and grape ripening. This is due to the heat sensitivity of enzymes that catalyse photosynthesis.

In addition, water stress, which is typical in many hot regions, can also cause photosynthesis to slow down or stop due to the shutting of stomata to prevent water loss. The closed stomata limit intake of carbon dioxide, which is needed for photosynthesis.

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Explain the effects of sunlight on vine growth, grape formation and ripening?


The vine needs sunlight for photosynthesis, which is needed for vine growth and grape berry formation and ripening.

However, full sunshine (intense sunlight, not
blocked by cloud) is not required, and generally amount of light only becomes the limiting factor to rate of photosynthesis if light levels drop below one third of full sunshine. Hence, fog can slow photosynthesis but an average cloudy day will not.

Grape exposure to sunshine has a number of effects, including enhancing the development of anthocyanins (colour pigments) in black grapes and the reduction of methoxypyrazines.

Sunshine on the grapes leads to greater accumulation of tannins pre-véraison and promotes tannins polymerisation after véraison, and therefore less bitterness.

It is also associated with increased levels of some favourable aroma precursors and aroma compounds (such as terpenes which are responsible for many of the fruity and floral aromas in wines, such as the grapey aromas found in Muscat).

Sunshine also warms the grapes and because of this increases the rate at which malic acid is used up in grape respiration, leading to lower acidity levels.

Prolonged periods of sunshine and hot temperatures can lead to sunburn on sun-exposed grapes, which has a negative effect on grape quality and yields.

Sunshine in late spring / early summer is also associated with successful fruit set and the exposure of compound buds to sunshine promotes bud fruitfulness in next year’s growing season.

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List some of the natural factors that effect temperature and sunlight?

Slopes and aspect
Proximity to water
Characteristic of the soil
Mist, fog and clouds
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Explain the effects of latitude?


All other factors being equal, regions at lower latitudes (nearer the Equator, e.g. Mendoza, South Africa, New South Wales) will receive more solar radiation per annum than regions at higher latitudes (nearer the Poles, e.g. northern France and Germany).

Regions nearer the Equator receive more intense solar radiation than those nearer the poles. Solar radiation is adsorbed (held by water droplets, dust and ozone) and scattered as it travels through the Earth’s atmosphere, decreasing its intensity.

The curvature of the Earth means that nearer the poles solar radiation must travel through a larger section of atmosphere to reach the Earth’s surface. It also means that the radiation hits the Earth at a low angle, so the radiation is spread over a larger area (it is more diffuse).

The number of hours of solar radiation through different times in the year is also determined by latitude.

It is generally said that grapes for wine production can grow between 30° and 50° latitude on each side of the Equator.

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Explain the effects of altitude?


Temperature falls by approximately 0.6°C (1.1°F) over every 100 m increase in altitude. High-altitude sites can therefore be
favourable in areas of low latitude that would otherwise be too hot. There are vineyards in Salta (a low latitude region) planted at up to approximately 3000 m above sea level, and here grapes may struggle to ripen sufficiently every year. By comparison, many of the best vineyard sites in high latitude areas, such as Burgundy and Loire Valley, are at relatively low altitudes, as otherwise temperatures would be too low for sufficient ripening.

Sunshine is more intense at high altitudes than low altitudes because the solar radiation travels through less atmosphere before it reaches these sites. Ultraviolet radiation (radiation with a lower wavelength than visible sunlight) is also greater at higher altitudes. Both of these factors are thought to promote anthocyanin and tannin synthesis.

High-altitude sites often have a high diurnal range (the difference between day and night temperatures). The ground absorbs energy from solar radiation during the day and releases energy into the atmosphere during the night. At lower altitudes the air in the atmosphere (particularly the water vapour) absorbs some of this energy, meaning some heat is retained at night. At high altitudes the air is thinner and holds less moisture and therefore heat rapidly escapes, leading to relatively cool night-time temperatures. In warm climates, high diurnal range can be beneficial for the retention of acidity during grape ripening. For more information see Diurnal Range below.

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Explain the effects and benefits of slopes and aspects?


Vineyards planted on slopes will face a particular direction. This is called aspect. Vineyards that face the sun throughout most of the day (south-facing in the northern hemisphere and north-facing in the southern hemisphere) will receive more solar radiation than those facing the opposite direction.

The importance of aspect and the steepness of the slope increases at high latitudes. This is because solar radiation hits the Earth at a low angle at high latitudes. In the context of the vine growth cycle, the angle is lowest in the spring and autumn (compared to the summer).

Extra warmth and light during spring and autumn extend the viable growing season for vines grown on slopes that face towards the sun.

In warm climates, it may be desirable to limit the amount of heat and light.

Slopes can provide additional benefits, including shallower, poorer soils and better drainage. Slopes can also provide shelter from winds and rain, and protection from frosts (air movement down the slope prevents frosts from forming). However, soil erosion and inability to use machinery on steep slopes can be problematic.

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Explain the effects on vineyards that have proximity to water?


Large bodies of water, such as lakes and seas, can have a significant impact on nearby vineyards. This is because water heats up and cools down more slowly than dry land. During the day, the water and the air above a body of water remains relatively cool, and lowers the average temperature in the local area. Air directly above dry land heats up more quickly than that above the water, and this warm air rises. Cool air from above the water is drawn to the land to replace the warm air as it rises, resulting in cool, humid afternoon breezes.

The opposite happens at night. The water retains the warmth gained during the day, whereas, without solar radiation, the land loses heat relatively quickly. The warmth of the body of water keeps the local area warmer. The same effect can be experienced over the year, with large bodies of water giving cooler summers and milder winters.

The movement of air also helps to protect against winter freeze which could damage or even kill the vines and spring frosts that could reduce yields.

Vineyard areas in coastal regions can also experience ocean currents, which can have a marked influence on temperatures. A very good example is Bordeaux’s warmer growing climate due to the Gulf Stream.

Vineyards located in very close proximity to large bodies of water can benefit from radiation reflected from the water surface. The amount of radiation reflected depends on the angle at which the solar radiation hits the water and is greatest at high latitudes.

Then there is El Nino und La Nina a climatic cycle in the Pacific Ocean that has a significant effect on weather patterns. El Niño starts when warm water in the western Pacific Ocean moves eastwards along the Equator towards the Caribbean.

La Niña is caused when the eastern Pacific Ocean is cooler than average. It tends to result in cooler, wetter conditions in the Pacific Northwest, but warmer, drier conditions in California and South America. La Niña also causes wetter and cooler conditions in Australia.

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Explain the effects of winds?


Winds and breezes can have a warming or cooling influence in many wine regions. Areas near to a body of water may experience cool breezes during the day, moderating the diurnal range of such regions.

Valleys that face the coast or other areas of low land (e.g. the Petaluma Gap in California) can mean that winds are felt even relatively far inland. Valleys can also lead to stronger winds as the moving air is funnelled. Winds that have travelled over hot land masses can bring warm air that heats the vineyard area, e.g. the Zonda in Mendoza.

As well as influencing temperature, winds and breezes reduce the occurrence of humid, stagnant air in the vine canopy that encourages the development of fungal diseases.

Strong winds can cause damage to vines and vineyard trellising, resulting in lower yields and higher equipment and labour costs. Rows of trees can be planted at the edges of vineyards to act as windbreaks; however, care must be taken as they can compete with the nearest vines for water and nutrients.

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Explain the characteristics of soil?


Soil can also have an important effect on temperature. The drainage of the soil, its structure and colour all influence the warmth of the soil and the air above the soil.

Soils that drain freely, for example sandy or stony soils, warm up more quickly in the spring than damp soils. Rising soil temperature encourages the breakdown of starch in the roots, which stimulates budburst and shoot growth. Therefore, it is desirable for cool-climate vineyard areas to have free-draining soils to promote early budburst, and hence potentially a longer growing season within which to get the grapes ripe.

However, early budburst does increase the risk of harmful spring frosts damaging young buds and shoots. Warm soils also encourage root growth, which means the vine can absorb more water and nutrients.

The colour of the soil is also important. Light-coloured soils, such as those rich in chalk (e.g. as found in Sancerre and Champagne), reflect some energy from solar radiation. Extra light energy into the lower parts of the canopy that may receive less sunlight from above can be beneficial to increase photosynthesis and grape ripening in cool and cloudy climates or where late-ripening grapes are used.

However, in warm climates this may increase temperatures in the warmest parts of the day. Dark-coloured soils, such as some of those from volcanic origin (e.g. as found in Etna), absorb more energy and re-radiate most of it when temperatures are cooler, for example at night. This can be useful, especially in cool climates or for late-ripening grapes, allowing the development of colour and degradation of acid to continue during the night.

Stony soils, especially if the underlying soil is slightly damp, are also very effective at absorbing heat and releasing it at night. This is because stone and water are good conductors compared to air.

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Explain the effects of mist, fog and clouds?


A number of vineyard areas are prone to mist. Mists are formed by tiny drops of water collecting in the air just above an area of ground or water. They are usually formed when warm air is rapidly cooled, causing water vapour in the air to condense. This may occur, for example, at night when warm air over a body of water meets cooler conditions above the land. Dense mist is called fog.

Whereas mist and fog occur at ground level, clouds usually form higher in the sky. Depending on the density of the mist, fog or amount of cloud cover, sunlight can be limited to the extent that photosynthesis is reduced.

As mists and fogs are made up from water droplets and occur at ground level they can also increase humidity in the vineyard and therefore the occurrence of fungal disease or, in areas with dry, sunny afternoons, noble rot.

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What is diurnal range?


The diurnal range of a region or vineyard site is the average difference between day-time and night-time temperatures. Regions with continental climates or at high altitude tend to have higher diurnal ranges (larger difference between day and night temperatures), whereas regions near a large body of water tend to have lower diurnal ranges (smaller difference between day and night temperatures).

There are some schools of thought that suggest constant temperatures are more favourable for producing quality grapes. There are others that believe that a significant difference in night time temperatures is beneficial.

In warm or hot climates, such as those found in Mendoza or Ribera del Duero, a large diurnal range is often thought to be favourable. In these climates, a relatively cool period during the night can slow the respiration of malic acid and be beneficial for the formation of anthocyanins (day-time temperatures are too hot).

In cool and moderate climates, such as Mornington Peninsula or Mosel, a low diurnal range may be favourable so that night-time temperatures still allow ripening (e.g. acid degradation, anthocyanin synthesis) to continue, which may be needed for grapes to ripen sufficiently.

It is also thought that night-time temperatures can have some influence on aroma compounds. For example, warmer night temperatures are associated with a greater breakdown of methoxypyrazines, which may be important in cool climates, and cooler temperatures are associated with a greater retention of some other compounds, such as rotundone.

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Explain the effects of water on the vine?


The vine needs water to survive and adequate water availability is vital for healthy vine growth and grape ripening. Generally, the vine needs a minimum of 500 mm of rainfall per year in cool climates and at least 750 mm in warm regions.

The vine needs water for turgidity (so that it doesn’t wilt), photosynthesis and regulating its temperature.

Water also acts as a solvent for nutrients in the soil, which is important for their uptake by the vine, and is the medium in which all of the vine’s biochemical and physiological mechanisms take place. Either too little or too much water can have a negative influence.

Water vapour diffuses out of the stomata (tiny pores) on the underside of vine leaves. The loss of water from the cells in the leaf causes water to be pulled upwards from the soil, through the roots and the above-ground parts of the vine. This is called transpiration.

Open stomata allow the free exchange of water vapour out of the vine, and also let carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse in and out of the leaves. If the vine has sufficient water, it can keep its stomata open all day. A lack of water causes the vine to partially close its stomata. This can help conserve water, but also reduces or even stops photosynthesis due to lack of carbon dioxide entering the leaves.

A plentiful supply of water in the spring encourages the growth of lots of leaves and hence the establishment of a large leaf surface area to support the growth of the vine and ripening of grapes.

However, if water is too easily available into late spring and early summer, vegetative growth (growth of shoots and leaves) is promoted and prolonged into the period of grape ripening, which acts as a competitive source for the vine’s sugars, delaying and compromising ripening. It is therefore thought that mild water stress before véraison is beneficial as it inhibits further vegetative growth.

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Explain the effects of rainfall on the vine?


Rainfall is the natural source of water for the vine, and therefore the amount and timing of rainfall each year is an important factor in producing high quality grapes. This is moderated by the water-holding capacity and depth of the soil. In areas where there is not sufficient rainfall to meet the vine’s needs, irrigation may be used (depending on legislation, availability of irrigation water and other factors).

Rainfall is caused by water vapour condensing and precipitating. Warm temperatures cause moisture from the land to evaporate and rise. As the warm moist air rises in the atmosphere, it cools and condenses into clouds and eventually rain. Snow and hail are other forms of precipitation and can also be natural sources of water when they melt.

Topography can have an influence on patterns of rainfall. Mountain ranges can force winds of warm moist air upwards over high altitudes. This causes the water vapour to cool, condense and precipitate. This can mean that the regions on one side of the mountain experience greater rainfall, whereas regions on the other side are sheltered from the rain-bearing winds and often have very dry conditions (these regions are located in a ‘rain shadow’).


Explain evapotranspiration rate?


Evapotranspiration rate is the amount of transpiration from the vine, combined with the evaporation of water from the soil surface. It is, hence, the rate at which water is no longer available, either because it has been taken up by the vine or because it has been lost to the atmosphere (e.g. evaporation from the soil surface). Evapotranspiration rate depends on the temperature, humidity and wind, with hot, dry, windy weather (such as that in Mendoza and Patagonia) leading to faster rates.


Explain the importance of nutrients?


The vine acquires the nutrients it needs from the soil. Nutrients are important for healthy vine growth and can have an influence on yield and grape composition. Vines require low levels of nutrients and therefore most soils are able to sustain vine growth (unless the vine is over- cropped). However, soil nutrients are depleted by viticulture and therefore it is important for the grape grower to monitor nutrient levels for deficiencies.


Explain the effects of nitrogen on the vine?


Nitrogen is essential for vine growth and can have a major impact on vine vigour and on grape quality. It is a component of proteins and chlorophyll (required for photosynthesis).

Too much nitrogen in the soil causes excessive vegetative growth,
with sugars being diverted to the growing shoots and leaves rather than the grapes, hindering ripening.

An excess of shoots and leaves in the canopy can cause shading of fruit and buds (with a number of consequences see The Effects of Sunlight) and poor ventilation (leading to fungal disease) unless adequately managed.

Too little nitrogen results in reduced vigour and yellowing of vine leaves. Grapes that have low nitrogen levels can also be problematic for fermentation (see Yeast in Alcoholic Fermentation for more details).

Overall, vines with a restricted supply of nitrogen tend to produce higher quality grapes.


Explain the effects of potassium on the vine?


Potassium is also essential for vine growth and helps regulate the flow of water in the vine. Very high potassium levels in soils can cause problems in the uptake of magnesium, and this may lead to reduced yields and poor ripening. High potassium levels in the soil can lead to high potassium levels within the grapes. This has a significant effect on wine quality, as high levels of potassium in the grape must are linked to high pH (see Acids in Wine Components). Low levels of potassium can lead to low sugar accumulation in the grapes, reduced grape yields and poor vine growth in general.


Explain the effects of phosphorus on the vine?


Phosphorus is important for photosynthesis. Vines need only a small amount, and usually there is enough phosphorus naturally present in the soil. A deficiency in phosphorus leads to poorly developed root systems (and hence a diminished ability to take up water and nutrients), reduced vine growth and lower yields.


Explain the effects of calcium on the vine?


Calcium has an important role in the structure of plant cells and in photosynthesis. Calcium deficiency is rare, but can have a negative influence on fruit set.


Explain the effects of magnesium on the vine?


Magnesium is found in chlorophyll and therefore has a key role in photosynthesis. Deficiency can result in reduced grape yields and poor ripening.


Name some other nutrients other than nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium?


Several other nutrients play a role in vine growth and reproduction. These include sulfur, manganese, boron, copper, iron and zinc.


Explain natural factors that effect nutrient availability?


Vine nutrients dissolve in soil water, which is then taken up by the roots of the vine. This means that the soil factors that influence water availability also impact nutrient availability.

Soil pH also has a key influence on nutrient availability. Different nutrients become more or less available at different pH levels. For example, iron is poorly available in soils with high pH (e.g. soils with a high proportion of calcium carbonate
such as limestone) and this can cause chlorosis. This is a condition in which leaves turn yellow and photosynthesis stops, so grape ripening and yields are negatively affected as a result.

Organic nutrient compounds found in and added to soils (e.g. in the form of manure or compost) are not available in a form that the vine can take up and need to be converted into inorganic compounds. (In this context, ‘organic’ describes compounds that contains carbon; ‘inorganic’ generally describes compounds that do not contain carbon.) Organisms that live in the soil (such as bacteria, fungi, earthworms, etc.) are important in this process, feeding on the organic matter and converting it into available forms (a process called mineralisation). (Note that organic matter can be converted by these organisms into either humus (see Soil below) or inorganic nutrient compounds.) It is therefore thought to be highly beneficial to encourage soil life and ecosystems within the vineyard.

Different soil textures also have varying abilities to hold nutrients. Soils with a high proportion of clay are good at holding nutrients, whereas sandy soils are poor at holding nutrients. Humus can increase the soil’s ability to hold nutrients.

The topography of the vineyard may also have an impact on the soils and their levels of nutrients. Soils on slopes are often thinner and less fertile than those on plains or valley floors.

There are ways in which the grape grower can manage the vineyard and the soil to either promote or reduce availability of nutrients to vine roots.


Explain what soil is?


Soil is the upper layer of the earth and is typically made up of geological sediment, organic remains in the form of humus, and the pores in between the sediment that contain water and air. Sediment comes from the weathering of bedrock (solid rock).

The soil in a vineyard can often be made up of different layers formed at different periods of time, each of which may have a different texture, structure and characteristics. The sediment in the soil may not be the same as the bedrock underneath; for example, over time the sediment may have been transported by water, winds, glaciers or gravity (down-slope).

In the context of the vineyard, the soil supports the vines’ roots and is the medium from which vines take up water and nutrients. It is also a key habitat for the vineyard ecosystem supporting a number of animals and microbes. The influence of soil in terms of wine style and quality is complex. Scientific backing to support any links between the chemical composition of soil or bedrock and particular aromas/flavours in a wine is lacking. However, the importance of the soil’s physical parameters on water availability and therefore vine growth and grape ripening is well recognised.


What is the texture of the soil?


The texture of the soil describes the proportions of the mineral particles of sand, silt and clay.


Explain the texture of clay?


Soils with a high proportion of clay are said to be finely textured; clay particles are very small, and because of this have a large surface area compared to their volume, so they are very effective at holding water and nutrients.

Soils that have a very high clay content are sticky and may form aggregates that are hard for vine roots to penetrate and challenging for soil cultivation. The vines’ roots may be limited to cracks or gaps between the aggregates.


Explain the texture of sand?


Sand particles are relatively large and have a small surface area compared to their volume. They therefore have limited capacity to hold water and it can drain through them easily. They are also poor at retaining nutrients. Sandy soils have a loose texture, making them workable and easy for vine roots grow through.

By comparison, soils that are high in sand or larger particles such as gravels or pebbles are very loosely structured and, in fact, need some clay to help bind them together.


Explain the texture of silt?


Silt has particles of intermediate size and its properties sit between that of clay and sand.


What is loam?


‘Loam’ describes a soil that has moderate proportions of clay, silt and sand.


What is humus?


Humus is organic matter in the soil that is formed by the partial decomposition of plant material by soil microbes and earthworms. It has a spongey texture, large surface area and is able to adsorb water and nutrients. It helps to bind soils together and can help soils to retain water and nutrients.


What is defined as climate?


A region’s climate is defined as the annual pattern of temperature, sunlight, rainfall, humidity and wind averaged out over several years (30 years in the timescale generally agreed). The climate does not change from one year to the next, although it can alter over a period of decades.


Explain the climate classification Growing Degree Days (GDD)?


This model of heat summation during the growing season was created by Amerine and Winkler (1944). It was originally intended for the vineyard regions in California. To calculate the GDD:

For Celsius, subtract 10 (the temperature in Celsius below which vines cannot grow) from the average mean temperature of a month in the growing season. For Fahrenheit, subtract 50 (the temperature in Fahrenheit below which vines cannot grow) from the average mean temperature (in Fahrenheit) of a month in the growing season.

multiply this by the number of days in that month

make the same calculation for each month in the growing season (April to October in the Northern Hemisphere, October to April in the Southern Hemisphere) and add together the totals to get the GDD. (Any months with a negative value would not be counted.)

As part of the model, the GDDs are grouped in five ranges. This makes the data easier to use and communicate. The climate of a region in ‘Winkler Zone I’ (lowest GDDs) is cool, whereas a region in ‘Winkler Zone V’ (highest GDDs) is very hot. This model has been updated relatively recently to add new bands at the upper and lower ends.


Explain the Huglin Index?


The Huglin Index, created by Huglin (1978), uses a similar formula to GDD, but differs in that the calculation takes into account both mean and maximum temperatures and the increased day length experienced at higher latitudes. The index is split into ranges, with the most suitable grape varieties mapped to each range. This model is widely used in Europe.


Explain the mean temperature of the warmest month (MJT)?


This model created by Smart and Dry (1980) uses the mean temperature of either July in the Northern Hemisphere or January in the Southern Hemisphere, termed MJT (mean January/July temperature) as well as measures of continentality, humidity and hours of sunshine. Again, the temperatures have been divided into six bands to aid description and communication, ranging from cold to very hot.


Explain the Growing Season Temperature (GST)?


This model uses the mean temperature of the whole growing season and, again, these temperatures are grouped into climatic bands ranging from cool to hot. It is very closely correlated to GDD and is easier to calculate.


Explain Koeppen’s classification?


Although more specific climate classifications are required in viticulture, in very broad terms the majority of the world’s wine regions are categorised under three headings: maritime, Mediterranean and continental. These categories are based very loosely on part of Köppen’s climate classification (which was first created in 1900), and consider both temperature and rainfall patterns. The categories apply to wine regions in temperate zones, not vineyards located in the tropics.


Explain a maritime climate?


Maritime climates experience low annual differences between summer and winter temperatures. Rainfall is also relatively evenly spread throughout the year. An example of a maritime region is Bordeaux.


Explain mediterranean climate?


Mediterranean climates also experience low annual differences between summer and winter temperatures. The annual rainfall tends to fall in the winter months, giving dry summers. Examples include Napa Valley and Coonawarra.


Explain continental climate?


Continental climates have more extreme differences between summer and winter temperatures. They often have short summers and cold winters with temperatures rapidly changing in the spring and autumn. Examples include Burgundy and Alsace.


What temperatures qualify for cool-, moderate-, warm- and hot climates?


Cool climates – regions with an average GST of 16.5°C (62°F) or below.

Moderate climates – regions with an average GST of 16.5–18.5°C (62–65°F).

Warm climates – regions with an average GST of 18.5–21°C (65–70°F).

Hot climates – regions with an average GST in excess of 21°C (70°F).


What is continentality?


Continentality is a measure of the difference between the annual mean temperatures of the hottest and coldest months. Large bodies of water, such as oceans, seas or large lakes, heat up and cool down more slowly than landmasses. Therefore, in winter they have a warming effect on the surrounding air and in summer they have a cooling effect. Regions that are far inland or are protected from ocean influences have high continentality and tend to be categorised as ‘continental’. Regions near the coast or that are nearby a large body of water have low continentality and tend to be categorised as either ‘maritime’ or ‘Mediterranean’.


What is the definition of weather?


A region’s weather is the annual variation that happens relative to the climatic average. Some regions experience greater variation in this pattern than others. For example, the amount and timing of rainfall in Bordeaux can vary quite considerably.

The weather in other regions, such as Central Valley in California, is far more predictable, with hot dry weather from one growing season to the next.

Weather can have a significant influence on the wines produced in that year and this is often termed vintage variation. The weather in a particular year can influence sugar and acid levels, and tannin and aroma/flavour ripeness. This may have a subsequent effect on how the wines are made in the winery.

Weather can also affect yields. Rainy years can bring more fungal disease, reducing yields; spring frosts can also lead to significant reductions in yield, especially if no frost protection is available. Having substantially less wine to sell in a particular year can often be extremely problematic for cash flow and customer relations.


Explain the effects of climate change on the wine world?


Climate change is admitted by the overwhelming majority of the scientific community. As an industry that is highly dependent on climate, wine production is likely to be strongly affected. The main measurable effect of climate change is a rise in temperatures. It also has the consequent effect of greater evapotranspiration and therefore likelihood of water stress. Other effects include changes in the geographical distribution of rainfall, greater weather variability and a greater frequency of extreme weather events.

The effect of rising temperatures on viticulture has already started to be witnessed. In warmer temperatures, the vine cycle is faster.

The effects on aroma compounds is complex, but it is likely that, as temperatures continue to rise, the grapes from certain vineyard regions may no longer exhibit the same aroma profiles as they do now.

Drier conditions resulting from greater evapotranspiration and altered rainfall patterns may benefit some regions that currently experience plentiful rainfall in the growing season. Here, a drier environment may reduce the likelihood of fungal disease and promote the conditions of mild water stress that is thought to be positive for grape ripening. However, in regions that already experience dry growing seasons, the vines may be regularly subjected to extreme water stress, causing photosynthesis to stop and the vines’ leaves to fall off.

The increased frequency of extreme and erratic weather events is problematic for all regions. These can take several forms including storms, hurricanes, floods, unseasonal frosts and heatwaves, all of which can substantially reduce yields or grape quality.