The Grey Flashcards
Open Road Films
How much did it make
81 million
Name of the main stars
Liam neeson
Frank grillo
Anything else the main stars has done
A walk amongst Tombstone
(Liam Neeson)
How much did it cost to make
25 Million
What is the unique selling point
The first man vs predators and nature
How have the fans responded
Huge debate about the ending
Did Liam Neeson die?
Something else really interesting about the film
Very controversial ending
Who won?
Who died?
What are the viewing figures
Unknown never released
Any awards
Best actor (Liam Neeson)
What is the format of the text
Action movie
What are the binary opposites
Predator and nature vs prey
Wolves and the wild vs humans
Is there a official website
Is there any moral panics
Aeroplane crash
Are the men dead ( what the women think) (distraught families)
What are the ideologies