The Greek Polis-Sparta Flashcards
What is this lecture about?
Mainly Sparta
What is a Polis?
A city
What is an Agora?
Technically speaking it was a market, but for the Greeks, it was where people talked, shared gossip, and encountered new people
Did the Spartans women well?
What was the building which held temples but Greeks would go to if ever attacked?
The Acropoleis
Who supposedly “gave Sparta a constitution?
A mythical lawgiver, Lycurgus
When did Lycurgus “give Sparta a constitution?
750 B.C
What defined an “equal”?
A male over 18 years old
What defined a “periokoi”?
People protected by the Sparten system but not Spartans
What defined a “helot”?
How many kings were there?
Two kings
What did you have to be to be a member of the “assembly?
An “equal
What did “the assembly” do?
They could propose things to the council
Who did “the council” consist of?
The kings, five “ephors”, and all “equals” over the age of sixty
What defined an “ephor”?
An “ephor makes sure that any decision passed by the council was in conformity with the laws of Sparta.
What defined a “kryptia”?
Sparten secret police
At what age were Sparten boys enrolled in military brotherhoods?
7 years old
When did the Romains conquer Greece?
In the second century B.C.