The Greatest Salesman in the World Test Questions Flashcards
What is scroll #1
today I begin a new life
What is scroll #2
I will greet this day with love in my heart
What is scroll #3
I will persist until I succeed
What is scroll #4
I am nature’s greatest miracle
What is scroll #5
I will love this day as if it is my last
What is scroll #6
today I will be master of my emotions
What is scroll #7
I will laugh at the world
What is scroll #8
today I will multiply my value a hundredfold
What is scroll #9
I will act now
What is scroll #10
I will pray
Who was the greatest salesman in the world?
Who was Hafid’s wife?
Who was Hafid’s best friend?
_____ like pain is alien to my life
I will commence my journey unencumbered by either the weight of
unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience
In truth, experience teaches thoroughly yet her course of instruction
has not the luxury of eternity
Failure is
a man’s inability to reach his goals in life whatever they may be
What is the key to all success?
good habits
I will form good habits and
become their slave
For any act with practice
becomes easy
I will make _______ my greatest weapon
With love I will tear down
the wall of suspicion and hate
Love is also my shield to repulse
the arrows of hate and the spears of anger
I am not a sheep
waiting to be prodded by my shepherd
I am a
And I will hear not those who weep and complain,
for their disease is contagious
The slaughterhouse of failure is
not my destiny
The prizes of life are at the end of each journey not near the beginning
and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal
I will remove such words from my vocabulary
- quit
- cannot
- unable
- impossible
I will not allow yesterdays success to
lull me into todays complacency
I am not this earth by chance
I am here for a purpose
I will think not of ______ when I am at work
I will think not of my ______ when I am at home
I will ______ and I not be deceived
look beyond the cloth
Should I concern myself over events that
I may never witness
I am indeed a fortunate man and
today’s hours are but a bonus, undeserved
I will avoid with fury
the killers of time
Procrastination I will destroy with
Doubt I will bury under
Fear I will dismember with
The duties of today
will be done today
Trees and plants depend on the weather to flourish but
I make my own weather and carry it with me
Weak is
he who permits his thoughts to control his actions
And strong is he
who lets his actions control his thoughts
If I feel depressed I will
If I feel sad I will
If I feel ill I will
double my labor
If I feel fear I will
plunge ahead
If I feel inferior I will
wear new garments
If I feel uncertain I will
raise my voice
I will _______ for man is comical when he takes himself too seriously
laugh at myself
What can take place before the sun sets?
which will not seem insignificant in the river of centuries
These four words will carry me through every adversity and maintain my life
this too shall pass
For all worldly things shall
indeed pass
Never will I labor to be happy; rather
I will remain too busy to be sad
And with ______ all things will be reduced to their proper size
I need not ______ for I have the power to choose my own destiny
First I will set
goals for the day, the week, the month, the year and my life
Let others build a cave with their clay
I will build a castle with mine
My words will announce my
Yet, never will I proclaim my accomplishments
instead let the world approach me with praise and I have the wisdom to accept it with humility
What is the the tinder that ignites the map
My procrastination which was held back was born of
To conquer fear I must
act now
It is better to act and fail then
never act
Tomorrow is the day
for the lazy
Henceforth I will
Never will I pray for
material things
My prayers will only be prayers for
Who came to get the scrolls?
Saul who became Paul