The Great War P48 Flashcards
What was the first new Allied Offense in 1917?
Battle of Arras
Robert G. Nivelle felt it was time to launch an offense to force what?
A Rupture
What did the Canadian corps capture at the Battle of Arras?
Vimy Ridge
Where was Roberts G. Nivelle’s first offense?
Chermin des Dames
How many tanks reached the line during the Chermin des Dames Offense?
ZERO Tanks
Who replaced Robert G. Nivelle as French Commander in Chief after the failed Chermin des Dames Offense?
Philippe Pétain
What did the French Army experience from April-June 1917?
How many French divisions refused to launch another offense in late 1917?
68 Divisions (40,000 Troops)
Why did the French troops mutiny in the Spring of 1917?
Tired of Failed Offenses