The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Group 1 Flashcards
Superficial; adjective
- superficially; adverb
- superficiality; noun
Existing or occurring at or on the surface, without depth
synonyms: exterior, apparent
antonyms: deep, depth
- His happiness was superficial, therefore no one knew his true feelings.
- Daisy’s love for Tom was only superficial, she only wanted to feel safe with his money.
Supercilious; adjective
- superciliously; adjective
- superciliousness; adjective
Arrogant, stuck up, haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression
synonyms: bossy, cocky, egotistic
antonyms: humble, modest
- Since he was popular he was ver supercilious
- Tome and Daisy were supercilious due to being rich
Languid; adjective
languor; noun
languidly; adverb
Definition: displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed
Synonyms: unenergetic, torpid, idle
Antonyms: energetic, active,
1) After running 6 miles, the runner’s physical mannerisms were languid.
2) Gatsby always portrayed a languid appearance.
Turbulent; adjective
turbulence; noun
Definition: characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm
Synonyms: tempestuous, unstable, unsettled
Antonyms: peaceful, tranquil
1) Nowadays, many people have turbulent minds.
2) Gatsby’s turbulence caused him to act out of hand when with Daisy and Tom.
Transitory; adjective
transitional; noun
Definition: Not lasting; temporary; brief, fleeting
Synonyms: temporary, fleeting, swift
Antonyms: permanent, perpetual, lasting
1) Our transitory emotions are still worth acknowledging.
2) Gatsby’s appearance in Nick’s life was transitory but his impact was lasting.
Perpetual; adj
perpetuity; noun
Definition: Lasting or destined to last for ever, eternal; never ending or ceasing. Also: for the duration of a person’s lifetime; (of a position, office, etc.) held or occupied until death, appointed for life; permanent.
Synonyms: permanent
Antonyms: Transitory, temporary, fleeting, brief
1) No one seems to realize that their behavior and actions leave perpetual damage to the Earth.
2) Gatsby’s impact on Nick was perpetual and enough for him to write a novel of his life when Gatsby was in it.
Romantic; Adjective
Romance; Noun
Romantically; Adverb
conducive to or characterized by the expression of love.
Synonyms: Amorous, Intimate, Passionate
Antonyms: Unloving, Practical
A trip to the Eiffel Tower in France is considered to be one of the most romantic places on earth.
The reunion of Daisy and Gatsby resulted in them falling in love with each other again, producing many romantic scenes in the book.