The Great Gatsby Vocab Flashcards
supercilious (adj)
displaying arrogant pride,scorn, or indifference
feign (verb)
to put on an experience of; make believe
incredulous ( adj)
Wan (adj)
unnatural or sickley; -poor health
anon (adv)
In a short time
example- VINE .06 seconds
provincial (adj)
belonging to a particular division
Sym: Local
corpulent (adj)
Large or bulky
antonym for corpulent
vacuous (adj)
without content: empty - mindless
erroneous (adj)
containing error; incorrect
permeate ( verb)
to pass into or through every part
deft (adj)
skillful and clever
antonym of Deft
showing /having very little strength
Antonym for languid
apathetic (adj)
having little to no emotion;hearttless
interpose (verb)
to place someone or something b/w two or more things
contiguous ( adj)
describe things that touch each other
Knickerbocker (noun)
a descendant of dutch settlers of NY
Rajah (noun)
king/prince of india
an inhabitant ; resident
Verb- To sleep Walk
Jaunty (adj)
Easy and sprightly in manner of bearing
Self confident cheerful
nebulous (adj)
hazy,vague, indistinct,or confused,
obstinate( adj)
not yielding to argument,persuasion, or opinion
serf (noun)
a person in a condition of servitude ; slave
antonym of obstinate
supress( verb)
to put an end to activities( person , or body of persons)
rout (noun)
a large formal evening party
Bitter, Animosity
Vicarious ( adj)
serving as a substitute
Irreverent (adj)
Manifesting of characterized by irreligious
portentous (adj)
Tumult (noun)
violent and noisy commotion or disturbance
Dilatory (adj)
tending to delay /differ in decision
Antonym of Dilatory
fast thinking
Debauch (Noun)
a period of self indulgence
Repose (noun)
peace; the state of being at rest
insidious (adj)
Trustworthy would be the antonym for this word
Laudable (adj)
deserving praise or worship
humidor (noun)
storage or container for cigars- to keep tobacco
settee (noun)
a seat for 2 or more people with back and or arms
Divot- (noun)
a piece of dug out of a grass surface
excessively talkative in a rambling
Burdened or Loaded Down
abusive satire– Irony sarcasm
a persons manner of speaking/reading aloud in public
elocution (noun)
surmise (verb))
to think or infer without strong evidence
to throw into disorder-malfunctio,disturb
derange (verb)
surperflous( adj)
being more than sufficient or required-extra