The Great Gatsby - Theme Quotes Flashcards
How Does The Chapter 1 Quote Describing what ‘preyed ‘ on Gatsby ‘what foul dust floated’ in the ‘wake of his dreams’ imply about the American Dream?
Gatsby - The American Dream
- ‘Foul dust’ = dust created by high-class material possessions e.g. automobiles
- G achieved the American Dream, obtaining these materials - but this ‘dust’ is blocking him from his real dream (being with Daisy)
-The American dream corrupts people’s real ambitions
What does the green light represent?
Gatsby - The American Dream
- ‘green light’ is symbolic of G’s dreams - to be with Daisy
- This light is inaccessible , separated by ‘dark water’
-Showcases the illusion of the American dream being achievable by anyone (Chapter 1)
What quotes about Jordan indicate that she may need male attributes to be successful in 1920’s America?
Gatsby - Gender roles
- Nick describes her as being a ‘young cadet’ and having a ‘hard’ body with ‘slender muscles’
- Jordan is the only independent, self-sufficient female character, suggesting females still need male attributes to be successful
What is the ‘best a girl can be’ according to Daisy?
Gatsby - Gender roles
‘a beautiful little fool’ (Chapter 1)
What does Daisy’s philosophy about being a ‘beautiful little fool’ suggest about 1920’s America? How does her always wearing ‘white’ corroborate this?
Gatsby - gender roles
‘beautiful little fool’ (chapter 1) implies that a woman’s value is from their appearance, not their intellect - they are trophies for men in society, a reward for their hard work
Daisy always wearing ‘white’ corroborates this as she wears it to appear pure
Nick subtly acknowledging gender roles in chapter 1 by saying he went to go eat dinner with the ___
Gatsby - gender roles
‘Tom Buchanans’
How does Eckleburg’s advertisement looming above the ‘valley of ashes’ where ‘ashes grow like wheat’ showcase the result of American’s lust for wealth?
Gatsby - Wealth and status
-Pairing ‘ashes’ (connotes death) with ‘wheat’ (a plentiful and valuable necessity) emphasises that these ‘ash-grey men’ are necessary to satiate the lust for wealth - their suffering is necessary and the result of the American’s never ending hunger for wealth and status
In Chapter 7, what does Gatsby say Daisy’s voice is full of?
Gatsby - Wealth and status
‘her voice is full of money’
Quotes which showcase the role of material possessions in Tom and Daisy’s marriage, how this is corrupting love (Chapter 4)
Gatsby - Wealth and status
- ‘Give ‘em back’ = rejection of Tom’s marriage
- ‘pearls around her neck’ is the main focus, showcasing the importance of material possessions in love
Quotes Contrasting Gatsby’s ‘new money’ with Tom’s ‘old money’ (Chapter 1)
Gatsby - wealth and status
- Tom’s house: a ‘cheerful Georgian - Colonial mansion’ which is ‘broken by a line of French windows’
- Gatsby’s house: ‘marble swimming pool’
Quotes which showcase that the materialistic and impersonal nature of the 1920s are a cause of isolation?
(2 Quotes from G’s party in chapter 3 and one from Chapter 9)
Gatsby - isolation
G’s Party CH3: ‘Introductions forgotten on the spot’
‘Enthusiastic meetings between men and women who never knew eachother’s names ‘
Tom and Daisy: ‘smashed up things and retreated into their vast carelessness’ (Nick reflecting on them at the end of Chapter 9)
Chapter 3 quote following people leaving Gatsby’s party, showcasing Gatsby needs to be ostentatious to be happy
Gatsby - isolation
‘a sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the windows’
2 Quotes which showcase Gatsby puts on an illusion of popularity through his parties, yet is ultimately alone (due to the insignificance of his relationsips)
Gatsby - Isolation
At his party in chapter 3 he can be seen ‘standing alone on the marble steps’
Nobody comes to his funeral in chapter 9 ‘it wasn’t any use. Nobody came.’
2 Spontaneous expressions from Daisy in chapter 1 of the great Gatsby which showcases her constant need to shift her attention, seeking stimulation
Gatsby - restlessness
‘Look…I hurt it’
‘What do people plan?’
Quote at the beginning of Gatsby’s party in chapter 3 which emphasises the restlessness of people at the time, their constantly changing experiences making most things lack meaning to them
Gatsby - Restlessness
‘people came and went like moths’
Quotes contrasting Gatsby’s schedule with Benjamin Franklin’s, which the schedule at the end of chapter 9 is based off of
Gatsby - The American Dream
Benjamin Franklin’s Question on his schedule: ‘What good shall I do this day?’ vs no question in Gatsby’s schedule
Gatsby ‘save $5 [crossed out] $3 per week’ vs Franklin ‘faults…satisfaction seeing them diminish’
What Does Owl Eyes Call Gatsby in Chapter 3?
Gatsby - Superficiality
‘regular Bilasco’ - Theatre producer known for his set design
What does Tom call his affairs in chapter 7?
Gatsby - Corruption and Immorality
‘Once in a while I go on a spree and make a fool of myself’
Quotes which show how the media take advantage of Gatsby’s death in chapter 9?
Gatsby - Corruption and immorality
News stories: Wilson = ‘madman’, reports described as ‘grotesque, circumstantial, eager and untrue’
Quote about Gatsby paying a price for something in chapter 8
Gatsby - Gatsby’s Dream/American dream
‘paid a high price for living too long with a single dream’
Quotes at the end of chapter 8 showing that Gatsby is sickened by reality as it can never live up to his fantasies?
Gatsby - Gatsby’s Dream/American Dream
‘unfamiliar sky’, ‘grotesque thing a rose is’, ‘raw..sunlight’, ‘scarcely created grass’, the real world is described as a ‘new world’
What does Nick say Gatsby would want Daisy to do about her and Tom’s marriage so that he can relive the past? (Chapter 7)
Gatsby - Gatsby’s dream/American dream
Wanted ‘nothing less’ of Daisy than to have ‘obliterated’ her marriage to go back to ‘just as it was’
2 ways in which Gatsby sees crime?
Gatsby - Corruption and immorality
- Gatsby sees crime as a ‘opportunity’
- Aspires to commit crime as Wolfshiem does, sees it as an aspiration ‘Fixed the World series…he added cooly’ (sees it as something to brag about, aspiration)