The Great Gatsby symbols and motifs Flashcards
The green light
Represents Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the future
He associates it with Daisy
Generalised American dream also represented, Daisy is Gatsby’s dream
The Valley of Ashes
Represents moral and social decay that results from the pursuit of wealth
The rich indulge themselves with regard for nothing but their own pleasure
Symbolises the plight of the poor such as George Wilson who lose vitality as a result of the upper class
The Eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg
Painted on a billboard over Valley of Ashes
May represent God staring down and judging American society as a moral wasteland
But lack of concrete significance contributes to meaningless of society, creating an unsettling tone
Geography/ location
East Egg represents old aristocracy
West Egg represents new rich
Valley of Ashes represents moral and social decay
New York City represents the immoral quest for money and pleasure
Gatsby and Daisy’s reunion starts out raining; as they regain passion for each other the sun comes out
Gatsby’s confrontation with Tom occurs on the hottest day of the year, representing anger and tension
Gold symbolises true wealth and priveledge eg Daisy, Jordan, Tom
Gatsby is associated with yellow (fake gold), because he is new rich he will never truly belong to aristocracy
Green symbolises greed and envy, but also life and vitality