The Great Depression Flashcards
bought stocks and bonds on the chance of a quick profit,
the process by which a mortgage holder takes back property if an occupant has not made payments.
Unemployment Rate
the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the labor force
Direct Relief
cash payments or food provided by the government to the poor.
a direct slap at the president’s policies.
Bank Runs
A bank run or run on the bank occurs when many clients withdraw their money from a bank
Dust Bowl
One windstorm in 1934 picked up millions of tons of dust from the plains and carried it to East Coast cities. The region that was the hardest hit, including parts of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado,
Bonus army
demanding immediate bonus payment for wartime services to alleviate the economic hardship of the Great Depression.
Rugged Individualism
the idea that people should succeed through their own efforts
Buying on The Margin
Buying on margin means purchasing shares with mostly borrowed money, and because people were overconfident about the market, people felt comfortable taking on loans and banks felt comfortable issuing loans.
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
raised import duties to protect American businesses and farmers, adding considerable strain to the international economic climate of the Great Depression.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
was a new government-sponsored financial institution whose purpose was to lend directly to banks and other financial institutions including those without access to Federal Reserve credit facilities