The gods Flashcards
Mycenaean Greece
- Bronze Age (3000 to 1200 BC)
- Linear B
Archaic Greece
- (750 to 480 BC)
- Greek Alphabet
Tyrant ( not necessarily a bad person
- took power by force
Phillip of Macedon ( king; 359-336 BC)
Alexander the Great ( 336 - 323 BC)
Hellenistic Period
- 323 to 3 BC
Son of Philip
Pella ( ancient city)
- saw themselves as Greek but the Greek did not
Foundation (753 BC)
Republic (510 to 27 BC)
Empire (27 BC to ?)
Sack ( ransacked)
Rome was sacked 3 times
- 410 BC
- 445 BC
- 476 BC
Birth of the gods
- (Hesiod - 8th BC poet)
Muses ( Heliconian)
daughters of Zeus
- danced for Cronion
Father of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades
- Castrated by Zeus after influenced by his mother
Where were the gods born?
Akragas, Sicily
- the temple of Zeus
5th BC
Zeus (sky god)
king of the gods and men
-7 wives
- children ( Persephone, muses, Apollo, Artemis, Herbs, Ares, and Hephaestus
- cloud gather or loud thunderer
describes a god
Who made Zeus’s lightning bolt
What are the limits on Zeus’s power?
fate, not omnipotent or omnipresent
Leda and the Swan
Queen of Sparta
- Zeus sleep with her the same night as her husband (King Tyndareus of Sparta)
- two eggs with two sets of kids
What animal did Zeus turn into for Leda’s story?
Leda’s kids and by who?
Castor and Pollux - Zeus
Helen and Clytemnestra - Tyndareus
Europa and the Bull
Daughter of Agenor
- from Tyre, Phoenicia
- went to Crete
What animal did Zeus turn into for Europa’s story?
Hera ( Zeus’s wife)
white-armed ( cow-eyed)
- the goddess of marriage and childbirth
Children: Ares, Eileithyia, Hebe, and sometimes Hephaestus
- crown, staff, peacock
What animal did Zeus turn into for Hera’s story?
Cuckoo bird
- Zeus summons a storm
Hieros gamos
Io ( nymph)
- turned into a cow by Zeus after he slept with her
- Hera took her to and had Argos watch her
- gadfly ( Hera sent a big fly to bite io, until Zeus turned her back; she wondered in Egypt)
Poseidon ( earthshaker)
the god of the sea, horses, and earthquakes
- competition for Athens with Athena; she won ( olive tree verse salt spring)
Amphitrite (Poseidon’s wife)
did not want to marry Poseidon
- went to see Atlas
- Poseidon sent a dolphin to convince her
- ocean nymph
Hades ( the god of underworld)
- Pluto ( wealth )
unseen one - scepter and Cerberus
- hades wife
daughter of Demeter
kidnapped by Hades when she was with the nymph
Apollo ( the god of prophecy)
- youthful
far-darter, Pythian, Phoebus
- not in linear B
lyre, bow, arrow and laurel crown
Leto ( lover of Zeus)
Apollo’s mother
- could not give birth for 9 day because of Hera
- Delos ( place of birth( Apollo)- slave market)
Prophecy (Delphi)
- where Apollo’s oracle is
Marsyas (competition- lyre vs. flute)
skinned him
judges - Midas, muses and other
Daphne (river nymph)
runs from Apollo
- prays to Gaia
- turns into laurel tree
Hephaestus ( lame god)
Blacksmiths ( craftsmen, smiths, and fire)
- disabled from Hera or Zeus
- Lemnos - volcano)
married to Aphrodite - she did not want to
Ares ( warlike)
the god of war
- slayer of men
- helmet, spear
sleeping with Aphrodite but Hephaestus caught them under a net in bed - to show the gods ( position told him to let them go)
Ares + Aphrodite children
Deimos ( fear)
Phobos ( panic)
Harmonia ( harmony)
Eros ( love)
Aphrodite ( love + beauty)
- Cyprus
daughter of Uranus
dove, shell, apple, mirror
who is the son of Pygmalion ( king of Cyprus + Galatea)
Cinyras ( had Adonis)
- Myrrha ( his daughter) fell in love with hi, because of Aphrodite, and they had sex and he tried to kill her, she turned into a tree)
raised by Persephone
Aphrodite meet him and fell in love but he is killed by a boar ( Ares)
son of Hermes and Aphrodite
- Salmacis ( nymph)
Hermes ( messenger of the gods)
- son of zeus and maia
travels, shepherds, thieves, and merchants
- travel hat, winged boots, caduceus, and a cloak
brings souls to the underworld
Priapus (eastern god)
child of Aphrodite and dionysus or Herems
- fertility god
has a giant penis as a curse for Zeus
Athena( goddess of crafts and arts)
owl( Gray eyed, Pallas, polias)
- shield, helmet, spear, and aegis
west pediment ( compention)
east pediment ( Athena birth)
Who is Athena’s parents?
Zeus and Metis
- Zeus ate Metis and gave birth from his head
- Athena could not rule the heavens
competition with Athena ( tapestry weaving )
- in Asia Minor
turned into a spider
Artemis ( goddess of the hunter and beast)
bow, quiver and crescent moon
- often seen with two deer
Orion ( son of Posedion, Oenopion- king of Chios)
Dionysus (easterner)
Thyrsus, Ivy crown, drinking cup,
and leopard kin
fertility detiy
who were Dionysus parents?
Semele and Zeus
Who were Dionysus followers?
Bacchus and bacchantes
(Maenads - another name for females) and satyrs
who is Dionysus wife?
king of Thrace ( not Greece)
- scared Dionysus and his followers and is blinded by Zeus
- cut down his son as he thought he was a grapevine
Follower or nymph
- transformed into the grapevine and chocked ( Lycurgus)
Made from the castration of Uranus
- made Dionysus go made
agave, auotone and Ino ( sister of Semele)
- punished because they did not believe in semele
Cadmus and Teiresias
Dionysus uncles
- old and prophet
King of Pentheus of Thebes
son of agave
- does not believe in Dionysus
- watch women of Pentheus - disguised as women but found out and ripped apart - his family was exiled