The Glorious Revolution Flashcards
When did Charles II return from exile?
May 25th 1660 (after a decade of Republican Rule in the British Isles)
What was Charles II promise?
A return to normality.
Essentially ignoring the religious strife, civil war and the Cromwellian occupation of previous decades
Where did Charles II get exiled to?
France and the Spanish Netherlands.
What was William III of Orange classed as?
He was considered a ‘Child of State’ and educated by John de Witt who was the political leader of the Dutch Republic.
Who did William of Orange marry?
Mary, daughter of James who was the Duke of York in 1677
What did De Witt and his supporters oppose to the Prince of Oranges’ rule?
The hereditary rule, believed that there was an era of ‘True Freedom’
How did the Prince of Orange gain power?
He gained power as Stadtholder in 1672 following the successful French invasion of the Dutch Republic where Charles II allied with Louis XIV
What did William of Orange spend his life doing?
Battling the French expansion on the European continent
What was the consequence of Catholic army officers?
It caused a breach with English Parliament. Similar things happened in Scotland and Ireland with commanding officers
What happened for the Scottish Catholics and Quakers in February 1686?
Freedom of worship was granted
What religious change happened in the 1680’s in Scotland?
Catholic converts replace Protestant officers in several posts. Catholic printing press and Jesuit college established at Hollyrood Palace in Edinburgh.
Where did the King want the ‘Declaration of Indulgence’ to be read and what was the repercussions against the six bishops who petitioned against it?
He wanted to have the declaration read in all Anglican churches however, on 18th May 1688, six bishops petitioned the King asking him to not insist on this measure. King James decided to prosecute them for seditious libel and imprisoned them in the Tower of London where they were tried in the June and acquitted.
Who was born on the 10th June 1688?
The Kings son, James Francis Edward – the Catholic male heir
What was considered a catalyst to the Glorious Revolution?
The birth of King James son, James
What were the British Protestants having to face?
The prospect of a Catholic dynasty. James Francis Edward would succeed to the throne well before his elder half-sisters would
Who invited William of Orange to invade England?
Seven English noblemen – 2 Tories and 5 Whigs
How large was the Prince of Orange army and where did they land?
The army consisted of 20,000 men and they landed in Torbay in Devonshire on 5th November 1688
How many copies of the Declaration of the Prince of Orange was written?
60,000 – written by Caspar Fagel who was the Grand Pensionary of Holland which was translated by Gilbert Burnett
Why did William of Orange create a slow march to London?
To give James II the opportunity to flee
What was the purpose of the Prince of Orange’s invasion?
Not to become King himself but to secure the Protestant faith from Catholicism and an arbitrary government and return the independence back to Parliament
When did Mary and William accept the English throne?
13th February, they were then offered the Scottish throne in April 1689
What did William proceed to do still once accepting the throne?
He continued to fight wars on the European continent against Louis XIV of France which was funded by both the States of Holland and English Parliament