The Glass Castle 3 Vocab Flashcards
Nonchalant (Adjective)
Having a confident and easy manner;Having an air of easy unconcern or indifference
Irate (Adjective)
Arising from anger:ANGRY
Mortality (Noun)
The quality or state of being mortal
Ravage (Verb)
To attack or act upon with great violence
Diversify (Verb)
To increase the variety of products
Charismatic (Adjective)
Possessing special traits that attract, inspire, or fascinate other people
Sporadically (Adverb)
Having the quality of not being regular or constant
Gaunt (Adjective)
Being thin and bony (As from hunger or suffering)
Confer (Verb)
To compare views especially in studying a problem
Heirloom (Noun)
A piece of personal property handed down from generation to generation
Abruptly (Adverb)
Behaving or happening in a sudden and unexpected way
Dilapidated (Adjective)
Decayed, deteriorated or fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse
Ultimatum (Noun)
A demand that if rejected will bring about an end of peaceful talks and could lead to forceful action
Feasible (Adjective)
Possible to do or carry out
Tirade (Noun)
A long violent angry speech
Ostentatiously (Adjective)
Attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness: Overly elaborate or conspicuous
Enraptured (Verb)
To be filled with delight
Ominous (Adjective)
Being or showing a sign or evil or misfortune to come