The Giver Final Test Flashcards
What punishment does a person in the community receive for a major transgression
They are punished by being released from the community
What did the family do after their evening meal
They share their feelings
What is a “family unit” in the community
A “family unit” consists of a father, a mother, a son, and a daughter
What is unusual about the number of children of anyone age in Jonas’s community
There is always 50 and each age group
What is the committee of elders
They watch over the people to make sure they are doing the right things and follow the rules
What is unusual about baby Gabe’s eyes
He has a light eyes
Describe what happened with Jonas and the Apple
When the Apple was in the air, Jonas saw that it was changing
Describe a release for the old
1) Tell about life
2) Toast
3) Chant The anthem
4) Goodbye speeches
5) Leaves to the door
Explain the morning ritual the family participates in
The family has to talk about their dreams which is called the dream ritual
Why does the speaker make announcements advising children’s report stirrings
The children need to take pills to stop the stirrings
Why was Jonas concerned about the stirrings
He was afraid he would miss the ceremony because of the treatment
What is the actual treatment for stirrings
The children need to take pills
What is a replacement? child describe the ceremony for this child
A replacement child is a child that takes a child’s name that was killed. The chant the child’s name many times and then after that they never speak of him / her again.
What happened to the first Caleb
He fell into a river and drown
They’re given to a family and given a name
Dream telling begins
Front buttoned jacket
Comfort object is taken away, they start their volunteer hours, jacket with smaller buttons and pockets
They get a bicycle, hair ribbons removed
First haircut
Girls; undergarments
boys; pocket for calculator
get a job / career, stop celebrating birthdays
What assignment does Fiona receive
Fiona received the assignment of caretaker of the old
What assignment did Asher receive
Asher received the assignment of assistant director of recreation
What happened when the Chief elder came to Jonas’s number
She skipped Jonas
What assignment has Jonas received
Jonas received the assignment of the next receiver of memory
What happened to 10 years ago
They failed the last selection for receiver of memory
What are the qualities the receiver in training must possess
1) Intelligence
2) integrity
3) courage
4) wisdom
5) capacity to see beyond
What single rule most disturbs Jonas
He may lie. This disturbs Jonas because he has never done that before and he wonders if other people are allowed to lie as well
Where does Jonas go to begin his training
Jonas went to the anex
Why was the door locked
To ensure that the receiver has enough privacy to concentrate
Why was Jonas surprised by the locked door
No doors had ever been locked in the community
Describe the old receivers living area
- The room was spacious
- it was comfortably furnished
- fabrics on the upholstered chairs and sofa were slightly •thicker and more luxurious
- the bed was draped with a cloth
What was unusual about the books in the old receivers living area
The books were covering the walls from top to bottom and they had shiny letters for their titles
What books are available in every household in the community
A dictionary and the thick community volume
What is different from the annex versus the normal drawing
- The speaker can be turned on and off
- The door is always locked
- The design of the Annex is very different
- The furniture is more luxurious
- there are books covering the walls top to bottom
What is the first memory that the old receiver transmitted to Jonas
The old receiver transmit the memory of snow
Why does the community use climate control
To get rid of the snow so they can grow more food
Why does the community use sameness
So that you can’t spot out differences
What changes when Jonas discovers the capacity to see beyond
The Apple, Fiona’s hair, the faces in the crowd
What color does Jonas see at first
Jonas sees the color red
What memory does Jonas receive to help them understand color
The memory of a rainbow
Describe the memory of the elephant
men tore off the tusks of an elephant, after that an elephant came over, tore a Branch with leaves off a tree, and covered the elephant corpse. it finally let out a roar
What is the concern for the birth mother expecting twins
They’re going to release one of them and Jonas’s father has to decide
What happened during the war memory
There was a boy who wanted water so Jonas found water in a flask which he done gave to the boy. Jonas’s arm was torn with blood and splinters of bone.
What is the giver’s favorite memory
The memory of Christmas
Why does Father bring home a discipline one
He is to use it if Gabriel misbehaved
Who was Rosemary
Rosemary was the giver’s daughter and is also the receiver in training that failed. She cannot handle the bad memories anymore so she applied for release. She had asked to inject herself. after that the memories that she had received were let out into the community
Describe the release of the twin child
1) Weigh
2) clear liquid injected
3) put in box
4) down the chute
Describe the original plan
1) The giver would transfer every memory of courage and strength to jonas
2) jonas would secretly leave his dwelling
3) he will then start his journey elsewhere
Why does Jonas take his father’s bike rather than his own
The bike had a child seat attached to the back
What community rules did Jonas break
Jonas is out of his dwelling at night Robed the community for food and stole his father’s bicycle
Why is Jonas forced to escape rather than wait the two weeks as planned
Game is going to be released
What new things did Jonas see
Jonah sell lots of animals and nature