The generation of lymphocyte antigen receptors Flashcards
The mechanism of generating antigen receptors
- Individual lymphocytes bear numerous copies of a single antigen receptor with a unique-binding site.
These cells collectively enable a response to a great variety of antigens. - Initial evidence of the immense size of the antibody repertoire:
Use of synthetic molecules to stimulate antibody production;
Antibodies can discriminate between small synthetic molecules differing in as little in the position of an amino or hydroxyl group on a phenyl ring.
Paradigm-shifting experiment
Hozumi and Tonegawa
The human antibody repertoire is at least 10^11.
There are ~ 20 000 - 25 000 protein-coding genes.
During the experiment they tried to answer the following questions:
- Does the DNA encoding Ig light chain C and V regions exist in separate segments in non-antibody producing cells?
- Can a piece of DNA change its place on a chromosome in a somatic cell?
The experiment that answered these questions is described below:
They harvested cells from non-producing and producing antibodies tissues in the the same animal. Then they extracted the DNA of those cells, cut them with a restriction enzyme and blotted using radioactive sequences complementary to the antibody’s constant and variable regions. They saw differences in the band patterns of the two types of cells, meaning that the DNA reconfigured in the cells that produce antibodies.
- Explanation:
Segments of the genomic DNA within the immunoglobulin genes are rearranged in cells of the B-lymphocyte lineage, but not in other cells.
Primary immunoglobulin gene rearrangement
V regions of the receptors are encoded in gene segments.
Gene segments are assembled in the developing lymphocyte by somatic DNA recombination to form a complete V-region sequence, a mechanism known as gene rearrangement.
A fully assembled V-region sequence is made up of two or three types of gene segment, each of which is present in multiples copies in the germline genome.
The selection of a gene segment of each type during gene rearrangement occurs at random.
The gene rearrangement segments
There are the variable regions that are encoded in segments. One type of segment is called the V segment, the other one is called a J segment. These two segments are only for the light chain. The heavy chain will have an extra segment - the D segment.
- The V segment is the variable segment - the bulk of the domain (from 97 AA);
- The J-segment is the joining segment (about 12 AA)
- The D-segment is the diversity segment (about 4 AA)
The variable region is made of these segments, but they need to be assembled together.
The assembly can happens in the following way:
- The segments need to stick together into a functional exon. By the somatic recombination, the V and J segments will go together in the light chain;
- In the heavy chain we will need an extra step of somatic recombination, because we have three segments there. First DJ go together, and then the V segment is also attached.
- The functional exon is then used for transcription of the proteins.
There are multiple copies of all gene segments in germline DNA.
Multiple contiguous V gene segments are present at each immunoglobulin locus.
It is the random selection of just one gene segment of each type that makes possible the great diversity of V regions among Igs.
- There are multiple variable segments for the light chain, either kappa or lambda, and for the heavy chain - there is only one type.
- The diversity segment is only in the heavy chain.
- The joining segments are found in all of them;
- For the constant region for kappa only one, for lambda 4-5, and for H we have 9.
This diversity is only for the functional part. - The immunoglobulin gene segments that encode these chains
are organised into three clusters or genetic loci. Each locus is on a different chromosome.
The human V gene segments can be grouped into families in which each member shares at least 80% DNA sequence identity with all others in the family.
Combinatorial diversity
All the segments can combine for the different parts of the light and heavy chains. According to their abundance, the combinations can be calculated:
- Kappa:
38 (V)5 (J)=190
- Lambda:
33(V)5 (J)=165
- Heavy:
They come from a different part of the chromosome, they rearrange separately, so when the functional part comes together, there can be as many combinations as above.
Now the Heavy chain can be multiplied by the Light chain, and that would give 2 million combinations.
So the combinatorial diversity would give us a lot of space to live up to the antibody repertoire of 10^11.
Diversity considerations
Not all the gene segments discovered are functional.
A proportion have accumulated mutations that prevented from encoding a functional protein.
Because there are many V, D, and J gene segments in germline DNA, no single one is essential. This reduces the evolutionary pressure on each gene segment to remain intact, resulting in pseudogenes.
Pseudogenes undergo rearrangement just like normal gene segments, a significant proportion of rearrangements incorporate a pseudogene rendering a nonfunctional product.
V gene segments usage
They are used at different frequencies. Some are common in antibodies, while others are found only rarely.
Heavy chain – light chain pairs
Not every heavy chain can pair with every light chain. Certain combinations of VH and VL regions are not stable.
CDR1 and CDR2 are encoded in the V gene segment itself.
CDR3 is encoded by the additional DNA sequence that is created by the joining of the V and J segments for the light chain, and the V, D, and J gene segments for the heavy chain.
Additional diversity can result from the generation of CDR3 that can be the result of joining one D segment to another D segment.
D-D joining is found is ~ 5% of antibodies and is the major mechanism accounting for unusually long CDR3 loops.
12/23 rule
Rearrangement of V, D, and J gene segments is guided by flanking DNA sequences called recombination signal sequences.
There is a heptamer close to the segment, a spacer(12 or 23bp) in the middle and nonamer at the end on the segment. The spacer will dictate which segments recombine together.
12/23 rule:
Recombination occurs between gene segments located on the same chromosome.
A gene segment flanked by an RSS with a 12-bp spacer typically can be joined only to one flanked by a 23-bp spacer RSS.
12 bp correspond to one DNA double helix turn.
23 bp correspond to two turns.
Bringing the heptamer and nonamer sequences to the same side of the DNA helix to allow interactions with proteins catalyzing recombination.
- Heptamers and nonamers align back-to-back;
- The shape generated by the RSS’sacts as a target for recombinases;
- An appropriate shape can not be formed if two 23-mer flanker elements attempted to join.
Combinational diversity
The rearrangements happen like this:
- lambda: V (23bp) joins J(12bp);
- kappa: V(12bp) joins J(23bp);
- H chain: V(23bp) joins D(12bp) joins J(23bp).
The extra DNA can be removed from the sequence by looping out and deletion. Rearrangement by inversion
Intervening DNA. This mode of recombination accounts for half of all Vκ to Jκ joints.
For both mechanisms we start with a linear configuration. The way the DNA is configured n a loop, while for other it is in a coil.
Enzymatic recombination. Combinational diversity.
- V(D)J recombination is a multistep enzymatic process
- Involves V(D)J recombinase
- RAG-1 and RAG-2 are the lymphoid-specific components of the recombinase along with the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT).
- RAG-1 and RAG-2 are expressed in developing lymphocytes only when they are engaged in assembling their antigen receptors.
The way it practically works in steps is:
1)RAG1/2 binds RSS - synapsis of RAG complexes.
(RAG1/2 and HMG proteins bind to the RSS and catalyze synapse formation between a V and J gene segment);
2) Cleavage of RSS to coding joints and signal joints.
(RAG1/2 performs a single straded nick at the exact 5’ border of the heptameric RSSs bordering both the V and the J segments);
3) The coding Joints are kept together by the Ku70:Ku80 by joining the DNA ends.
(The hydroxyl group attacks the phosphate group on the non-coding strand of the V segment to yield a covalently-sealed hairpin coding end and a blunt signal end);
4) DNA-PK:Artemis opens a hairpin
*Artemis makes a single-strand nick, this nicking can happen at various points along the hairpin, which leads to sequence variability in the final joint.
(Opening of the hairpin can result in a 5’ overhang, a 3’ overhang, or a blunt end)
5) TdT processes the DNA ends
*DNA repair enzymes modify the opened hairpins by removing nucleotides, at the same time TdT adds nucleotides randomly to the single-strand ends.
Addition and deletion of nucleotides can occur in any order.
(Cleavage of the hairpin generates sites for P nucleotide addition)
6) DNA ligase ligates the DNA ends
( Ligation of light chain V and J regions)
*They make up palindromic sequences added to the ends of the gene segments
7) In heavy chain VD and DJ joints only: Exonuclease cleavage results in loss of coding nucleotides at joint - can occur on either or both sides of joint
8) Non-templated nucleotides are added to the coding joint by TDT. Up to 20nu.
9) Ligation of the heavy chain by DNA ligase IV and NHEJ proteins
10) Imprecise coding joints.
Side) The signal Joints are also held together by the Ku70:Ku80, which ends up in the circular DNA.
Other proteins of the recombinase complex are mainly ubiquitous DNA-modifying proteins involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks and the modification of the ends of broken DNA strands.
Enzyme functions:
- RAG-1/2 and HMG:
Recognize and align two RSS
- Ku70:Ku80:
Ring around DNA
- DNA-PKcs:
Phosphorylates Artemis
Nuclease activity
-Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT):
Adds nucleotides randomly to the single-strand ends
-DNA ligase IV:
Joins DNA
-XRCC4 (turquoise):
DNA repair protein
-DNA pol μ and λ:
DNA-end fill-in synthesis
-DNA pol μ:
Independent addition of nucleotides
Junctional Diversity
It is estimated that at least 10^11 different receptors could make up the repertoire of receptors expressed by naive cells, and diversity could be several orders of magnitude greater, depending on how one calculates junctional diversity.
The total number of antibody specificities available to an individual is known as the antibody repertoire or immunoglobulin repertoire.
Nonproductive rearrangements
As the total number of nucleotides added by TdT or deleted by exonuclease activity is random, the added nucleotides often disrupt the reading frame of the coding sequence beyond the joint. Therefore nonfunctional proteins are produced.
2/3 rearrangements are nonproductive, many B-cell progenitors never succeed in producing functional immunoglobulin and never become mature B cells.
Junctional diversity is achieved only at the expense of considerable cell wastage.
T-cell receptor gene rearrangement
The T-cell receptor gene segments are arranged in a similar pattern to immunoglobulin gene segments and are rearranged by the same enzymes
- For alpha, there will be V and J segments;
- For beta, there will be V, D, and J segments.
Here all the segments are clustered together, and there will be a region for the constant part (in alpha);
In beta there will be two constant portions.
There are more alpha than beta segments.
They have ore J segments and therefore there will be more diversity.
T-cell receptor rearrangement takes place in thymus, while in the B-cell it happens in the bone marrow.
Gene recombination deficiencies
All known defects in genes that control V(D)J recombination affect T cells and B cells equally, affected individuals with these genetic defects lack functional lymphocytes.
- Severe combined immune deficiency (SCID):
Lymphocyte specific defects
KOs(knock-outs): RAGs DNA-PKcs, Ku, Artemis
No lymphocyte development at the gene rearrangement stage or produce trivial numbers of B and T cells.
Tdt-/- do not add extra nucleotides to the joints between segments. - SCID:
Bubble boy syndrome: nonfunctional RAG1 or RAG2. Basically, people with this deficiency don’t have an adaptive immunity.
Omenn syndrome: RAG-1 and RAG2 mutations that result in partial V(D)J recombinase activity. No circulating B cells and infiltration of skin by activated oligoclonal T lympocytes. - Irradiation-Sensitive SCID (IR-SCID)
Mutations in the DNA repair pathways. Defects in Artemis produce a combined immunodeficiency of B and T cells that is associated with increased radio sensitivity. - Ataxia Telangiectasia
Radiosensitivity with some degree of immunodeficiency
Due to mutations in ATM which encodes a protein kinase of the DNA-PKcs family.
The number of segments for the T-cell receptors
Alpha and beta:
- V segments: 70 and 52
- D segments: 0 and 2
- J segments: 61 and 13
Calculating the combinatorial diversity, we have more diversity compared to the B cell receptors. This is because the T-cell receptors have more alpha V and J segments.
All together the total diversity gives a number of 10^13 (B cell) and 10^18 (T cells) possible combinations.
T-cell receptors concentrate diversity in the third hyper-variable region.
The structurally equivalent CDRs of the T-cell receptor α and β chains, to which the D and J segments contribute, also form the center of the antigen-binding site of T-cell receptor.
γ:δ T-cell receptors
γ:δ T-cell receptors are also generated by gene rearrangement.
There are substantially fewer V gene segments at the TCRγ and TCRδ than other variable loci.
Gamma receptors also have V and J segments between the constant and variable regions.
Delta receptors are located between the segments of the alpha locus. It is just after the variable alpha and before the J alpha. And this is probably why there are less gamma-beta subunits. These subunits will recognize molecules from nonclassical MHC, which is even more specificity.
- T-cell receptors are structurally similar to immunoglobulins and are encoded by homologous genes.
- T-cell receptors genes are assembled by somatic recombination from sets of gene segments in the same way that the immunoglobulins genes are.
Epigenetic regulation
DNA and histones can be modified enzymatically, like methylated, glucosylated, ribosylated, etc. and depending on the position of the residues or the base will give the DNA a more open or closed conformation.
Chromatin modifications regulate immunoglobulin and TCR gene rearrangement.
Epigenetic regulatory system called histone code promotes recombinatorial accessibility at antigen receptor loci.
- Treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors has been shown to induce RSS accessibility and V(D)J recombination within the TCRβ loci of cells otherwise inaccessible because of higher order chromatin.
- Methylation of specific lysine residues on histone 3 correlate with recombinational activity at TCRβ loci.
Difference in the immunoglobulins
- Immunoglobulins are made in several different classes, which are distinguished by their heavy chains.
- Different heavy chains are produced in a given clone of B cells by linking different heavy-chain C regions (CH) to the rearranged VH gene.
- Initially, naive B cells use Cμ and Cδ to produce transmembrane IgM and IgD.
- During the course of the antibody response, activated B cells can switch to the expression of CH genes by a type of somatic recombination known as class switching.
- Light-chain C regions do not provide specific effector function and do not undergo class switching. There seem to be no functional differences between λ and κ chains.
Specifically, the differences between the Igs are as follows:
- IgM has a constant mu;
- IgD - delta;
- IgG - gamma;
- IgE - epsilon;
- IgA - alpha.
If you want to test if the infection is at the initial stage, you have to test for IgM.
B cell development during an infection
First, the naive B cell will be already undergone VDJ recombination, then inside the cell the B cell will develop till class switching, that will finally differentiate the B cells into memory B cells, or functional B cells that will go to the plasma cells.
The different classes of antibodies
Ig classes differ in:
- Number and location of interchain disulfide bonds
- Number of attached oligosaccharide moieties
- Number of C domains
- Length of the hinge region
For humans there will be only 1 type of the mu and delta segment. For gamma there will be 4 segments. For alpha - 2, and for epsilon - 2.
The Igs are very similar between each other, but IgM and IgG are heavier, and they have more domains. Their glycosylation level is different, but also at different positions.
Antibody characteristics
- Molecular weight:
very similar amongst Igs (about 100), but IgE is a bit heavier, because it also has more domains. But the IgM is very heavy (970kDa), because it is a pentamer, so it will also have a higher avidity. IgA can also oligomerize, but only as a dimer. - Serum levels:
The concentration of IgE is exceptionally low compared to the other Igs (5*10^-5), but the most concentrated one is IgG (9mg/ml) and IgA (3mg/ml). Which means that they are more abundant in circulation. While IgE is more abundant in connective tissue. - Half-life in serum:
IgG - 3 weeks.
IgE - 2 days in circulation, but then they move to the connective tissue.
IgA - 6 days, but then it moves to the milk if breast feeding, or to the mucosal tissue.
IgD will be present everywhere, especially where T cells and B cells will be located, because it has regulatory functions.
The functions of the different classes of antibodies:
- Classical pathway of the complement system:
IgGs 1,2,3 and IgM (++++); - Alternative pathway of the complement system:
IgA(+) - Placental transfer:
IgGs (++++) 1,2,3,4 - Binding of macrophage and phagocyte Fc receptors:
IgGs, IgA, and IgE - High affinity binding to mast cells and basophils:
IgE (+++) - Reactivity with staphylococcal Protein A (bacterial protein), this is also widely used in research for immuno-precipitation assays:
IgGs 1,2,3,4. - IgA found in bloodstream, gut and respiratory tract and milk. Can be secreted as a dimer.
- IgE involved in defense against multicellular parasites and common allergic diseases.
- Placental transfer of maternal IgG antibodies to the fetus is an important mechanism that provides protection while his/her humoral response is inefficient.
- This crossing is mediated by FcRn expressed on syncytiotrophoblast cells. There is evidence that IgG transfer depends on the following:
maternal levels of total IgG and specific antibodies;
gestational age;
placental integrity; - IgD is important in regulatory functions.
Protein A and Protein G
Many microorganism have responded to the destructive potential of the Fc portion by evolving proteins that either bind it or cleaved it, and so prevent the Fc region from working.
Examples are Protein A and Protein G of Staphylococcus
Protein D of Haemophilus.
Expression of IgM and IgD
B cells expressing IgM and IgD have not undergone class switching which entails an irreversible change in DNA.
Cells produce a long primary mRNA transcript that is differentially cleaved and spliced to yield either of two distinct mRNA molecules.
The processing of the long mRNA transcript is developmentally regulated, with immature B cells making mostly the μ transcript and the mature B cells making mostly δ along with some μ.
Transmembrane and secreted forms of immunoglobulin are generated from alternative heavy-chain transcripts
The splicing determined if the Ig is membrane-bound or secreted.
Membrane Ig: Heavy-chain has a hydrophobic transmembrane domain of about 25 aa residues at the C-term.
Secreted from: C-term is a hydrophilic secretory tail.
J chains
It is only found in IgM (pentameric, and IgA (dimeric). Often the J chain will bind to the IgA (dimerization), if not then there will be a monomeric IgA. The J chain (different from (The j segments) is small, about 15kDa, but important for the polymerization of both antibodies.
In plasma – monomeric IgA, and pentameric IgM. In mucosal tissue – dimeric Iga.
For polymerization, it is important for the antibody to recognize identical epitopes attached to the binding sites.
Pentameric IgM has higher avidity than Dimeric IgA.
Immunoglobulin polymerization is important in the binding of antibodies to repetitive epitopes.
If an antibody attaches to multiple identical epitopes on a target antigen, it will dissociate only when all binding sites dissociate.
The dissociation rate of the whole antibody will be much slower than the dissociation rate for a single binding site. Multiple binding sites give the antibody a greater total binding strength or avidity.
The primary antibody repertoire is diversified by three processes that modify the rearranged immunoglobulin gene
- This secondary diversification enhances the ability of Igs to recognize and bind to foreign antigens and the effector capacities of the expressed antibodies.
- It occurs in activated B cells and it is driven by antigen.
- There can be hypermutation, and gene conversion, which will change the binding site of the antibody. With class switching, we will switch the class of the antibody, with extended functional diversity. For somatic hypermutation, we’ll increase the diversity of the antibody. It is another mechanism to have diversity in the antibodies. All these processes are called secondary diversification. With somatic we’ll enhance the ability of the antibodies to bind the antigens. The receptor becomes better. This process of secondary will be located in the activated B cells, it will happen when an infection is ongoing. Somatic hyper will only happen in the Fab region.
- Secondary diversification is initiated by Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)
- AID expressed specifically upon activation of B cells.
People with mutations in the AID gene lack class switching and somatic hypermutation. Only produce IgM, no affinity maturation.
AID only binds to genes that are being transcribed. - For activated B cells, these genes will be opened.
- AID activity results in a double lesion
Foreign base - When B cell is making receptors,it will attack the Cs on the gene, and it’s random, and will change to U. On other cells, it will try to repair, and in the next round of DNA replication, there will be a random match.
- During the next round of DNA replication:
Random insertion of a nucleotide will occur.
Repair of this nick by homologous recombination results in gene conversion
Somatic hypermutation
- Occurs in peripheral lymphoid organs.
- Occurs only after mature B cells have been activated by their corresponding antigen.
- Introduces point mutation in the rearranged V-region at a very high rate.
- Detrimental mutations that alter amino acid sequences in the conserved framework regions will tend to disrupt basic Ig structure and have negative selection.
- B cell clones compete with each other for interaction with antigens, favorable mutations that increase the affinity of the B-cell receptor for its antigen, and B-cell clones producing receptors with the highest affinity for antigen are positively selected.
- Some of the mutant Igs bind antigens better than the original B-cell receptors, and B cells expressing them are preferentially selected to mature into antibody-secreting cells.
This process of mutation and selection can continue through multiple cycles in response to secondary and tertiary immune responses elicited by further immunization with the same antigen. Therefore the antigen-binding efficiency of the antibody response is improved over time.
Class switching
For the sequence for the receptor, we have the VDJ region and the constant region.
The VDJ is for the heavy chain because it contains mu, delta, alpha, etc.
What we see is a new region and S mu region, of each of the isotypes. This region will contain 150 repeats. The key is the 150 repeats of GC. The Cs will be close together, meaning that we can remove Cs from either strand, and we’ll end up with a double mix.
The enzymes will be in a complex and attack the Cs and will create R loops and R regions. Because the Cs will be close, we end up with double breaks. To repair all the breaks, the double-strand repair complex des it will bring together the double breaks, so the breaks will be in the S regions only. We bring those regions messed up together and we remove that DNA. So we remove the mu and epsilon because that is where the breaks happen. We can switch from IgM to IgE.
Because we have no template for the initial antibody, we can mess them up and make a new one.
Changes in Ig and TCR genes that occur during B-cell and T-cell development and differentiation
Initially, we have the B cell receptor assembly, to make a functional region we undergo somatic hypermutation of the DNA. It is an irreversible process. This is the combinatorial diversity. Then the junctional diversity, process, is irreversible because in the enzymatic process, there is addition/removal of nucleotides, etc. (B cells and T cells)
Switch recombination …..
Somatic hypermutation Dna point mutation is irreversible (B cells).
IgM and IgD are differential splicing of RNA, reversible and regulated. The membrane vs. the secreted form only occurs for the B cells because they have Sc or C regions. It is reversible and regulated.
The first three are for both B cells and T cells.
The last 4 only for B cells.