The Functional Diversity of Proteins: The Example of Hemoglobin Flashcards
Describe the overall secondary structure of myoglobin and hemoglobin chains.
Myoglobin is an all alpha helix protein with 153 amino acids. The oxygen-binding heme group (colored plane) is non-covalently bound to a pocket in the protein.
Hemoglobin and Myoglobin have very similar secondary structures they are both alpha helices. The differences, however, can be seen in their N- and C-terminus. The hemoglobin chain has more hydrophobic residues on its surface since it has to make contact with other subunits. The two of them are only 26% identical and 59% similar, however, their folding pattern is virtually identical.
Hemoglobin’s secondary structure has 11 and 22 structures that act as dimers. These two then form a tetramer.
Function of Myoglobin
Functions in oxygen storage in the skeletal muscle for contraction.
Function of Hemoglobin
Functions in oxygen transport from Lung to tissues.
Describe the quaternary structure of hemoglobin.
The quaternary structure of hemoglobin contains 4 heme-Fe2+ groups (1 per subunit) thus it can bind 4 O2 molecules. It is composed of four subunits, 2 of each kind (2 alpha, 2 beta). It is composed of 11 and 22 dimers that form a tetramer. Overall, there are 4 heme groups that allow 4 oxygen molecules to bind.
Hereditary disorders of hemoglobin
two main classes of hemoglobinopathies discussed:
- Structural Variants: These have an altered amino acid sequence. There are over 800 known. An example is sickle cell disease which results from a single amino acid mutation (Glu6Val)
- Thalassemias: These have a decreased abundance of one or more of the globin chain.
These are the most common single-gene diseases.
Indicate the mutation in sickle cell disease.
It is a point mutation in the beta chain and it is a point mutation of Glu6Val.
Describe the mechanism of red blood cell sickling and the symptoms that result.
Oxygenated the sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS) look similar to the normal hemoglobin. However, once they become deoxygenated they become “sickled”. This is a result of the formation of - aggregates. This aggregation occurs because the non-conservative mutation, or the replacement of a polar amino acid with a nonpolar one allows this new hydrophobic region to bind to a normally occurring hydrophobic patch on a normal hemoglobin molecule. This results in aggregation. Furthermore, the - interactions cause HbS to polymerize and to form long, insoluble rods of protein that result in deformation of the red blood cells, again causing aggregation. It is key to note that hemoglobin has to be deoxygenated for this to occur.
Indicate which conformational state the hemoglobin must be in for sickling to occur.
It must be in the deoxygenated form.
Describe the difference between sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease.
Those with the sickle cell trait are heterozygous for the autosomal recessive disorder (1 bad -chain gene and 1 good -chain gene). Thus, those with the trait only experience symptoms under extreme hypoxia. The heterozygotes are resistant to malaria and thus have a survival advantage. Those with the sickle cell disease (2 bad -chain genes). are those that are homozygous recessive, therefore having the disease.
Describe the geographical distribution of the sickle cell trait and the reason for this distribution.
There is a high percentage of individuals with the sickle cell trait in western Africa where malaria is prevalent.
Describe the two components of heme and the basic shape of heme.
Two components of the heme group are the 1) planar porphyrin structure and the 2) ferrous ion (Fe2+) in the middle with coordinated covalent bonds with the nitrogens of the 4 pyrrole rings. The overall structure is planar.
Point out the hydrophobic and hydrophilic edges of heme.
The hydrophobic regions are those in which are the hydrocarbons connected to the pyyrole rings. The hydrophilic regions are the propionic acid groups on the pyyrole ring.
Relate the oxidation state of the heme iron to oxygen binding.
The Fe2+ binds oxygen. If the Fe2+ becomes oxidized to Fe3+ then the oxygen can no longer bind to the iron. Hemoglobin that has the Fe3+ is called methemoglobin. The Fe2+ state must be present because this allows for one histidine to bind and one O2 molecule.
Describe the physicochemical properties of the heme binding pocket.
The heme binding pocket is between the E and F helices. The amino acids that make it up are hydrophobic.
Describe the consequences of the β-chain Phe42Ser mutation in Hb Hammersmith.
The hydrophobic Phe is mutated to a hydrophilic Ser. This smaller, hydrophilic amino acid allows the heme to slip out of its pocket due to the disruption of heme’s hydrophobic pocket. This mutated hemoglobin is also unstable and aggregates and precipitates. However, it does not form rods like HbS or sickle cell does.
What is the structure of oxygenated heme, indicating the 6 Fe2+ binding ligands?
Heme is bound to 4 pyyrole rings via the nitrogens. Then, one bond is with the proximal histidine or F8 histidine. The final bond is with Oxygen. The E7 distal histidine is not bound to the heme group, rather it forms a hydrogen bond with the bound oxygen molecule.
Describe the functions of the F8 proximal histidine and the E7 distal histidine.
The F8 proximal histidine forms a fifth coordinated covalent bond with the Fe2+. The E7 distal histidine does not make a bond to the iron, rather it h-bonds with the oxygen molecule. In the deoxygenated form, the iron is a little out of the plane, however, when it is oxygenated, the distal histidine’s h-bond to the oxygen helps pull the structure back into the plane. Furthermore, since the F8 proximal histidine is bound to the Fe and helix, it causes a conformational change in the protein.
Define the T-conformation and R-conformation with respect to oxygen binding.
T-conformation: Refers to the taut or tight form. It is in the deoxygenated form. It is “tight” so it can’t bind oxygen (not really true just a way to help remember that this is the deoxygenated form).
R-conformation: Refers to the “relaxed” form of hemoglobin. It is the oxygenated form of hemoglobin. The R form has 150 to 300-fold greater affinity for oxygen that T form.
Indicate which conformation has the highest affinity for oxygen.
The R-form has 150 to 300-fold higher oxygen affinity.
Explain positive cooperativity in oxygen binding to hemoglobin.
Positive cooperativity in regards to oxygen binding states that as oxygen binds to one of the 4 subunits of the hemoglobin, it will have a conformational change in that subunit (R-form) that will induce a conformational change on the other subunits to make them the R-form as well and have a higher affinity for oxygen. The opposite holds true for the dissociation as well. As one subunit loses and oxygen, it changes to the T-form, causing the other subunits to change to the T-form.
Indicate the trigger for the conformational change that occurs upon oxygen binding.
The trigger for the conformational change that occurs upon oxygen binding is the F8 proximal histidine, the oxygen molecule, and the E7 distal histidine. This is because in the deoxygenated form (T-form), the Fe2+ is a little bit out of the plane of the heme group. Therefore, when O2 binds to the Fe2+, the iron is brought more into the plane. Sine the F8 proximal histidine is bonded to the Fe2+, O2 causes this histidine to move as well. As part of the F helix, the F8 histidine then causes this F helix to change shape. This is at the FG corner.
Describe the consequence of the structural change in the FG corner when oxygen binds.
This conformational change in the FG corner that was described above affects the conformation of an adjacent subunit. The FG corner interacts with the C-helix of a neighboring subunit through non-covalent bonds interactions, such that a change in the FG corner changes the conformation of the C-helix toward the R-conformation. This interaction is mainly between the 12 and the 21 subunits.
Explain the consequence of the mutation β-chain Asp99Asn in Hb Kempsey.
When Asp or Aspartic acid which is negatively charges is mutated to Asn or Arginine which is basic and thus positively charged, we lose the negative charge that was previously present. This mutation at the FG corner locks the Hb in the high oxygen affinity state or the R-conformation. This causes the Hb to hold on to the Oxygen molecules.
Define “oxygen saturation”
Oxygen saturation: It is the percent (or fraction) of myoglobin or hemoglobin that has O2 bound to it.
Define pO2
pO2: It is the concentration of oxygen given as “partial pressure” in units of torr. It is the concentration given in terms of pressure.
Define P50
P50: It is the concentration of oxygen (pO2) when 50% of myoglobin or hemoglobin has oxygen bound.
Explain the oxygen binding curves for myoglobin and hemoglobin, showing the differences in pO2 and shape.
It doesn’t take much concentration of oxygen to get myoglobin to P50 or 50% saturation. The hemoglobin P50 is much larger or at a much higher pO2. Hemoglobin is a sigmoidal curve which is indicative of the positive cooperativity. Myoglobin is hyperbolic. Myoglobin has a much lower P50 than that of hemoglobin as well because hemoglobin needs a lower affinity for oxygen so that it can allow oxygen to dissociate in tissue.
pO2 in tissue:
pO2 in tissue: 25-50 torr.
causes the oxygen to dissociate from the hemoglobin
pO2 in lung capillaries:
pO2 in lung capillaries: 90 torr
Explain why hemoglobin is much better at delivering oxygen to tissues than myoglobin would be.
Hemoglobin is much better due to its lower affinity for oxygen. It allows oxygen to dissociate from it in respiring tissue where the myoglobin has such a strong affinity for it that the oxygen would not dissociate. This is demonstrated in the graphs. The pO2 in tissue is 25-50 torr, at this concentration, the myoglobin would be completely saturated, thus not releasing oxygen to the tissue.
Compare myoglobin and hemoglobin with respect to the fold change in pO2 necessary to go from 10% saturation to 90% saturation.
Myoglobin 0.11 to 9 torr (81-fold) (9/.11) so no cooperativity
Hemoglobin 11 to 52 torr (4.8-fold) so positive cooperativity
The SMALLER the range of fold change, the more cooperativity.
Explain what a Hill coefficient number indicates about cooperativity
1 = no cooperativity
Greater than 1 = positive cooperativity
Less than 1 = negative cooperativity
Hemoglobin = 2.8 so positive cooperativity.
An increase in what 2 things drive hemoglobin to the deoxy (T) conformation and reduces its oxygen affinity?
[H+] and BPG
Draw the equilibrium reaction that shows the role of protons in oxygen binding.
Hb + 4O2 –> Hb(O2)4 + nH+
As the [H+] increases the pH decreases.
This gives a shift of the oxygen saturation curve to the right giving a higher P50 and thus Hb has an even lower affinity for O2
Histidine, which releases 1-2 protons upon changing from T to R form, will thus rebind protons to change back to the T form.
Explain why lactic acid and carbonic acid drive hemoglobin to the T-conformation and enhance oxygen delivery to tissues.
Metabolizing tissue produces lactic acid and carbonic acid from carbon dioxide so the pH is lower and [H+] is higher in these tissues than the lungs. This lowered pH enhances the release of oxygen. Because the deoxygenated hemoglobin has a decreased affinity for the oxygen, the P50 increases. This is because a higher concentration of oxygen is now needed to reach 50% saturation.
Describe how 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) in red blood cells stabilizes the T-conformation.
BPG stabilizes the T conformation because it has 5 negative charges. In hemoglobin there is a binding spot for the BPG at the beta-1, beta-2 interface which is positively charged. The BPG fits into this region, thus stabilizing this conformation. It also increases the P50 because it is stabilizing the T-conformation which has a lower affinity for oxygen. Thus, a higher concentration of oxygen is needed to reach 50% saturation.
Indicate some situations where BPG in red blood cells is increased, and how this increase is beneficial.
It situations where one is experiencing anemia, high altitudes, or lung disease there is a higher level of BPG observed. This is the bodies natural way to fight lack of oxygen or hypoxia. By increasing the P50 it is causing more oxygen to dissociate from the hemoglobin into the tissue. It is trying to enhance oxygen delivery to tissue.
Show how the expression of α-chains and β-chains change during development.
Initially in development, there is a spike in expression of the α-chain, reaching a maximum that remains relatively constant throughout life. The β-chain is expressed very slightly during development of the fetus however, just before birth there begins to spike expression and then levels off after about 30 weeks post birth.
Indicate which chains are most highly expressed in the fetus.
The α-chain and the -chain are the two chains most highly expressed in the fetus.
Explain why HbF enhances delivery of oxygen to the fetus.
HbF, mainly composed of the α-chain and the -chain, enhances delivery of oxygen to the fetus because it has a higher affinity for oxygen than normal adult hemoglobin. Thus, the fetal hemoglobin quite literally takes the oxygen from the mother’s hemoglobin, ensuring the fetus receives oxygen during development.
What are Thalassemias?
Thalassemias are genetic diseases in which there is an imbalance between the amounts of α- and β-chains in red blood cells.
Describe what processes cause most of the α-thalassemias and β-thalassemias.
α-thalassemias: These are caused by α-globin gene deletions. In other words, the alpha gene is deleted which means the beta subunit is being produced in excess and thus precipitates.
β-thalassemias: These are caused mostly by single base pair mutations; this leads to decreased or defective mRNA. The single base pair mutations lead to decreased or defective mRNA. The gene is there but we don’t get the proper mRNA from it to code for the beta subunit and thus the alpha subunit is in excess and precipitates.
The pathology is that the excess subunit precipitates and the RBC is thus destroyed.
Explain how an imbalance in α-chains and β-chains can lead to anemia.
When the excess subunit precipitates due to the aggregation, they cause the RBCs to be destroyed. This then leads to anemia.
Indicate the geographical distribution of thalassemia traits and why heterozygotes have a survival advantage.
This is also predominately found in western Africa. The heterozygotes also have a resistance to malaria.