The French Monarchy in 1643 Flashcards
What edict did Richelieu achieve that permanently weakened the Huguenot’s ability to rebel?
The Edict of Grace, 1629
How did Richelieu develop French propaganda?
Academie Francaise pamphleteers - defended and glorified Rich.
- Royal press presented government opinion as fact
How did Richelieu circumvent royal procedure?
- Chambres l’Arsenal - quickly tried and removed royal opponents
- Weakened Paris Parlement and its right to remonstrance against royal edicts, increasing royal power.
- Also infringed Parlement’s liberties further by handpicking judges in 1643 - meant Parlement lost prestige as well as revenue
- Intendents supervised judicial affairs and civil cases - sovereign courts overruled
Where did Richelieu extend government administration to to increase royal control in the provinces?
Dauphine, Provence and Burgundy
What else did Richelieu do to increase royal power provincially?
Increased intendent use and power - used troops to enforce taxation in 1642 for example.
Name three of Richelieu’s goals regarding France and Europe.
- wanted to weaken Habsburg power (problem of Habsburg encirclement) to limit invasions along France’s eastern border
- Take Alsace to increase border security
- Frustrate the ambitions of Spanish King Philip IV
In what year did France enter the 30 Years War
What territories did France capture during the 30 Years War?
Alsace and Rhine Bridgeheads - achieving Richelieu’s goal of gaining a stronger eastern border. Now in a much stronger position
Laid the foundations of French-European dominance
What unsettled the monarchy’s natural Catholic supporters by 1643?
Ongoing Huguenot religious freedom
A protestant war against Spain that increased poverty.
Name two royal family members who opposed the Protestant war against Spain and royal policies.
Gaston d’Orleans - repeatedly tried removing Richelieu and even plotted his murder 1641-2
Anne of Austria - confessed to treasonable correspondence with her brother, a Cardinal of Spain
What did Louis XIII do that inspired future aristocratic rebellion?
Despite Clinq-Mers’ execution in 1642, Louis XIII absolved other conspirators, including Gaston and the Duc de Bouillion, who were involved in the murder plot against Richelieu, as well as Anne of Austria
… of Parlements created conditions for habitual opposition and revolt
Royal treatment of Parlements created conditions for habitual opposition and revolt
What two provinces openly defied royal policy and how did they do it?
Aix and Rouen in 1642 - rejected Chambres de Requetes
How much did the 30 Years War cost on average per annum?
25m livres - govt expenses outran revenue and debt interest spiralled
What was tax collection like?
Corrupt and wasteful - only 75% of Gabelle collected in 1641