The Five Themes Flashcards
Using latitude and longitude to pinpoint a place’s absolute or exact location
RLE: your mailing address
Absolute location
The exact placement ( longitude and latitude, absolute location) of a settlement on the Earth
RLE: lower Manhattan Islands
Where a city is in relation to it’s surrounding features ( compared and connects) It is what I name of it .
RLE: Singapore’s situation has led it to have a huge economy
A place name, especially one derived forma topographic feature that reflects the values of the people who named it . It can change because the people’s values change .
RLE: Pie Town
What is it like ? Description
RLE: Berea, KY physical characteristic is the Appalachian mountains while a human characteristic are the Kentucky derby race
Is when a location is assisted with special meaning,cultural landscape, or memories . Local diversity gives us our sense of place.
RLE: Texas is associated with the Mexican- American war
Sense of place
Uniform landscape leads to placeLESSness
RLE: malls, stores,fast food chain , and gass stations ( al basic things )
Placelessness/ uniform landscape
When we look at all the effects - positive and negative - that occurs when people interact with her surroundings
RLE: Human’s planting trees and humans being affected by tornadoes
Human Environment Interaction ( HEI)
Also known as HEI. Is the study of human adaptations to social and physical environment
RLE: the air conditioner on our homes
Cultural ecology
The belief that a physical environment affects social and cultural development
RLE: on the winter Olympics,countries like Canada,Norway,Sewden,etc tend to win gold rather then, for example, South Africa
Environmental determinism
We now determine much of our culture rather than the environment
RLE: technology has made it possible to have fish in a land locked country
Resources that are drawn from nature and used with few modifications/ they’re natural or form nature
RLE: we can use sunlight for electricity
Natural resource
Is the use of Earth’s resources in ways that ensure their availability in the future / use wisely
RLE: Teslas
It compare places using distance ,direction, time , and /or landmarks . It includes relative directions and absolute directions
RLE: it takes 20 minutes for me to walk from my home to Ronald Reagan
Relative location
What do places have in common?
They are defined by certain unifying characters sich as physical,human, or cultural
A region defined by a predominant physical or human characteristic. It has easily identified and agreed upon borders . Difficult to change
RLE: the Appalachian mountain run through Kentucky ( a proven fact)
Formal/ uniform / homogenous region
A region that includes different places linked together by wori g or providing a service as a until . It has a center point - a node and can be changed
RLE: Rond Reagan is a node and so are airports
Functional/ nodal region
Region based on people’s opinions and preconceived ideas of a place ( changes constantly )
RLE: what you think of Washington D.C. vs someone whose been there
Perception/ vernacular region