The first reign of Edward IV, 1461-70 Flashcards
Where was Lancastrian power concentrated?
Who were the Lancastrians supported by?
Scottish and French. The Earl of Northumberland and Somerset supported the Lancastrians at Hedgeley Moor and Hexham.
What was the cause of the Battle at Hedgeley Moor in April 1464?
Henry and Margaret’s return to England with a French-backed army. Edward then sent an army North.
Who commanded the Yorkist army at Hedgeley Moor?
Warwick’s brother, John Neville, Lord Montagu.
Who won the Battle at Hedgeley Moor in April 1464?
The Yorkists. The Earl of Northumberland was killed and Somerset survived.
What happened three weeks after the Battle at Hedgeley Moor in April 1464?
Somerset offered Battle at Hexham.
Who won the Battle at Hexham in 1464?
The Yorkists won and Somerset was executed.
What happened to Margaret and Henry after the Yorkist victory at Hexham?
Margaret and her son Edward fled to France. Henry also fled.
Why was Edward determined to establish better relations with France and Scotland?
They enjoyed Lancastrian support. He wanted to deny them any political, financial, or military aid.
Did Edward establish better relations with France and Scotland.
He negotiated truces with James III of Scotland and Louis XI of France.
Why did the king open negotiations with the Duke of Burgundy?
He wanted to secure an ally in case the French reneged on their truce. He also wanted to end the trade war with Burgundy.
How did Warwick try to cement the Anglo-French alliance?
He tried to persuade Edward to marry the French king’s daughter.
Why was Edward IV’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville controversial?
It was conducted in secret. Warwick was not advised and it ruined his plans to cement the Anglo-French alliance. Woodville also had two children from a previous marriage.
How did Edward try to heal divisions from the 1450s and 1459-61 battles?
He adopted a policy of conciliation.
What did the policy of conciliation entail?
He pardoned the Lancastrians and offered them employment.
Why was it a mistake not to kill Henry when Edward had him in his custody.
Because it meant that Edward’s opponents had an alternative king to support.
How successful was Edward’s policy of conciliation?
Not very because many Lancastrians were reluctant to accept Edward’s offer and Edward lacked the resources to deliver on these offers anyway. He struggled to compensate his own supporters.
How did Edward try to improve relations with the nobility.
Gave titles to many noblemen.
Was Edward successful at improving relations with the nobility?
No, because the titles he gave to the nobility often carried no land.
How did Edward exploit his Lancastrian enemies?
He redistributed their titles to Yorkists. This led to resentment and many then began to plot to overthrow the king.
What mistake of Henry VI did Edward repeat?
Edward, like Henry failed to widen his circle of patronage: Edward’s brothers Clarence and Richard were made Dukes of Clarence and Gloucester.
What does A.J Pollard say about Warwick?
‘The mightiest of over-mighty subjects’. Instrumental role in: Edward’s usurpation of the throne in 1461, Edward’s disposition in 1469, Henry VI’s restoration in 1470.
What made the Earl of Warwick powerful?
His estate.
Why was Warwick made Captain of Calais
Because he supported Richard, Duke of York at St Albans.
Who captured and imprisoned Henry VI?
Warwick after the Battle of Northampton.
What did James Kennedy, Bishop of St Andrews say about the power of Warwick?
James Kennedy, Bishop of St Andrews. He had Lancastrian sympathies. He provided the Lancastrians with refuge.
What did 1901 Dictionary of National Biography say about the power of Warwick?
Real ruler of England during the 1st three years of Edward IV’s reign.
What did JA Froude say about the power of Warwick?
Warwick ruled, while Edward reigned.
What did Charles Ross say about the power of Edward?
Edward was king in name and fact.
What did AJ Pollard say about the power of Warwick?
It would be entirely wrong to suggest that Warwick was the author of royal policy during the early years.
What offices did Warwick hold?
Captain of Calais, Constable of Dover, Admiral of England and Ireland.
What conflicting interests did Warwick and the Earl of Pembroke have?
The Earl of Pembroke ruled as viceroy in Wales. Warwick wanted to add Wales to his portfolio.
When was the Burgundian alliance confirmed?
A Burgundian delegation arrived in London in 1467.
What did the Treaty of Burgundy entail?
Edward’s sister married Margaret Duke Charles of Burgundy.
Why is the Burgundian alliance significant?
It showed that Edward really was king and that Warwick’s influence had been overestimated.
Why did Warwick withdraw from the royal court in 1467?
Influence of the Woodvilles and the Burgundian alliance.
How did Edward alienate the Duke of Clarence?
Clarence was irritated by how much influence the Woodvilles had at court. Under the influence of Woodville, the king also denied his request to marry Warwick’s daughter, Isobel.
What is the significance of Edward’s refusal to allow Clarence to marry Warwick’s daughter?
It humiliated both of them.
Where and when did Warwick-inspired rebellions occur?
In the North in April 1469.
What did circumstance did Warwick take advantage of in mid-1468?
The growing economic crisis caused by several bad harvests.
Where did Warwick go to plot the restoration of Henry VI?
Calais. He hoped the rebellions in the North would keep Edward busy.
What did Warwick and Clarence do once they arrived in Calais?
They took command of the garrison and issued a manifesto outlining their grievances and stating their intention to rid the kingdom of the Crown’s ‘evil councilors’.
What event sealed the alliance between Warwick and Clarence?
Clarence married Warwick’s daughter.
When did Warwick and Clarence return to England?
July 1469.
Which battle was a consequence of Warwick and Clarence’s return to England?
The Battle of Edgecote.
What happened at Edgecote?
Warwick and Clarence managed to intercept Pembroke’s Welsh army and Pembroke’s army was heavily defeated.
What happened to Pembroke after Edgecote?
He was captured and executed.