The First Five Year Plan Flashcards
When was the First Five Year Plan?
How was the USSR involved in the First Five Year Plan?
- Original plan was taken directly from 1928 Soviet model
- was still an effective model in USSR
- Russian advisors poured into China at the time
- advice based on command-style economic model characterised by state ownership and centralised economic planning
- 1950 Treaty
- Loan from 1950 Treaty from USSR to help industrialisation
- still had to be paid back in full + interest
Why did they need to collectivise farming for the First Five Year Plan to be effective?
Focus on heavy industry was to be paid for by the peasants
How did China get inflation under control from 1949-51?
- Slashing public expenditure
- Raising taxes on urban dwellers
- Replacing Chinese dollar with the Yuan ¥
What was the goal of the First Five Year Plan?
To strive for a high rate of economic growth and emphasise development in heavy industry and technology.
- Mao wanted to transform China into a modern industrialised nation
What areas were targeted for development in the First Five Year Plan?
- Mining
- Iron manufacturing
- Steel manufacturing
- Machine construction
- Petrochems
- Auto industry
- Major civil engineering works (road and rail bridges)
What was the effect on industrialisation on urban populations?
Increase from 57 million in 1949 to 100 million in 1957
What was the role of agriculture in industrialisation?
Agriculture was not a focus and was instead used as a means to supply/ support/ pay for industrialisation
What was the effect on businesses in industrialisation?
Privately owned business owners were pressured to sell their companies or convert them to joint public-private companies
- 1956: No more fully privately owned companies
What were the successes of the First Five Year Plan?
- Spending as a % of national budget increased in economic and industrial areas
- indicates a slimming of bloated and corrupt administration of GMD
- Growth in workers income from in 1953-57 by 9%
- Industrial production grew by 19%
- Production in major target areas increased
- 98% increase in coal production
- Steel production doubled from 1953-57 compared to 1900-48
- Urban populations benefitted
- Urban and industrial workers workplaces subsidised housing, medical care and educational facilities
- Life expectancy rose from 36 to 57 years
- City housing standards improved
What were the downfalls of the First Five Year Plan?
- State expanded their influence over citizens
- life tightly regimented by danwei or work units
- Centralised state control increased
- Private ownership virtually impossible
- Rigid central planning and national demands meant local needs were neglected, esp. in countryside
- 84% of population lived in rural areas, but 88% of government investment into towns and cities
When was the Second Five Year Plan?
What were the goals of the Second Five Year Plan?
- Mao wanted PRC to become modern industrialised nation in shortest time possible
- Wanted to dissolve relationship with USSR to become truly independent
- reliance on USSR model was annoying
- Quantities of steel and iron important but the people’s hearts and minds are more important