The Fall and Creation Flashcards
Summarise the story of the fall.
The Fall is the traditional term referring to the first sin of Adam and Eve which brought judgment upon both nature and man kind. Sin and death entered the world, and humanity has been affected by it ever since. This came about because Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commandment not to eat of the tree of knowledge.
In the first creation story, the world is created in seven days. List what happens in each day
First day. Light and dark. Second day. Sky and waters. Third day. Dryland and plants. Fourth day. Sun moon and stars. Fifth day. Fish and birds. Sixth animals and humans Seventh day. Rest.
What is the second creation story about?
In the second creation story… humans are again important and take up most of the story which is more poetic and story like that in the first creation story.
What is the moral of the fall
That we have the ability to choose the right or wrong decision and should always choose the right.
What does the snake represent in the fall.
What is the fruit symbolise in the fall.
What does Eden symbolise in the fall.
What does Adam symbolise in the fall.
Man kind
What is original sin.
Original sin refers to the 1st Adams first sin in the garden of Eden. It’s like a black spot on your soul which shows that Humans aren’t perfect.