The Falklands War 1982 Flashcards
What was the Anglo-Argentine dispute?
-Falkland islands under Br rule since 1833 - they spoke English + held Br passports
-small population + 80% supported continued Br rule
-but it had little econ or strategic value to Br
How did Argentina view the Falkland Islands being under bar rule?
-Argentina claims over ‘La Malvinas’ (Falklands) - nationalist junta gov under gen Gailtrieri
-Argentina invades 2 April 1982 as wanted take back sovereignty of islands
What was the immediate reaction to his invasion in Br?
-broad consensus in Br agreed action necessary
-lab wanted wait for UN resolution - but this can take a while
-cons wanted let UN do it’s wok at same time letting war politicians do theirs
What was the Falklands conflict?
-Br air strikes on Argentine forces on islands
-200 mile exclusion zone enforced
What was the role of the US in the conflict?
-US allowed Br use their bases
-but didn’t support with troops or resources
-Reagan gave speech - doesn’t get physically involved but passive support
What did the UN do?
-UN worked on peace settling but undermined by military action both sides
-Belgrano sank by Br sub + HMS Sheffield destroyed by Argentine missile
-Br forces reclaimed port Stanley 14th June (capital of islands)
What were the benefits for thatcher in terms of solving the war?
-celebrated as war leader + likened to Churchill
-solved it quickly - 3 months + she stood decisive + firm
-military victory popular overseas was popular - the ‘Falkland’s factor’
What were the political benefits for thatcher?
-foot + Kinnock dipped in popularity
-personal approval ratings increased - public weren’t affected by war
What was the impact of the war on 1983 election statistics?
-42.4% vote for cons 1983 election (397 seats)
-only 27.6% of lab (209 seats)
How did the war increase national pride?
-victory against an unprovoked attack increased national pride
-enhanced UKs status in eyes of world as fighting week equipped enemy
-a ‘limited war’ - lasted 10 weeks + only 236 Br deaths
How was thatcher credited with the war?
-took quick actions + bypassed cab committee + step up more efficient war can with self appointed advisors
-financial cost mainly use of contingency reserves + so no need raise taxes
How did the war affect opposition parties?
-supported the war
-due to nationalistic element to it + that 1800 Falkland islanders adamant they wished remain British
-public opinion + press overwhelmingly behind war
What was the struggle for cons party before the war?
-unpopular + attempts dampen inflation with high interest rates backfired
-rise in exchange rate affected costs of Br ind + led to recession with high unemployment - 3m by 1982
How did the war improve this?
-thatcher refused make any U-turns + removed her main critics from cab
-war improved her personal popularity