The excertory/Uninary System Flashcards
what does excretion mean?
Excretion means the excretory system removes the body’s metabolic wastes. This does not include defecation, defecation is undigested materials and bacteria that were not previously present in your bodys cell.
What is belirubin?
the waste produce from the breakdown of hemoglobin in the liver and spleen.
What does the skin remove?
salts, lactic acid and urea with sweat.
What does the liver remove?
bilirubin by putting it in the bile.
What does the lungs remove?
carbon dioxide (CO2) with every humidified, expired breath.
what does the kidneys remove?
nitrogenous waste (wastes containing nitrogen), excess minerals, bilirubin, and excess hydrogen ions by producing urine.
The primary organ of the excretion system\urinary system is?
kidneys - the nitrogenous waste removed by the kidneys can be lethal to the body if they are allowed to accumulate in the blood in excessive amounts.
What is ammonia (NH3)?
Is from the breakdown of amino acids, very toxic to the body, however is turned to urea by the liver.
what is Urea (CH4N2O)?
The most common nitrogenous waste in the body, accounting for 50% of that waste it formed by the breakdown of proteins.
How is Uric Acid (C5H4N4O3) formed?
By the breakdown of nucleic acids.
what is Creatinine (C4H7N3O)
Formed by the breakdown of creatine phosphate a stable energy storage molecule (muscle metabolism).
What are the ureters?
The minor and major calcyes of the kidney that deliver urine to the renal pelvis (an extension to the renal pelvis). Retroperitoneal, like the kidneys. They carry urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder. The tubes are posterior to the urinary bladder, and enter the bladder on the superior end. There is a small flap at the ureters opening that prevents backflow when the urinary bladder contacts.
What is the urinary bladder?
It is covered by a parietal peritoneum superiority, and sits posterity to the pubic symphysis. It stores urine until its release. It is designed to stretch. mucosa lining of the bladder is transitional epithelial tissue, and the lining has many folds (rugae) that are less conspicuous when the bladder is stretched. Urine fills from the bottom, stretching upwards as it fills. The bladder can hold between 700ml-800ml of fluid, however, the feeling of fullness typically presents at 500ml. The uterers and a urethral opening are a triangular shape called a trigone (common infection area). Detrusor muscles are smooth muscles of the bladdars walls, needed for the passing of urine. The internal urtehtral sphincter is more dense detrusor muscle, when compressed the urine remains in the bladder.
what is the urethra?
The urethra is the tube that leaves the urinary bladder to the outside, beginning at the internal urinary sphincter, which passes through the pelvic floor, encircled by the external urethral sphincter (skeletal muscle, under voluntary control). Males have a longer urethra passage then women, women 3-4 cm to the outside, and men 11-18 cm, and divides in to three areas, Prostatic ureathre (surrounded by prostate), menbranous urthra (penetrates pelvic floor), and finally the penile urethra, the length of the penis.
What glands in males also produce fluid in to the urethra?
The prostate gland, bulbourethral glands.
Where are the kidneys located?
The kidneys are retroperitoneal, they extend from the T11 to L3 (verebrae) on each side. The left kidney is lower due to the liver, it is located in a fibrous renal capsule surrounded by adipose tissue for protection. There is also a renal fasica that anchors the kidney to the posterior muscle wall of the abdomen.
What is the flow through a nephron?
Glumerular Capsule –> PCT –> Nephron loop —> DCT –> Collecting duct —> Minor calyx