The Exam Flashcards
Sociological Imagination
Awareness of the personal experience in the context of society
Personal troubles/public issues
Troubles happen to you and you talk to other people to see if they are not only your problem
Sociology as a discipline
Formed in the industrial era because lots of peeps moving close together so it was easy to see differences within society. Some social mobility
Social Determinism vs probabilistic
Probabilistic- if you you experienced this, then you are more likely to blah. SD- if you experienced this, then you will do that.
Human agency
Free will. How much have to affect conditions of life. HH decided to drop out
Micro/macro sociology
Micro- individual approach (symbolic) macro group of people
Based on observation
Not based on fact
Judging other cultures practices by the standards of your own culture
Cultural relativism
Every group has its own logical step outside perspective.
The self
Language in which parties articulate visions of what is good/right
Protestants more likely to kill themselves, sociological imagination
Social fact
Values cultural norms and social structures which transcend the individual and are capable of exercising a social constraint
Anomic altruistic suicide
Not connected vs social values promote (suicide bombers)`
Social order –> deviance affirms cultural values/norms. Responding brings people together
Conflict theory
Power. Those we label as deviant are powerless. Laws reflect interest of rich
Symbolic Interactionism
Micro level. How people come to know themselves. How people make meaning of their situation
Looking Glass Self
How one imagines themselves in context of the minds of others
Conducted by participants in order to influence interaction
Front stage
Performance in progress
social lubrication of interaction
Back stage
place relative to a given performance, where impressions fostered by the performance knowingly contradicted as a matter of course
Double consciousness
Looking only at yourself through the eyes of others. Never being American and black
Race, class, sexuality. You’re aware of all parts
Social location
Where you stand in society
Social structure
ties to organizations and social institutions
socially agreed upon bio category
managing situated conduct normative attitudes/activities
Gender socialization
Cultural means by which norms/restrictions to adhere to the traditional patterns that maintain social functioning
Social construction of sexuality
Classifications are the product of power struggles b/w groups. Society teaches us which sensations are sexual
Essentialist vs constructivist view
sexuality basic part of being human vs social product
departing from what is socially normal
Social norms
appropriate behavior in specific situations that are not regulated by laws, but agreed as the right way to act
Social control
norms berger
Concentric circles of social control
Formal- get caught cheating informal- you shouldn’t cheat internalized- no one is watching but you still don’t cheat because you feel society
Functions of deviance
Affirms cultural values/norms. Responding brings people together. Clarifies moral boundaries and encourages changes
Life history method/theoretical sample
Life history is an in depth interview. Theoretical sample developing a theory as it emerges
Gender-identity development
developed early child. How they connect with being male or female
gender entrapment
because of social location and gender women who thought they were special can’t get the jobs they want because of social location and then can’t make money and so they marry
Marital rape
pretty shitty stuff
Functional need for stratification
social order society division of society into layers of differential power and prestige
the american dream
fucking bull shit
achievement ideology
if you work hard you’ll get what you want
description of customs of individual people people and cultures
Social reproduction theory
school enforces inequality by teaching rich to take the top of econ while poor accept low class
economic derterminism
if you are born into X class, you will wind up in that class
cultural capital
general cultural background, knowledge, disposition, skills that are passed from one generation to the next
attitude that source surrounded by expectations
leveled aspirations
not told to have higher aspirations, so you don’t and then don’t achieve more