The Exam Flashcards
Sociological Imagination
Awareness of the personal experience in the context of society
Personal troubles/public issues
Troubles happen to you and you talk to other people to see if they are not only your problem
Sociology as a discipline
Formed in the industrial era because lots of peeps moving close together so it was easy to see differences within society. Some social mobility
Social Determinism vs probabilistic
Probabilistic- if you you experienced this, then you are more likely to blah. SD- if you experienced this, then you will do that.
Human agency
Free will. How much have to affect conditions of life. HH decided to drop out
Micro/macro sociology
Micro- individual approach (symbolic) macro group of people
Based on observation
Not based on fact
Judging other cultures practices by the standards of your own culture
Cultural relativism
Every group has its own logical step outside perspective.
The self
Language in which parties articulate visions of what is good/right
Protestants more likely to kill themselves, sociological imagination
Social fact
Values cultural norms and social structures which transcend the individual and are capable of exercising a social constraint
Anomic altruistic suicide
Not connected vs social values promote (suicide bombers)`
Social order –> deviance affirms cultural values/norms. Responding brings people together
Conflict theory
Power. Those we label as deviant are powerless. Laws reflect interest of rich
Symbolic Interactionism
Micro level. How people come to know themselves. How people make meaning of their situation
Looking Glass Self
How one imagines themselves in context of the minds of others
Conducted by participants in order to influence interaction