The Establishment and Early Years of Weimar Republic Flashcards
When and how was Kaiser Whilem receive the news of his abdication?
on the 9th November 1918
Prince Max, form the pressure of the November Revolution and in order to keep government in tact announced the Abdication of the Kaiser
Where did the Kaiser Wilhelm abdicate to?
travelled to Holland, which remained neutral during the war
when he arrived he declared to the German Ambassador that ‘ am a broken man’
What was the Amestice and when was it signed?
in October 1918 Prince Max of the German High Command wrote to President Wilson, calling for a ceasefire
Signed on the 11th November 1918
came into egffect imediateeey
What occurred in the November Revolution?
on the 3rd of November, 1918 German sailors mutinied against their officers at the main German Naval base at Kiel
the revolt spread to many other German cities and ports, and their were workers and soldiers councils spraining up
they unity was patriotic and aimed to bring down the authoritarian government to bring a new democratic republic
Authority was challenged and on the 8th November the Bulgarian monarchy was deposed
was a key turning point in the creation of a German Republic
What was the consequences of the November Revolution?
to keep government in tact, Prince Max announced the abdication of the monarchy on the 8th of November 1918
Prince Max on the same day resigned as Chancellor and handed to position to Friedrich Ebert, leader of the SPD
What was the state of Germany before the Constitution was formed
Ebert urged the German people to keep essential services running, avoid street demonstrations and maintain Law and order
However, his authority failed to extend outside Berlin, much of Germany was facing unrest as returning soldiers and inpatient citizens roamed the street and carried out demonstrations
how had Ebert been facing pressure over the formation of the constitution
Ebert had faced pressure from both the left and right
the left had become increasingly more prominent following the Russian Revolution in 1917, the spread of socialism across Europe, and the growth of socialism within the worker and Soldiers Councils
Pressure from the army and the aristocratic right came as they opposed the idea of a democratic republic and favoured an authoritarian government
What was the Ebert - Groner pact
on the 10th November 1918 General Groomer telephoned Ebert to assure him that the Army leadership would support the democratic government, and in return, Ebert would resist the demands of the workers and soldiers Councils to democratise the army and to protect Germany form the threat of communist revolution.
What was the importance of the Constituent in 1919
They were amidst political tensions on the 19th of January, 1919
Women were allowed to vote for the first time.
The SPD secured the largest percentage of the vote but did not secure an overall majority, therefore formed a coalition government
the first assembly was in Weimar as apposed to Berlin
What did the Constituent Assembly meet to do
- Ebert was elected by the assembly as the first President of weimar Germany
the representatives met to draw up a new constitution
although the representatives did not agree on all issue concerned inthe constitution
It wanted to differ from the old Constitution of the German Empire, therefore it began with the clear declaration that authority derives from the people and the constitution was designed to enshrine the rights of the German people.
What ere the strengths of the Weimar Constitution?
more democratic than other European countries at the time, women were fully enfranchised and were allowed to become deputies in the Reichstag
The proportional Representation system allowed for smaller parties to influence government decisions
the consitition fully set out the rights of the individual, set out in the second part of the constitution
full democracy in local and state government
What were the weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution
The system of Proportional representation was enabled smaller parties, many of which were anti-republican to to exploit the parliamentary system
due to the proliferation of smaller parties, no party could gain an overall majority of the vote, lead to numerous Coalitions that did not usually act long due to political disagreements
What was the rule of Presidential Decree
Article 48 gave the President the power to rule by presidential decree
to be used in exceptional circumstances
Ebert, as president used Article 48 on 136 occasions
Why was Article 48 use so frequently
Ebert as President used Article 48 over 136 times
some of these situations could be deemed to be real emergences, as the Weimar Republic was new and somewhat unstable
Other occasions Article 48 was used to override opposition in the Reichstag
(somewhat ironic as Ebert was the key figure in establishing a democratic system but undermined democracy on many occasions)
What undemocratic institutions survived in the new Constitution’s
The Weimar Republic inherited the army of the Second Recih, maintained its political independence, softened intervened in politics, supported right wing parties
German Civl Service particularly in the Foreign office, were predominantly recruits of the Aristocracy
Article 54 ensured that the Judicial system remained independent, yet Judges who served on the Second Empire were allowed to remain in post, in turn keeping the Judicial system largely right wing and anti-democratic