The esophagus Flashcards
length of oseophagus
parts of oseophagus
- cervical 2.thoracic 3. abdominal
Contrictions of oseophagus
cricopharyngeas, aortic arch, left main bronchus, opening of diaphragm
contrictions.. cricopharyngeus how many cm from incisor?
15 cm
contrictions.. aortic arch how many cm from incisor?
contrictions.. left main bronchus how many cm from incisor?
contrictions.. opening of diaphragm how many cm from incisor?
contrictions.. 15 cm from incisor?
cricopharyngeus muscle
contrictions.. 25 cm from incisor?
aortic arch
contrictions.. 27 cm from incisor?
left main bronchus
contrictions.. 40 cm from incisor?
opening of diaphragm
bifurcation of trachea at?
beginning and relations of cervical esophagus
starts at the level of cricoid cartilage c6…. anterior: trachea and recurrent laryngeal n… posterior.. vertebra and ant longitudinal ligament
where does cervicle oseophagus lies?
lies in front of prevertebral fascia slighty to the left behind trachea
anterior relations of thoracic esophagus
trachea, left main bronchus, pericardium, left atrium, and right pulmonary artery
right and left relations of thoracic esophagus
arch and vagus…. left: arch of aorta , left vagus, lung and pleura… right:arch of azygos vein, right vagus, lung and pleura
end of thoracic oseophagus
by piercing diaphragm 1 inch to the left of midline opposit body of t10 or 7th left costal cartilage
which stuctures passes through the esophygeal opening of diaphragm? normally and pathologically
normally.. esophagus and vagus nerve.. pathologically hiatus hernia and osophageal varices
posterior relations of thoracic esophagus
vertebra and ant longitudinal ligament
surgical importance of contrictions
they are the sites of foreign body impaction
surgical importance of thoracic osophagus
mediastinal relations.. behind pericardial sac so used in transesophygeal echo can assess severity of left atrial enlargement
abdominal esophagus beginning
the end of thoracic osophagus.. 1 inch left to midline opposit the body of t10 or 7ths left costal cartilage
length of abdominal esophagus
4 to 5 cm
end of abdominal esophagus
at the gastro esophygeal junction
end of abdominal esophagus
at the gastro esophygeal junction
level of gastro esophygeal junction
peritoneal covering of abdominal esophagus
only anteriorly
blood supply of oseophagus
upper esophagus:inferior thyroid arteries… middle esophageal branches of aorta… lower part esophageal branches of left gastric artery
blood supply of oseophagus
upper esophagus:inferior thyroid arteries… middle esophageal branches of aorta… lower part esophageal branches of left gastric artery
blood supply of oseophagus
upper esophagus:inferior thyroid arteries… middle esophageal branches of aorta… lower part esophageal branches of left gastric artery
blood supply of oseophagus
upper esophagus:inferior thyroid arteries… middle esophageal branches of aorta… lower part esophageal branches of left gastric artery
blood supply of oseophagus
upper esophagus:inferior thyroid arteries… middle esophageal branches of aorta… lower part esophageal branches of left gastric artery
blood supply of oseophagus
upper esophagus:inferior thyroid arteries… middle esophageal branches of aorta… lower part esophageal branches of left gastric artery