The Era Of Reconstruction And The Guilded Age (1865-1890) Flashcards
How long did the Civil War Last?
4 years
How did Abraham Lincoln Die
He was assassinated at the theatre by an Actor called James Wilke Booth shot him in the head
How many lives had been lost during the civil war?
Who became president after Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
When did the American civil war end
What does the written constitution outline was
roles and powers of the branches of government
Three parts that US government is made up of
Executive (president) , Legislative (congress) , Judiciary (Supreme Court)
Two key issues of reconstruction
- How far southern states should be punished for seceding
- How African Americans (former slaves) should be treated
When was the civil rights act 1 passed
April 9 1866
What number amendment did the Civil rights turn into and what did it do?
14th Amendments
all African Americans born into USA citizenship and full rights in law
Why was Johnson nearly impeached and by how many votes
Nov 1866 republicans gained a huge majority
Johnson survived by one vote
Who became president in 1868
Ulysses S.grant
What was radical reconstruction
Offered all kinds of new opportunities to the African Americans for the first time
5 things black people gained under radical reconstruction
- Vote for males
- Property ownership
- Education
- Legal Rights
- holding political office
Why did radical reconstruction fail
- African Americans going into political office were poorly educated
- White people went to a policy of terror. Formation of KKK (1866)
- Southern states hated the idea of African Americans gaining power.
What was the compromise of 1877
Southern democrats led to the southern democrats to support republican Rutherford Hayes
What were black codes
- Laws design to regulate the lives of AA
- Force them on the farms as forced labourers (low minimum wage)
- Stopped them from buying goods and land
When was the Bureau of Refugees passed
What was the Bureau of Refuges
Relief and assistance to former slaves - included health services, educational services, and abandoned land services
13th amendment
1865 - abolished slavery throughout the United States
15tg Amendments
1870 - Prohibited the denial of voting rights based on race,colour or previous conditions of servitude
Reconstruction acts
1867 Acts divided the south into military districts and requires the states to draft new constitutions
What are Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
Term used to describe northern newcomers and southern white republicans.
Period marked the region of rapid growth of industries like steel and oil and railroads.
Transcontinental railroad
1869 linked the west and east coasts of the United States
The great migration
Movement of people from rural areas in growing cities primarily in the north seeking employment and a better life
Social Darwinism,
The belief that competition and survival of the fittest applied to society, often to justify the extreme wealth of the elite
Labour Unions
Organisations that were formed to advocate workers rights and betters conditions
Plessy vs Furguson
1896 - Supreme Court that upheld racial segregation, establishing the separate nut equal doctrine
Dawes Act
1887 - Divided Native Americans reservations to individual allotments trying to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream society
De Jure
According to law
De Facto
Advocate a strong central government weak state government
Key federalists
Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Maddison
A political movement of farmers and labourers advocating for economics reforms, including thr free coinage of silver and regulations of railroads.
The three Branches of US Gov and what they entail
Executive Branch ( President) , Judicial Branch (Courts) and Legislative branch(congress)
What is Black Codes and who adopted them
Adopted by mid-western states. They restricted AA Civil rights. Missipi was the first state to abolish full rights of AA
Congressional reconstruction 1866
They had laws in place which continued black codes and second-class citizenship for newly freed slaves
What happened at the congressional election of 1866
Brought Radical Republicans to power. Wanted to punish the south and prevent ruling from continuing in power
Military Reconstruction Act 1867
Divided into south into 5 military districts and outlined how new governments would have been designed. AA would of received the right to vote, hold political office and become judges and chiefs.
What were President Johnson’s thoughts on Radical republican proceedings?
He veoted them all of them.
Who impeached President Johnson
Radical Republicans
What is impeachment
(especially in the US) a charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office.
Who was in control of the three branches of federal government by 1869
Republican Party
What was a carpet bagger
A name given to northerners who come south for political ramd economic reasons
What did people think about carpetbaggers
Considered corrupt individuals who used reconstruction as a mean to advance their own personal interests.
Who were mainly opposed to Radical Reconstruction
Political opposition - Democratic redeemers. They wanted to take back a;ll control over the southern states and remove all rights of AA
Violent Opposition - Also known as white terrorists.
How many AA where kissed in Louisina in 1868
What happened at the election of 1876
It was disputed, corrupted and fraudulent election. Impossible to know who won
Who was Rutherford Hayes
Politically respectful and agreed to stay on for one more term. Weak president.
Who was James Garfield
Originally the republican candidate, but was demoted as deputy. Was assassinated in 1881
How many immigrants came in during the year of 1865-1890
10 million
What did the 1866 statue of liberty represent
Symbol of the land of the free
What is social and regional division
The speed and intensity of immigrantion and urbanisation created
What is nativism
A belief that people who’s parents were born in the US wanted to be protected from ‘alien’ ways.
What was ‘yellow peril’
The growth of anti-chinese feeling
1882 Chinese Exculsion Act
Stopped the immigration of of chinese workers (prevented them gaining citizenship)
Why did chinese immigrants go to the US?
1840 - Gold Rush
1860 - Raildroads
1870 - Textiles, tobacco, shows, farm workers
How was the North East affected by immigration
Hugely affected by industrilisation and urbanisation. Boom of populatiob in cities such sd NY, Chicago and OHIO.
What happened to New Yorks population during the years if 1860-1890
Great raildroad strike
1877 there was a clash due to wages being cut for the third time in that year. Strike was the firt that spread over multiple states. (West Virginina, Maryland and pemnsylvania)
How was the New South affected by immigration
dominated by divisions between AA and Whites (soical dividion) Huge resentments from whites. AA afriad to push for change.
How was the Wild West affected by immigration
Rapid settlement due to the government and influx of people. Whites broke NA tribe treaties. Huge division between Native Americans and whites.
Granger movement
1867, coopertaive to help farmers with lands and loans
1877 compromise
Democrats had an informal agreement to make sure that Ruthered hayes had a secured seat
Booker T washington
Headed the Tuskagee insitutute in Alabama through 1881-1915. Trained AA teachers.
How influential was agriculture after the civil war?
Hugely influential. Over 1/2 live on rural lands. Farm population increades from 10m to 25 million over the years of 1865-1890
Homestead Act 1862
provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land. Claimants were required to live on and “improve” their plot by cultivating the land.
Which technological advances improved and encouraged large scale agriculture
Reapers and threshers
Panic of 1873
A banking failure in Britian due to the banks failing. Scared the farmers due to exporting
Economic development in the North East
Expanding markets and towns. Larger hubs were created which meant bigger distribution networks. Pittsburgh - shipped meat producusts.
North East railroads
Hugely important for the economy due to hiring multiple workers and once built alot exports to freely travel. Had monopoly power and set their own freight prices
Who ruled the Souths economy
King Cotton
South agriculture
Small farmers found it difficult to buy land from King Cotton and became tenant farmers or sharecroppers
Economic development in the South
Not too much development, rail road expansion (exporting cotton, sugar and tobacco)
Where was the main place that the Homestead Act 1862 push migration
When was the Union Pacific Raildroad Completed
When was Native American colonized by
1889 Oklahoma Land rush
raildroads transported thousands westward. Lending money and taking crops as payment
population in the west by 1860
760,000 by 1890. 6 million
Importance of Steel
Ploughs, barbed wires, railroads, rifles
West Climate
harsh climate and open to natural disasters. Years of drought in 1877
Three of the giant buisnesses empires in the late 1870s
Andrew Carnegie - US steel
John D Rockefeller - Standard Oil
H.j - Heniz canned food
Buisness empires before1870
oil wells, small compenies and steel manifuctqaring improved
Importance of railroads
Powerhouse of the US industry. By 1865 - 35,000 miles track. 1893 - 200,000 miles.
Steel and Oil industry
1875 steel prodcution was 360,000 tonnes
Andrew Carnegie
First steelworks 1870 pennslyvania. Bought chains of over companies
Which city was an oil refining city
Cleveland Ohio
1872 Cleveland massacre
Standard Oil bought up 22/26 main competitors