The Enlightment and Revolution Vocabulary Flashcards
Sun centered earth
An earth centered view of the universe
Belief that reason is chief source of knowledge
Scientific Method
1- Observe
2- Hypothesis
3- Perform Experiments
4- Analyze and draw conclusions
Inductive reasoning
Doctoring that doctors should process from the particular to the general by making scientific observations
A person who seeks knowledge through wisdom and scholarship
French word that refers to the French enlightenment philosophers
Separation of Powers
Form of government in which the executive, legislative and judicial branches limit and control each other through a system of checks and balances
18th century religious philosophy based on reason and natural law
Social Contract
Concept that an entire society agreed to be governed by its general will and all individuals should be forced to abide (accept) by it since it represents what is best for the entire community
Legal term for a random decision that affects a person
Federal System
Sharing power between state and nation government
Alteration proposed or effected by parliamentary or constitutional procedure
To assure fulfillment of a condition
Native Poland; Published “On The Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres”; mathematician, has heliocentric conception of the universe. He thought it’s better than Ptolemaic system.