The Endocrinology of Pregnancy Flashcards
What are the two types of cells found in the testes?
Sertoli cells
Leydig cells
What do each cell type in the testes produce?
Sertoli cells - sperm
Leydig cells - testosterone
What is fluid reabsorption from the efferent ducts caused by and what does this do to the sperm?
Fluid reabsorption is induced by oestrogen
- this concentrates the sperm
How do men get their oestrogen and where does this happen?
Aromatisation of testosterone by aromatase in the Leydig cells
What is secreted into the epididymal fluid for the sperm’s benefit and what induces their secretion?
Nutrients and glycoproteins are secreted into epididymal fluid
- induced by androgens
How many times its length does the sperm have to travel from testes to Fallopian tube?
Travels 100,000x its length
What does the semen contain and how much of each content type does it contain?
Spermatozoa - 15-120 million/ml
Seminal fluid - 2-5ml
- Potentially viruses (hep B, HIV)
How many spermatozoa in ejaculate enter the cervix and how many manage to go from cervix to ovum (egg)?
1/100 enter cervix
1/10,000 cervix to ovum
(overall 1/million reach ovum)
Where does seminal fluid come from, both small contributors and main producers?
Small contribution from:
- Epididymis/testes
Mainly from accessory sex glands
- Seminal vesicles
- Prostate
- Bulbourethral glands
What is the capacitation of sperm?
Process that achieves fertilising capability in the female reproductive tract
(sperm while still in the testes are not in a form capable of fertilisation)
What are the 3 steps of capacitation of sperm?
1) Loss of glycoprotein ‘coat’
2) Change in surface membrane characteristics
3) Development of whiplash movements of the tail
Where does capacitation of sperm take place and what is the nature of this environment?
Takes place in environment of Fallopian tube
- ionic and proteolytic environment
What are the two things is the capacitation of sperm is dependent on?
What is the acrosome reaction?
The reaction that occurs when the sperm encounters the egg attempting to penetrate it
Where is the acrosome found?
In the head of the sperm cells
What happens in the acrosome reaction?
A capacitated sperm encounters the ovum
- The sperm binds to ZP3 (glycoprotein sperm receptor)
- Results in Ca2+ influx into the sperm (stimulated by progesterone)
- Release of hyaluronidase and proteolytic enzyme (from acrosome)
- These enzymes degrade the zona pellucida (glycoprotein layer covering the ovum) and allow the sperm to penetrate the ovum