The Endocrine Pancreas: Alpha and Beta Cell Function Flashcards
Where does the pancreas grow?
Develops as an outgrowth of the gut tube
Closely associated with the development of the gallbladder
Ducts joint before emptying into the duodenum
What does the exocrine pancreas produce?
Pancreatic acini produce pancreatic amylase
What does the endocrine pancreas produce?
Islets of langerhans produce hormones
How much of the pancreas is endocrine?
What are the various cell types in the Islets of Langerhans?
Alpha and alpha 2 produce glucagon
Beta cells produce insulin
Alpha 1, gamma and delta cells produce somatostatin
F cells- pancreatic polypeptide
What are the main endocrine functions?
Control of blood glucose in absorptive and postabsorptive states (insulin and glucagon)
Stimulate/ inhibit digestive enzyme and HCO3- secretion in GI tract (pancreatic peptide and somatostatin
Describe the anatomy of the islet of Langerhans?
Alpha cells exteriorly
Delta more interiorly with Beta cells
Blood flows from the centre to the periphery
How does the body synthesize and process insulin?
mRNA encoding preproinsulin is processed by ribosome
This then forms insulin
Moved to golgi where cleavage occurs
Then passed to secretory granule
How does absorption of food in the GI tract effect the beta cell for insulin release?
Presence of free fatty acids
Presence of GI tract hormones, incretins, GIP, GLP, CCK
Presence of certain amino acid
Increased blood glucose
PSNS stimulation
Beta adrenergic stimulation
How does alpha cell affect the beta cells?
Glucagon increases insulin production
How does the delta cell affect beta cells?
Releases somatostatin which inhibits insulin release
What affect does alpha adrenergic stimulation on beta cells?
Decrease release of insulin
What are the mechanisms of insulin release from the pancreatic Beta cell?
Glucose enters the cell vai GLUT2 transporter which mediates facilitated diffusion of glucose into the cell
The increased glucose influx stimulates glucose metabolism leading to an increase in ATP
The increased ATP inhibits an ATP sensitive potassium channel
Inhibition of this potassium channel causes depolarization in the beta cell
The depolarization activates a voltage gated calcium channel in the plasma membrane
This activation promotes calcium influx and therefor provokes calcium induced calcium release
The elevated calcium leads to exocytosis and release into the blood of insulin contained within the secretory granules
Other modulators of secretion act via the adenylyl cyclase-cAMP- protein kinase A pathways and the phospholipase C- phosphoinositide pathway
What are the physiological actions of insulin?
Increased protein synthesis
Increased glycogenesis to increased glucose transport into cells (muscle and adipose tissue) to decreased blood glucose
Increased lipogenesis
What is the affect of increased protein synthesis?
Growth and maintenance
What factors regular glucagon release from alpha cell?
Decreased blood glucose
Certain amino acids
GI tract hormones
PSNS stimulation
Beta adrenergic stimulation
Alpha adrenergic stimulation