The End Of The Cold War 1970 - 91 Flashcards
After what victory in 1967, were Arab states more drawn to the USSR and why?
The victory in 6 Day War meant they were more drawn to USSR because US supplied a lot of military resources to the opposition, Israel
In what year did the USA send troops to South Vietnam, why and was it successful?
- 1965 to halt the spread of communism
- It was unsuccessful as they could not defeat the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong and had high number of casualties
What year did Nixon become president and what did he hope to do with USSR? (Linkage!)
- He wanted to offer trade and technology links as well as arms reduction for Brezhnev to persuade N Vietnam to negotiate to end the war.
What was USSR’s motive to improve relations with USA? (3)
Nixon had visited China in 1972 and Brezhnev didn’t want a Chinese-US alliance to develop. He wanted further grain sales as well as access to US technology
When was the Moscow meeting and what was agreed there?
1972, where Nixon agreed to take part in the European Security Conference, which brought about the Helsinki Agreements
When was peace signed between N Vietnam and USA and who was greatly responsible for this?
In 1973, in which Brezhnev played a huge role
Between what places, years and when did USA produce SALT I?
Talks between Helsinki and Vienna over 3 years resulted in SALT I being produced in May 1972
Agreements of SALT I: (2)
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) were only allowed at 2 sites, each containing 100 missiles. They detect, track, intercept and destroy ICBMs
- Interim Agreement on Offensive Arms froze the number of ICBM and SLBM launchers for 5 years
Limitations of SALT I: (2)
- No restriction on MIRVs, number of bombs or strategic bombers
- Each side could use satellites to check the other wasn’t breaking the agreements
When was the Yom Kippur War and who did the USA and USSR side with?
October 1973. USA supplied Israel, whereas USSR sided with the Arabs (Syria and Egypt)
What did Brezhnev propose, and how did Nixon respond to this?
- A joint USA-USSR force to save the Egyptian army from the Israelis and if USA refused, USSR forced would go separately.
- Nixon was angry at the suggestion of independent action and put all US forces on alert.
- He then proposed a UN peacekeeping force of non-nuclear countries to intervene instead, which Brezhnev agreed with and the war ended on 24 Oct 1973
What did the leaders agree on in Jul 1974, with Nixon’s visit to Moscow? (4)
- Continue to remove danger of war
- Limit and eventually end the arms race
- Contribute to eliminate sources of international tension
- Develop mutually beneficial co-operation in all fields
When and what significant event happened, showing détente between USA and USSR?
On 17 Jul 1975, 3 US and 2 Soviet astronauts met in space, as part of the Apollo-Soyuz mission
How many nations were the Helsinki Agreements made between, what were they and in what year did this happen?
In 1975, USA, USSR and 33 other nations made declarations about security, which was recognising Europe’s frontiers, cooperation, which was establishing greater links between nations, and human rights
Who was the new president after 1977 and what did he do, which Brezhnev did not like at all?
Jimmy Carter sent a letter to the Soviet dissident, Andrei Sakharov, supporting the stand that he and the Helsinki Group were taking against the USSR surrounding their violation of the human rights agreement in the Helsinki Agreements
Despite the Helsinki agreements what had the USSR done by 1980? (arms-wise)
Angola, Ethiopia and 21 other African states had received Soviet weapons
When did SALT II begin, when was the treaty signed, until when had it been planned to last and what did it involve?
Began in 1974, was signed in Jun 1979 and planned to last until 1985. It involved:
- Only 2400 strategic nuclear delivery vehicles on each side
- Only 1320 MIRV systems for each side
- No more new land-based ICBM launchers
- Limits on deployment of new strategic arms
Why did ratification of the treaty not take place? (2)
- US Congress didn’t believe the limits of the treaty could be verified
- 2000 Soviet troops were stationed in Cuba
What did the NATO do and when, in response to the threats posed by USSR?
In late 1979, NATO placed long-range missiles in Europe
What event on what day officially ended détente?
25 Dec 1979, when USSR invaded Afghanistan
Why did USSR invade Afghanistan? (3)
- Halt the spread of Islamic fundamentalism to serve as an example for 30 mil Muslims in USSR
- Prevent the growth of US influence
- Preserve the socialist state
Why was a Soviet-occupied Afghanistan a threat for USA?
- It would threaten India and Pakistan, which means USSR could take control of the West’s oil supplies
When and who overthrew the government of Afghanistan? What did they do in the first 18 months of their rule? (2)
On 27 Apr 1978, Nur Muhammad Taraki of PDPA (People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan) became the President of the Revolutionary Council and Prime Minister. During the first 18 months:
- communist reform programme was implemented
- thousands of members of the elite were imprisoned, tortured or murdered
When and who was the new leader that took over? Why was there still instability despite the new leader and how did many act to show their discontent?
In Sep 1979, Hafizullah Amin took over but the anti-Muslim policies were a big issue. To show their discontent, thousands of Muslims joined the mujahideen (a guerrilla movement as a mission for Allah) and declared jihad on Amin’s supporters.
How did those in charge respond to the uprising in Afghanistan against Amin? (2)
- USSR military assistance programme, started in 1978, increased
- Amin became dependent on USSR advisers and weaponry, although he tried not to so he could improve links with USA
Between what days was the invasion, how many troops were sent over and how did USSR justify this?
Between 25 Dec 1979 and 1 Jan 1980, more than 50,000 USSR troops were sent to restore order. Brezhnev said the USSR were just following the 1978 Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighbourliness signed by Taraki.
When was Amin shot, who replaced him and how many USSR soldiers were now required to keep the government in power?
27 Dec 1979 and he was replaced by Babrak Kamal, who had been in exile in Moscow. More Afghan soldiers deserted to join the mujahideen so 85,000 were required to control them.
Why did Carter feel the need to take a firm approach over the invasion on Afghanistan? (2)
He was already under pressure:
- US embassy staff were being held hostage by militant Islamic students in Iran because they demanded for their former leader, the Shah, to be returned from exile in US to stand trial for the crimes committed
- Some were accusing him of being a weak leader, as he failed to solve this problem by the end of the year
In what ways did Carter take a firm approach and was this successful? (8)
He issued the Carter Doctrine:
- US would use force if necessary to defend national interests in Persian Gulf region
- Rapid Deployment Force who would intervene anywhere at short notice as aid for countries bordering Afghanistan
- Draft registration of 18-20 year old men
- Increased intelligence gathering by CIA
In addition, Carter:
- Delayed passing of SALT II treaty
- Stopped sending grain to USSR
- Forbid US companies selling high tech to USSR
- Assistance was provided to mujahideen
All of this did not force USSR troops to leave Afghanistan
How did Carter and the USA ruin the Moscow Olympic Games? (2)
- He threatened to withhold funding and remove tax benefits unless the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) boycotted the Moscow Olympic Games. 61 other countries followed their example.
- American press nicknamed Misha Bear (the mascot) Gulag Bear and ridiculed them
Who was the new leader in 1980 and what was in his policy? (4)
Ronald Reagan.
- Fighting communism
- Less emphasis on human rights
- Increasing defence spending
- Eradicate humiliation of Vietnam War, hostage crisis in Iran and increasing influence of USSR
Between what years was the defence programme active, how much did it cost and what did it involve? (7)
It cost more than a trillion dollars, between 1981 and 1987, and it included:
- 100 MX missiles
- 100 B1 long-range and supersonic bombers
- New stealth bomber that would be invisible to radar
- 6 new Trident nuclear submarines
- Strengthened communications systems
- Development of neutron bomb
- Cruise missiles placed in Western Europe, because USSR SS20 missiles were deployed in Western USSR
What was NUTS and what was theory was being implemented through this?
- Nuclear Utilisation Target Selection, which was the method Reagan’s advisers thought would win the USA a possible limited nuclear war. It involved directing weapons at the opponent’s warheads, not the cities.
- MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) was implemented, which is that each side was less likely to attack with the threat of nuclear weapons
When was the ‘Zero’ option proposed, what was it and what was the reasoning behind this?
- This option was the agreement, in Nov 1981, that no more intermediate-range missiles would be deployed by US if USSR dismantled comparable forces, which was rejected by Brezhnev.
- Reagan knew he was in a position of strength, because of the economic problems in USSR, and knew Brezhnev would refuse the option, allowing him to place more missiles in Europe.
What events in Poland made START talks more complicated, why and what did it result in?
- USA decided to assist the Polish workers’ trade union movement Solidarnosc, which was eventually banned and the leaders were imprisoned in 1982
- USA criticised this response by Brezhnev and banned all hi-tech trade w/ USSR for this reason
- USSR walked out of START talks in 1983 and Reagan announced SDI
When was the SDI announced and what was it? (3)
- Announced on 23 Mar 1983, it was the plan for a ground and space based, laser-armed anti-ballistic missile system that, if launched, would shield any missiles launched at US by destroying them
- US Congress voted in favour of funding it
- 4 days after the announcement, Andropov accused the USA of planning a first strike attack
Why did the proposal of SDI increase the urgency for USSR to end the arms race? (2)
- Renewed arms spending would definitely collapse the Russian economy
- USSR was behind USA in everything: computer technology, race to the moon, development of the space shuttle
In what year did Brezhnev die, who followed after him, how long did each last and why? (3)
Brezhnev died in 1982. He was replaced by Yuri Andropov, who was leader for 2 years before passing away in Feb 1984. His successor was Konstantin Chernenko, who died in 1985. Mikhail Gorbachev was appointed as the leader in Mar 1985
How did Gorbachev aim to end the Cold War, whilst not abandoning communism? (3)
He introduced a radical programme of reform known as ‘new thinking’. The 3 main strategies were:
- Introducing perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness)
- Ending the arms race by signing agreements
- Abandoning the Brezhnev Doctrine and stopping USSR interference in satellite states
What kind of things was Gorbachev doing within the first month of his leadership? (2)
- Visited a truck factory and chatted with workers
- Discussed computer training with teachers
Positive effects of glasnost: (3)
- Dissidents were released from jail
- Banned books were published
- Stalin’s atrocities in power became known to the public
Negative effect of glasnost:
People demanded more freedom and criticised Gorbachev even more. It became difficult to maintain the Communist Party.
Between which two people, when and what did the summit conference include? (3)
Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan met in Geneva across 2 days in Nov 1985. Reagan made it clear that he would not give up on the SDI (Strategic Defence Initiative), but the Geneva Accord was set up meaning the countries would:
- speed up arms talks
- work to abolish chemical weapons
- be more active about human rights issues
When was the third summit, what treaty had been signed and what was included? (3)
In Dec 1987, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forced Treaty (INF) was signed which included:
- Eliminating ballistic and cruise missiles with ranged between 500 and 5500km (2692 were destroyed overall)
- Allowing each other to inspect their military installations
- Having stringent verification procedures to ensure weapons were being destroyed.
How come Gorbachev was now prepared to sign this when he wasn’t before? (4)
He changed his mind, even though Reagan still wouldn’t give up the SDI, because:
- Nuclear weapons wouldn’t guarantee USSR security anyway and were too expensive
- Reagan convinced Gorbachev their intention was not to invade
- Soviet economy would never recover if they had to continue with nuclear weaponry
- Disarmament would win more support in the West, allowing trade deals
What drastic changes were made by Gorbachev in 1988 and 1989 and what did these changes become known as?
1988 –> He rejected Brezhnev Doctrine
1989 –> Members of Warsaw Pact could do their own thing, without interference from USSR
This became known as the Sinatra Doctrine
He also withdrew troops from Eastern European bases to save money
Outline the reforms in Poland: (2)
1988 –> Strikes throughout the country
1989 –> Solidarnosc win election. Mazowiecki becomes first non-communist Prime Minister in Eastern Europe
Outline the reforms in Hungary and the drastic effect of one of them: (3)
1988 –> Hungary becomes a multi-party state
1989 –> Hungary opens border w/ Austria, leaving a hole in the Iron Curtain, questioning whether the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain could continue to exist
1990 –> Democratic Form wins elections
How did the East German government attempt to maintain communism?
They banned Soviet publications in the late 1980s because it undermined communism
When did demonstrations begin in East Germany and when did Gorbachev visit?
They began in 1989, at which point in Oct 1989 Gorbachev visited and informed the leaders that the USSR would not involve itself in their internal affairs anymore
What happened on 4 Nov 1989 in East Germany?
The largest demonstration in the history of East Germany took place, with 1 mil demanding free elections and democracy
What treaties followed the INF treaty and in what years were they formed? (2)
- CFE (Conventional Armed Forces in Europe) Treaty in 1989
- START I signed in 1991
What was the effect of the announcement of democratic elections in Hungary on East Germany? (6)
- Mass numbers of East German citizens fled to West Germany through the hole of Hungary
- East German government was forced to announce greater freedom of travel
- On 9 Nov, opening of border between East and West Germany was announced
- They were formally reunited on 3 Oct 1990
- Germany joined NATO
- In 1991, Warsaw Pact dissolved
How was Gorbachev’s ‘new thinking’ perceived by the world? (2)
- He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990 by the West and was considered a hero
- He was seen as a villain, as perestroika and glasnost seemed to weaken communism, not strengthen it
How was Gorbachev removed from power and how did this end? (3)
- On 19 Aug 1991, ‘Gang of 8’ (senior communist officials) organised a coup that removed him from power
- The new government declared a state of emergency and removed perestroika and glasnost, but they only lasted 3 days
- This is because Boris Yeltsin, Chairman of Russian Supreme Soviet, deemed the new government illegal and called on the public to resist this regime
When did Gorbachev return to power and what happened after this? (2)
- 21 Aug 1991, however the coup had damaged his reputation and there was more support for Yeltsin
- In a final attempt to save USSR, Gorbachev provided the Soviet republics, like Latvia and Ukraine, greater independence
When did the Baltic states declare themselves independent, when was this accepted by Moscow and what did this lead to? (3)
- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania did this in 1990 and their independence was accepted in 1991
- This led to other demands for independence within USSR
- Due to fears that the country would disintegrate and the loss of support towards him, Gorbachev announced the dissolution of USSR and his resignation on 25 Dec 1991, resulting in USSR being split into independent states
Why could the Warsaw Pact no longer exist and when was it ended? (3)
- The Pact no longer served a purpose, as soon as their communist allies Poland, Hungary and East Germany rejected communism
- USSR’s weak economy could no longer provide for the Warsaw Pact
- The USSR itself had dissolved, which was the base for the Pact
Military cooperation stopped in 1990 and Warsaw Pact ended in July 1991