The embryonic period Flashcards
what is gastrulation
process that establishes the three primary germ layers, forming a trilaminar embryonic disk
define chordoma
benign or malignant tumor that arises from remnants of the notochord (found either intracranially or in sacral regions)
what is hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
glycoprotein hormone that stimulates the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum
what is human placental Lactogen (hPL)
protein hormone that induces lipolysis, elevating free fatty acid levels in the mother (growth hormone of the fetus)
how is amniotic fluid reabsorbed?
swallowing, absorption through GI tract, or excess is passed into maternal blood
define neurulation
formation and closure of the neural tube
what does Hox (Homeobox complex) do?
controls the basic segmentation of the human embryo in a craniocaudal direction during the embryonic period
what are the 2 layers in the embryo
epiblast & hypoblast
what are the 2 layers in the trophoblast
syncytiotrophoblast & cytotrophoblast
what is the extra embryonic (XE) Mesoderm derived from
epiblast (& yolk sac)
where is the extra embryonic mesoderm found
between the inner lining of the cytotrophoblast and yolk sac
what kind of support does the XE mesoderm give
mechanical and trophic
what is the fetal contribution to the placenta
what can a pregnancy ultrasound done in the 1st trimester do:
confirm normal pregnancy determine the baby's age look for problems determine the baby's heart rate look for multiple pregnancies (i.e. twins)
what major events occur during the embryonic period
all major body systems develop 2D disk to 3D cylinder Folding of the embryo Craniocaudal folding-CNS Lateral Folding-amnion/body wall
what is gastrulation the beginning of
what are the three germ layers
endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
what is the primitive streak
future axis of embryo
what are all primary germ layers derived from
what is the course for embryonic tissues starting with the fertilized egg
fertilized egg-> blastocyst-> inner cell mass
from inner cell mass it can go to either hypoblast or epiblast
hypoblast-> extraembryonic endoderm-> yolk sac (ends here)
epiblast-> either amniotic ectoderm (ends there) or primitive ectoderm
primitive ectoderm-> primitive streak (then to embryonic endoderm and mesoderm) or straight to embryonic ectoderm
what is caudal dysplasia
Germ layer disorder where there is a total or partial failure of development of the lower vertebrae, including the sacrum, which results in associated abnormalities of the lower extremities, spine, kidneys, GI and Genitourinary tracts
what is caudal dysplasia caused by
abnormal gastrulation (mesoderm migration is disrupted)
what is the primitive streak replaced by
what are the functions of the notochord
structures- acts as rigid axis around which the embryo develops
skeletal- foundation upon which the vertebral column will form
Forms part of the intervertebral disks
Induction- will bring about formation of the neural tube
what does chroma originate from
develops from remnants of embryonic notochord
what functions as the primary inductor in the early embryo
what is Piebaldism
disorder characterized by a congenital white forelock and multiple symmetrical hypo pigmented or depigmented areas
what is Vitiligo
it is a disorder characterized by the loss of melanocytes and is considered an autoimmune disorder
what is the forebrain considered at 4 weeks
what is the midbrain considered at 4 weeks
what is the hindbrain considered at 4 weeks
what are common characteristics of iniencephaly
extreme retroflexion of the head
short and almost absent neck
hyperextended spine
facial skin is connected directly to the skin of the chest; the scalp is directly connected to the skin of the back
what is spina bifida
failure of neural arches to form
what is S.b. occulta
archest absent, tube is normal
what is S.b. meningocele
dura and arachnoid also protude
how is it hypothesized that folic acid prevents neural tube defects
disorders linked transformation of homocysteine to methionine (increased homocysteine elves appear to prevent the closure of the neural tube)
Explain the development of the amnion
It is a thin protective membraned that develops from the epiblast
Initially, the amnion overlies only the bilaminar embryonic disk (as the embryo grows it eventually surrounds the entire embryo creating the amniotic cavity)
Then, the amniotic cavity becomes filled with the amniotic fluid
Amniotic fluid protects the developing fetus and can be examined in a procedure (amniocentesis)
explain the development of the yolk sac
The hypoblast cells migrate and become the exocoelomic membrane
The hypoblast and the exocoelomic membrane form the yolk sac
Describe Valamentous Placenta
occurs when the umbilical (fetal) blood vessels abnormally travel the amniochorionic membrane before reaching the placenta proper
describe Placenta previa
occurs when the placenta attaches in the lower part of the uterus, covering the internal os
- placenta blocks cervical opening
- classic of 3rd trimester bleeding
what are the risk factors for placenta accreta/increta/percreta
curettages, previous C-section, severe endometritis, or closely spaced pregnancies
describe plreeclampsia and eclampsia
preeclampsia= sudden development of maternal hypertension
involves a generalized arteriolar constriction that impacts the brain, kidneys, liver and small blood vessels
treatment involves magnesium sulfate and hydrazine
risk factors: nulliparity, diabetes, hypertension, renal disease, twin gestation, hydatidiform mole
Eclampsia is the same but includes the symptom of convulsions
what are the events of neurulation
- notochord induced the overlying ectoderm to differentiate into the neuroectoderm and form the neural plate
- neural plate folds to give rise to the neural tube
- as neural plate folds, some cells differentiate into neural crest cells and form column of cells along both sides of the neural tube
- the rostral part of the neural tubes become the adult brain
- the caudal part of the neural tubes become the adult spinal chord
- the lumen of the neural tube gives rise to the ventricular system of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord