The Electromagnetic Spectrum Flashcards
Write out the names of the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of decreasing frequency.
Gamma rays X-rays Ultra violet rays Visible light rays Infra red rays Micro-waves Radio waves
Write out the names of the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Radio waves Micro waves Infra red waves Visible light waves Ultra Violet waves X-rays waves Gamma waves
Define frequency and wavelength.
Frequency: this is the amount of a passing a particular point.
Wavelength: A wavelength is the length of a complete wave.
State whether electromagnetic waves are transverse of longitudinal.
Electromagnetic waves are transverse: the vibrate at right angles to the direction they travel.
What else is similar about all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?
All types of electromagnetic waves can travel in a vacuum.
All em waves travel the same speed in a vacuum.
What can’t and can EM waves carry?
Can’t –> Matter
Can —> energy and information
What is a vacuum?
A vacuum is an empty space with no particles (e.g. space)
List the colours in the visible spectrum starting with the colour with the longest wavelength.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
What do we use to split white light light into a spectrum?
Transparent prism.
Describe how Hershel discovered infrared. Include:
a) How he set up the experiment,
b) What he measured,
c) The Pattern he noticed,
d) What he wondered
e) What he found,
f) What did he conclude
Hershel went into a pitch black room with only 1 ray of sunlight entering. He placed a transparent prism in the way of the light in order to split it in to a visible spectrum on a screen. Hershel wanted to know if different colours carried different amounts of heat. Hershel done this by pacing a thermometer into each of the different colours of the spectrum and another thermometer into the room where no light was. Hershel found that violet carried the least amount of heat, and the thermometers showed that at red it was the hottest. Hershel wondered if there would be any heat just beyond red. He placed one more thermometer just beyond red and found that the heat did increase like his theory. He concluded that there must be an invisible ray that we can not see.
Describe how Ritter discovered infrared. Include:
a) How he set up the experiment,
b) What he measured,
c) The Pattern he noticed,
d) What he wondered
e) What he found,
f) What did he conclude
Ritter’s experiment was very similar to Hershel’s, except instead of finding the amount of heat in each colour, Ritter wanted to know how much light each colour carried. He done this by using silver chloride paper (turns from black to white when it is in light), and placed it in each of the different colours. He found that red carried the least amount of light and violet the most. He then wondered if there was any light past violet. He placed the silver chloride paper just past violet and found that it turned white the fastest. Ritter then concluded that there must be a ray of light that people can’t see on the other side of the spectrum.
How is the frequency of the EM waves related to the danger it poses?
If an EM wave has a high frequency it is very dangerous. This is because the higher the frequency the more energy the radiation poses.
What are the effects of microwaves?
can heat living tissue by increasing vibrations
What are the effects of Ultra violet?
Can cause sun burn, skin cancer, eye damage or cell mutations.
What are the effects of Gamma rays/x-rays?
Penetrate further into living tissue.
Ionising: they cause cell mutation/destruction: which could cause tissue damage or various types of cancer.