The economic problem section one Flashcards
What is the economic problem?
The economic problem arises because resources (like time, money, and raw materials) are limited, but human wants and needs are unlimited. This leads to the need for choices about how to allocate these scarce resources efficiently to satisfy as many needs and wants as possible.
define opportunity cost
The forgone benefit for the next best alternative
what is utility?
Utility is the satisfaction or pleasure a person gets from consuming a good or service.
Capital – these are physical, man-made resources, such as factory buildings and machinery
Enterprise (or entrepreneurship) – the person who organises the business and often takes the risk
Land – these are naturally occurring resources, such as gold ore, oil, and fish
Labour – these are the people who make the goods or services
Define supply
The quantity of a product that producers are willing and able to provide at different market prices
Define demand
The quantity of a product that consumers are able and willing to purchase at various prices
What are the three types of markets?
Mixed economy
command economy
market economy
what is the market economy?
A market economy is an economic system where goods and services are produced and exchanged based on supply and demand/price mechanism, with little government control.
What role does the government play in a free market economy?
In a free market economy, the government has a limited role. It focuses on protecting property rights through the legal system and ensuring the value of money or currency. The government does not directly intervene in the production or distribution of goods and services.
How does an increase in demand affect the price and the production of a good or service?
An increase in demand raises price and encourages businesses to bring more resources into the production of that good or service and maximise their profits through the high demand
How do consumers influence what is produced in a market economy?
Consumers decide what should be produced in a market economy through the purchases they make. When consumers demand more of a particular product, businesses respond by producing more of that product to meet the demand.
How is production determined in a market economy?
In a market economy, production is left entirely up to businesses. To succeed, businesses must be competitive by producing quality products at lower prices than their competitors.
Who gets to consume goods and services in a market economy?
In a market economy, those who have more money are able to buy more goods and services. People’s ability to purchase products is determined by their income.
What is a command economy?
An Economic system in which most resources are state owned and also allocated centrally
Who decides what products are produced in a command economy?
In a command economy, a dictator or a central planning committee decides what products are needed. The government determines the goods and services that will be produced based on its own priorities and objectives.
How are goods and services produced in a command economy?
In a command economy, the government owns all means of production. Since the government controls production, it decides how goods and services will be produced, including the allocation of resources and the methods used to manufacture products.