The ear Flashcards
the ear is divided into what 3 parts
- external
- middle
- inner
what are the functions of the ear
-balancing/ equilibrium
what does the external ear comprise of
-external acoustic meatus
what does the auricle do
collect sound
what does the external acoustic meatus do
conduct sound to the tympanic membrane
what is the auricle made of
elastic cartilage ( and covered by skin)
what depressions does the auricle have
what is the lobule of the auricle made of
fibrous tissue, fat and blood. It has no cartilage
what is the function of the outer ear
-collects sound
what is the arterial supply of the auricle
-posterior auricular artery
-superficial temporal artery
whats the nerve supply of the auricle
- on the lateral surface is the great auricular nerve
-on the skin superior to the external acoustic meatus is the auriculotemporal nerve, which is a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
what is the lymphatic drainage of the auricle
-superficial parotid lymph nodes
-mastoid lymph nodes
-superficial cervical lymph nodes
what is the structure of the external acoustic meatus
-outer 1/3 is cartilaginous and covered by skin
-the inner 2/3 is bony and covered by thin skin which is continuous with the external layer of the tympanic membrane
-it has ceruminous and sebaceous glands in outer half which produce cerumen (ear wax)
-has a tortuous downward and forwards course
whats the nerve supply of the external acoustic meatus
-auriculotemporal branch from the trigeminal nerve
-the auricular branch from the vagus nerve
what does the tympanic membrane do
-separates the external ear and middle ear
- vibrates against malleus in the middle ear
how does the tympanic membrane appear through the otoscope
-has concavity towards the external acoustic meatus
-has a shallow cone like depression at the center called the umbo
-has a cone of light which radiates anteroinferiorly from the umbo
what are the subdivision of the tympanic membrane
-pars flaccida
-pars tensa
what are the surfaces of the tympanic membrane like
lateral surface- is concave
medial surface- is convex (at umbo)
between the fibrous and mucous layer of the tympanic membrane what is there
-handle of malleus
-chorda tympanic nerve (which crosses medially)
what are the layers of the tympanic membrane
- outer cuticular layer- composed of keratinized hairless and devoid of dermal papillae ( a thin layer of skin)
- intermediate fibrous layer- composed of outer radiating and inner circular fibers of type I & II collagen
- inner mucous layer- composed of simple columnar/squamous cells
whats the nerve supply of the tympanic membrane
-the auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve which supplies the anterior half of the lateral surface
-the auricular branch(Arnolds nerve) of the vagus nerve which supplies the posterior half of the lateral surface
-the tympanic branch (Jacobson’s nerve) of the glossopharyngeal nerve which supplies the medial surface
whats the nerve supply of the tympanic membrane
-the auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve which supplies the anterior half of the lateral surface
-the auricular branch(Arnolds nerve) of the vagus nerve which supplies the posterior half of the lateral surface
-the tympanic branch (Jacobson’s nerve) of the glossopharyngeal nerve which supplies the medial surface
what muscles inhibit vibration when sound is too loud
-tensor tympanic muscle which inserts on malleus (dampens vibrations of the tympanic membrane)
-stapedius muscles which inserts on stapes (dampens vibrations of the stapes)
where does the middle ear lie
in the petrous part of the temporal bone
what does the middle ear consist of
-tympanic cavity and mucous membrane
-epitympanic recess
the middle ear is connected to what
nasopharynx by the eustachian tube
mastoid air cells by the mastoid antrum
pneumatization from the nasopharynx/ retrograde infection from pharynx can cause what
-otitis media
the middle ear gets its sensory innervation from what
glossopharyngeal nerve
what auditory ossicles does the middle ear contain
malleus incus ad stapes which are joined by the synovial joints
what can affect the synovial joints of the auditory ossicles
what muscles are found in the middle ear what innervates them and what do they do
stapedius muscle ( VII) and tensor tympani (V3), which dampen sounds and protect inner ear
what nerves does the middle ear contain
-the chorda tympani a branch of CN VII
-the tympanic plexus of nerves
what are the walls of the middle ear and what are their components
roof/ tegmental wall - has the tegmen tympani which is a thin plate of bone that separates the tympanic cavity from the dura in the floor of the middle cranial fossa
floor/ jugular wall - has a layer of bone that separates the cavity from the superior bulb of the internal jugular vein
lateral/ membranous wall- has the tympanic membrane with epitympanic recess superiorly
medial wall/ labyrinthine wall - separates the tympanic cavity from the inner ear
anterior wall /carotid -separates the tympanic cavity from the carotid canal and superiorly lies above opening of eustachian tube and canal of tensor tympani
posterior wall -is connected by aditus to mastoid antrum and air cells
what is the mastoid antrum
a cavity in the mastoid process of the temporal bone
what does the aditus (opening to the mastoid antrum) do
connect the mastoid antrum to the epitympanic recess
what does the tegmen tympani do
separates the mastoid antrum from the middle cranial fossa
what does the floor of the mastoid antrum do
communicate with the mastoid air cells via several openings
what lines the mastoid antrum and air cells
what is the mastoid antrum related to anteroinferiorly
facial nerve canal
what does the auditory tube do
connect tympanic cavity to nasopharynx and equalizes the air pressure between the middle ear and atmosphere
what is the structure of the auditory tube
the posterior third is bony and the rest is cartilaginous
what is the mucosa of the auditory tube continuous with
the tympanic cavity and nasopharynx
what is the nerve supply of the auditory the
tympanic plexus
what can open the auditory tube
contraction of the levator veli palati ,tensor veli palati, tensor tympani and salpingopharyngeus through swallowing, yawning and chewing
what are the auditory ossicles attached to
malleus- tympanic membrane
incus- connects malleus to stapes
stapes- oval window
what covers the auditory ossicles
mucous membrane lining the tympanic cavity
what is the function of the auditory ossicles
to transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the oval window