The Dressmaker Flashcards
tilly hate reflection
‘Everyone likes to have someone to hate,’
sergeant farrat outfits
The outfits didn’t necessarily compliment his physique, but they were unique…in Dungatar he wore them only inside the house.”
evan abusing marigold
“Evan poured a little more tonic and gave it to her. When she slept Evan undressed, then leaned over her.”
marigold killing evan
“She reached behind his ankles and slid the razor-sharp carving knife across his calcaneal tendons.”
irma being abused
‘Percival says God is responsible for everything.’ She used to have a lot of falls, which left her with a black eye or a cut lip. Over the years, as her husband ground to a stiff and shuffling old man, her injuries ceased.
sergeant farrat teddy eulogy outcast
He said that Teddy McSwiney was, by the natural order of the town, an outcast
tilly benefit by sergeant farrat
Tilly’s tolerance and generosity, her patience and skills
evan being a pervert
He was a man who touched women, leaned in close to talk
[women] suddenly remembered something they had to do across the road.
pain turned into motivation
‘Pain will no longer be our curse, Molly,’ she said. ‘It will be our revenge and our reason… It seems only fair, don’t you think?’
town destruction
saw only mounds of smoking grey-black coal and rubble.
tilly responsibility over stewarts death
“it wasn’t really my fault”
town hatred of tilly
“spat at the floor near her hem”
how the town describe tilly
“bastard, murderer”
Tilly guilt
it’s guilt, and the evil inside me
evan pettyman character description
“an ambitious, conniving, and charm wielding man.”
some people deserve revenge
Yet there was the matter of the sour people of Dungatar… they mustn’t be abandoned. Not yet.
freedom in expression
He [Sergeant Farrat] kissed her [Tilly’s] hand and then wrapped the magenta silk organza about his shoulder…
Beulas karmic injuries
“Broke her nose and gave her mild concussion”
Nancy is naked, and the women are cuddled up together.
teddy’s proposal
“I can look after you… that is, if you want me to.” -Teddy’s proposal
town feelings about teddy
they loved Teddy McSwiney.
outcast attitude
it’s open slather on outcasts
tilly guilt
he evil inside me—I carry it around with me, in me, all the time
plays quote
Plays are such fun to put on. They bring out the best and worst in people, don’t you think?
tilly’s perspective on life
it isnt fair
pain as motivation
‘Pain will no longer be our curse, Molly,’ she said. ‘It will be our revenge and our reason. I have made it my catalyst and my propeller. It seems only fair, don’t you think?’
why tilly didnt leave and rather burnt it down
Yet there was the matter of the sour people of Dungatar. In light of all they had done, and what they had not done, what they had decided not to do - they mustn’t be abandoned. Not yet.
corruption on tilly
Bitterness rested on Tilly’s soul and wore itself on her face
molly’s hope for tilly not to return
I came to hope you wouldn’t come back to this awful place.
molly about evan
tormented me and kept me as your mistress… you ruined our life
towns people group of 3
They’re all liars, sinners and hypocrites
trudy crazed with greed 2 quotes
I thought you loved me. What about my reputation
I thought you loved me. What about my reputation
almanac abuse
Over the years, as her husband ground to a stiff and shuffling old man, her injuries ceased.
almanac’s medical information
Sin, the cause of all disease
evan abuse
He was a man who touched women, leaned close to talk, licked his lips
they turned their backs when they saw him coming
tilly cured me
I used to be sick Evan, you used to make me sick, but Tilly Dunnage has cured me.
evan tonic and abuse
Evan poured a little more tonic and gave it to her. When she slept Evan undressed, then leaned over her.
how stewart died
The boy ran head first, full pelt into the red brick library wall
evan revenge
He couldn’t have is son so I couldn’t have my daughter
teddy charming
They said Teddy
McSwiney could sell a sailor sea-water
dance to show love
the more they hate you the more we’ll
teddy loved tilly
He loved Tilly Dunnage as strongly as you hate her
beula injury
Broke her nose and gave her mild concussion
who saw what happened to tilly
Edward McSwiney who “had seen what happened to Stewart Pettyman
He watched the boy assault [Tilly]
irma bad arthiritis
She could predict rain coming, sometimes a week ahead
irma hope
She longed for a life without pain or the bother of her bent husband
irmas kindness
You’ve been sending food all these years
farrat doesnt care anymore
I’m beyond caring what those people think or say anymore.
how tilly avoided death
She stepped sideward
gertrude before
unattractive but vain and ambitious young woman