The Domestic Division of Labour Flashcards
What is meant by the domestic division of labour?
The roles that men and women play in housework, childcare and paid work. Sociologists are interested in whether men and women share these tasks equally.
What does Parsons argue that the division of labour is?
Parsons argues that in the nuclear family, there’s a clear division of labour between spouses:
- The husband has an instrumental role: achieves at work so he can provide for the family financially (breadwinner)
- The wife has an expressive role: ensuring primary socialisation of the children and meeting the family’s emotional needs. She’s the homemaker.
What does Parsons argue that the division of labour is based on?
Biological differences, with women ‘naturally’ suited to the nurturing role and men of the provider. He claims that this division of labour is beneficial to both men and women.
What are criticisms of Parsons view on the division of labour?
- Young and Willmott argue that men are now taking a greater share of domestic tasks and more wives are becoming wage earners
- Feminists reject his view that the division is natural and they argue it only benefits men.
What does Bott argue on the division of labour?
Bott distinguishes between 2 types of conjugal roles
- Segregated conjugal roles: the couple have separate roles; a male breadwinner and a female homemaker. Their leisure actives are also separate
- Joint conjugal roles: where the couple share tasks like housework, and childcare and spend their leisure time together
Describe a study that supports the segregated conjugal role
- Young and Willmott studied traditional WC extended families in East London in the 1950s
- They found that men were the breadwinners, played little part in home life and spent most of their leisure time with workmates. Women were full-time housewives who were responsible for housework and children, helped by their female relatives. Their leisure time was also spent with female kin.
Describe Young and Willmott’s view on the division of labour
- They take a ‘march of progress’ view so see family life as gradually improviing and there’s a trend towards a ‘symmetrical family’ (where roles of spouses are more similar)
- e.g. Women now go out to work, although this may be part-time. Men now help with housework and childcare. Couples now spend their leisure time together
Describe a study that supports the Young and Willmott’s view on the symmetrical family
- In their study of families in London, Young and Willmott found the symmetrical family was more common among younger couples, those who are geographically and socially isolated and the more affluent.
- And they found that most husbands they interviewed ‘helped’ their wives at least once a week.
What are the major social changes that Young and Willmott argue to have caused a rise in the symmetrical family?
- Changes in women’s position (married women going to work)
- Geographical mobility (more couples living away from the communities in which they grew up in)
- New technology and labour-saving devices
- Higher standards of living
Outline the feminist view of housework
- Reject the ‘march of progress’ view and argue little has changed as men and women remain unequal in the family and women do most of the housework
- They see inequality as stemming from the fact the family and society are patriarchal
Describe Oakley’s study that supports the feminist view of housework
- She found that only 15% of husbands had a high level of participation in housework and only 25% had a high level of participation in childcare
- Husbands are more likely to take part in childcare as it’s a more pleasurable aspect, than housework. However this meant mother’s lost the rewards of childcare and were left with housework
Describe a study that supported Oakley’s findings
- Boulton found that fewer than 20% of husbands had a major role in childcare
- She argues Young and Willmott exaggerate men’s contribution by looking at the tasks that involved childcare rather than responsibilities. As a father may help with task, but the mother is always responsible for the child’s well-being