The distribution of income and wealth Flashcards
A flow of money to a fop, usually labour
a stock of valuable assets such as property or shares
Factors leading to unequal distribution of INCOME
1) difference in skills/quals/work experience
2) difference in wealth = wealthier earn more income from their holding of assets in the form of dividends and interest
3) impact of the state = welfare benefits?
Factors leading to unequal distribution of WEALTH
1) differences in income = higher earners more able to save money and earn interest = increase wealth
2) Inhertiance
3) Marriage
4) property
The degree of inequality is a
normative statement
The lorenz curve
- measures the extent of income and wealth inequality
- further the lorenz curve is away from the 45 degree line of perfect equality, the greater the inequality
The gini coefficient
ratio of the area between the 45 degree line and the lorenz curve divided by the total area below the 45 degree line
what does gini mean
- the higher the value, the more inequality that exists
perfect equality
gini coefficient of 0
perfect inequality
gini coefficient of 1
Costs of income and wealth inequality
1) crime/rioting
2) welfare benefits
Benefits of income and wealth inequality
incentive effects = innovation, entrepeneurship
trickle down
Trickle down
poorer members of society will benefit from high earners and the relatively wealthy through job opportunities
- their high taxes can be redistributed to raise the living standards of the poor/ fund merit goods
Relative poverty
when some people in society are worse off than others
absolute poverty
when some people can’t afford the basic necessities to sustain life
Causes of poverty
- Relatively low wages
- unemployment
- regressive taxation
- old age
- imperfect info- welfare benefitd?
Effects of poverty
1) greater demands on welfare system
2) poor educational attainment - people from poorer backgrounds = lower MRP therfore earn lower wages
3) poor health= higher incidence of chronic illnesses
policies to alleviate poverty
1) progressive taxation eg 45% highest tax rate in the UK 2013, reduced from 50%, raise tax free threshold so low paid do not pay tax until they earn a certain amount
2) education and training = increase MRP, reduce occupational immobility
3) promoting trickle down
Evaluation of policies to alleviate poverty
1) Progressive taxation = disincentive, lead to voluntary unemployment, may create disincentives to invest/ entrepreneurial if they relate to corporation tax , encourage brain drain as high earners move overseas to low tax countries
2) education and training = time lag, expensive
3) Promoting trickle down = highest earners can afford best tax accountants to help exploit loopholes minimise tax