The dispositional explanation for obedience: The authoritarian personality Flashcards
What is a dispositional explanation?
One that focuses on the individuals own personal characteristics or traits (their disposition).
What is the authoritarian personality?
A personality type that is especially susceptible to obeying people in authority; they are hostile to people in inferior status but obedient to people in higher status.
How is it argued that an authoritarian personality forms?
Through strict and rigid parenting during childhood.
Who conducted research into the authoritarian personality ?
Adorno et al
What year did Adorno et al conduct their research?
What did Adorno et al aim to test
If certain personality types make people more obedient.
What was the sample of Adorno’s study?
2000 middle class Americans
What did Adorno use to measure the Authoritarian Personality?
The Fascism Scale (F-Scale)
What were the respondents asked about in the F-Scale?
Their strength of agreement or disagreement on topics such as religion, ethnicity, politics, economics and their moral values.
What happened to the highest scoring participants?
They were further interviewed in more depth.
What did Adorno et al find?
That people with an authoritarian personality had fixed, stereotypical views about other groups and had no ‘fuzziness’ between categories of people.
What were the people who scored highest on the F-Scale like?
They identified with ‘strong’ people and disliked weak; they were very conscious of their own and others’ status and showed excessive respect to those of higher status.
What was there a strong positive correlation between?
Authoritarianism and prejudice.
What did Adorno et al conclude?
That people with an authoritarian personality have a tendency to be especially obedient to authority because they need strong leaders to enforce traditional values.
What are the 5 evaluation points for the authoritarian personality explanation?
+ Elms and Milgram (1966)
- Fails to explain obedience in the majority of a countries population (Nazi Germany)
- Cannot account for situational factors
- Cannot establish cause and effect
- Interviewers knew the hypothesis and the interviewee’s F-scale test scores.
There is evidence to support the authoritarian personality from Elms and Milgram (1966)
E: They found that, when 20 obedient participants from milgram’s original obedience research (who had deliver 450v) were questioned using the F-Scale, the obedient participants scored higher on authoritarianism.
E: The obedient participants also reported viewing the experimenter as more admirable and the learner less so.
L: Supports the findings of Adorno et al that the authoritarian personality makes us more likely to obey.
One problem with the idea of a particularly obedient personality type is that it fails to explain obedience in the majority of a countries population.
E: In pre-war Germany, millions of people all displayed obedient and racist behaviour despite all having very different personalities.
L: -ve Although the ‘authoritarian personality’ explanation may explain a number of specific cases of obedience, it fails to explain obedience on a larger social scale.