The Discussion Sections :( Flashcards
Directed abstraction (“this is what made me successful” and self concept
HTML coding class
No effect on self-concept, but directed abstraction BOOST performance on those with originally negative self concept (despite lack of concept/motivation)
DA provided self concept and motivation benefits for those who STRUGGLED to learn HTML BUT only those with relatively incremental theory
Automatic Partner attitudes
INterdependence theory
Motivated reasoning in relationships
Asssociative propositional evaluation model
Spontaneous affective reactions to partner. Compare +/- attitudes
Motivated to + bias.
Automatic: more negative than what you report. Auto: associations. Self-report: logical consistency
Auto: nonverbal
Stress: automatic
Cogntive capacity: low, more auto
Anchoring bias, do you have a choice
Reminding people they have a choice gets them out of it.
But add some cognitive load and then they don’t but cog load also takes away anchoring bias.
Moral Repetition effect
Affective desnsitization mecahnism
Illusory-Truth effect
Less anger in response to repeat wrongdoing
Incrase perceived truth even if false
Desire to believe just world?
Anger and norms mediates repeatidly seen and judged unethical.
More true and less bad with repeated exposure.
negative indirect effect from repetition to truth judgements to unthetically judgements
Feature postitve effect vaccination
Non-occuring vs. occuring events
See headlines, not reading time, BUT free recall better and perceived importance for OCCURING events
Semantic Prosody
How aspects of sematnic profile of words depends on words they collocate with
“Lack” + because followed by postive word (lack strength)
Gives neutral words + meaning.
Differs across populations, sexual assult real word implications
Poison Parasite Counter
Leverage ASSOCIATIVE memory to increase accessibility and salience of counterarguments by embedding a count-message in a close replica of rival’s original communication.
Political attack ads: similar add to original, you remember it more because you saw that before.
Relational consequences of physical instability
Put on a rocky chair, think you have a rock relationship.
Sig. INDIRECT effect, to perceived relatinoship statbility –> quality
Then phsyical instability –> relationship statbility ==> affection to partner
Sounds alter contents of visual perception
Pictures that morph into other things with sounds that match on thing.
Sound effects what we see at apporiate point in time, makes us ready to see using assimiluation wse need.
Related and unrelated sounds. Sound effect error an RT.
Sound more during visual discrimination than continuous report phase. Sound better when simulatneous
Facial structure of scientists shape expectations of STEM
Trust: Communal goals > agenic goals
Match Hypothesis: trust is communicat, dominant agentic
Support: Both from those that support pursuits
Findings: Support hypothesis.Trust face = both goals
Spontaneous Counterfactual Inference (SCFI) Task: Misremembering what might have been
STI: flase memory of trait words to measure trait interference.
SCFI: flase memory of counterfactual statements to measure spontaneous counterfactual thought.
Inter: blame others, intra: adjust self
Compare real to imagined alternative.
Norm violation (late due to routine change) and closeness (miss flight by 10 mins) = memory deficits for counterfacutal lures.
Impaired lures if believe blame on another is deserved.
For self, made to give counterfactual examples = greater endorsement of relevant intentions.
Sig effect correct reject # counterfactuals generated
Shape bias weight and race
Children sort people by shape