The Disciples Of Jesus Flashcards
The lists of the disciples of Jesus (who became the apostles of the church) can be found in the following passages: Matthew 10:2-4 Mark 3:13-19 Luke 6:12-16
Enumerate the 12 disciples of Jesus
Peter (also known as Simon),
Andrew (Peter’s brother) James and John (sons of Zebedee), Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew (aka Levi), James (son of Alphaeus/James the Less), Jude (aka Thaddeus) Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot
Like many of the apostles, he was a fisherman by trade, but he grew into one of the most prominent leaders of the early church after the resurrection.
He got to witness some miracles & moments that not all disciples got to, including the raising of a girl from the dead, the transifguration, and Jesus’ moment of weakness in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Originally known as Simon, but Jesus gave him the nickname Cephas (John 1:42), which translates to _______, meaning “rock.”
Peter / Simon / Simon Peter / Cephas
Name the three main disciples of Jesus. LAter, they were noted in Galatians as the pillars of the church.
Peter, James, and John
James and John were the sons of Zebedee, but they were nicknamed by Jesus as ____ __ ______.
sons of thunder
His is a common name for New Testament figures. He was a fisherman, and his nickname is “______ the Greater”, distinguishing him from others of the same name. He is the disciple known for asking Jesus if he and his brother should call down fire from heaven towards an unwelcoming city.
He and his brother are also known unwittingly promising to follow Jesus into martyrdom.
James son of Zebedee / James the Greater
He was the only disciple whose martyrdom is recorded in the Bible. Herod ordered him to be martyred by the sword in the book of Acts.
James son of Zebedee / James the Greater
This disciple was another fisherman, the brother of James, and the only one of the disciples known to have died of old age. He was known for taking care of Jesus’ mother, beating Peter in a race to Jesus’ empty tomb, and being one of the pillars of the church
He is known for writing one of the four gospels, three letters named after him, and an apocalyptic book. He is noted as “the disciple whom Jesus loved”
John son of Zebedee / John the Beloved
This disciple was the brother of Simon Peter and another fisherman. This disciple not only brought Peter to Jesus, but he told him Jesus was the Messiah.
Before being called by Jesus, he was a disciple of John the Baptist.
like PEter and Andrew, this disciple comes from Bethsaida, a town near the Sea of Galilee. He is notable for bringing Nathanael to Jesus. He is commonly associated with the disciple Bartholomew.
In the book of John, this disciple is precisely mentioned when (1) Jesus tests him by asking where they should buy bread for the 5000 people and (2) he asks Jesus to show them God the Father, and Jesus responds by saying “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father
Philip (not to be mistaken with Philip the Evangelist or with the two sons of King Herod)
This disciple is one of the less mentioned disciples in the gospels. His name most likely comes from the Aramaic name, Bar-Talmai, meaning “son of Talmai”.
Most would argue that this other name is Nathanael, since Nathanael appears to be an apostle in the Gospel of John, is closely associated with Philip (Philip calls him to meet Jesus, after all), and Bartholomew doesn’t appear in John.
Unlike most of the disciples, this one was a tax collector for Rome in Capernaum.
After calling him to follow, Jesus has dinner at this disciple’s house. It bothered the Pharisees but showed more of Jesus’ earthly mission/purpose which is more towards sinners than it is toward the righteous.
This disciple is said to have authored one of the four gospels included in the Canon of scripture.
Matthew (aka LEVI, son of Alphaeus)
This disciple famously doubted the resurrection of Jesus and told the other disciples, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe” (John 20:25).
He wasn’t actually given a name in the original manuscripts. His name comes from the Aramaic word tĕʾomâ, which means “twin.” To help clarify who we’re talking about though, most manuscripts include the description, “called Didymus” or “called the Twin.”
Thomas / “Doubting Thomas”
He is one of the least featured disciples of Jesus. He is only mentioned in the four lists of apostles. There are many confusions and assumptions concerning his identity, such as whether or not he is the same person mentioned as the brother of Jesus.
James son of Alphaeus / James
This disciple is mostly known for having another name which is Thaddeus. His name may be Judas, but in avoidance of confusion with Judas Iscariot, he (or gospel writers) may have opted to go with this alternate name, similar to Judas.
Although it is not confirmed in the Bible, many assume that he is the same person as the brother of Jesus and James as mentioned in the gospels.
Jude / Thaddeus / Judas Thaddeus / Judas of James / Lebbaeus
This disciple is also less frequently mentioned in the bible. He and Peter share the same name (as Peter has 2 names) and Jesus had a brother w/ the same name as well.
Simon the Zealot
This disciple was the treasurer of Jesus & his disciples. He is infamous for bretraying Jesus to the chief priests for 30 pieces of silver.
Judas Iscariot
This individual was in fact not included in the original 12 of Jesus, nor was he chosen by Jesus personally. He instead was appointed by the apostles in Judas Iscariot’s place.
He’d followed Jesus since His baptism by John the Baptist, and he had witnessed Jesus’ ascencion into heaven.
He was the disciple who was noted to have hung himself. Although, the book of Acts gives an alternate record that he bought a field and fell headlong, bursting his body open and his guts spilling out.
Judas Iscariot
Although not revealed in the scriptures, This disciple supposedly was crucified by emperor Nero. He did not consider himself worthy to die in the same way as Jesus, so he requested to be hung upside down.
Simon Peter