The Development of the USA - Page 9 Flashcards
Who were the Bonus Marchers?
The Bonus Marchers were First World War veterans who had been promised a bonus
for serving in the war, payable in 1945.
The veterans felt that they could not wait
that long to be paid.
What happened in May and June 1932?
In May and June 1932, a Bonus Expeditionary Force, made up of over 12,000 unemployed and homeless veterans from all over the USA, marched to Washington DC to voice their support for a bill which would allow early payment of
the bonuses.
What did the marchers do?
The marchers brought their wives and children and built a Hooverville outside the
capital and said they would stay there until the bonus bill was passed.
What did the Government officials label the marchers?
Government officials labelled them a rabble.
How did President Hoover feel about paying the bonuses?
To pay the bonus to these men would have cost US$2.3 million, and President Hoover felt that it was simply too much.
What did the Congress do for the marchers?
Congress did provide money to pay for transport home for the marchers, but about 5,000 refused to leave.
What did the government label the marchers that did not leave, and what did they do?
The government labelled these men communists and sent in the police to clear
them from the old buildings in which they lived.
Conflict broke out and two veterans
were killed.
What did Hoover do after the conflict broke out?
Hoover then called in the army to control the situation.
The armed forces were told to
disperse the Bonus Marchers and the Hooverville was razed to the ground
How many people were injured/died when the army was trying to disperse the situation?
More than 100 people were injured and a baby died of tear-gas poisoning.
What did Hoover’s behavior reinforce for many Americans?
For many Americans this reinforced their conviction that Hoover did not care.