The Development of Cinema Flashcards
Michael Angelo
Tries to create movement. He was the only person to create movement
- He recorded things
- was a scientist
- theorized about the concept of the “dark chamber”
Invented the first pinhole camera called “camera obscura”
-Worlds first scientist
Camera Obscura
Latin for “Dark Chamber”
Leonardo Da Vinci
May have had a camera obscura to show movement in his paintings
Optical Instruments
Most were 1st marketed as toys for children
-May have had a camera obscura for making his realistic photos
- Created side lighting
- was a very bad child
- He cut a whole in his house to create side lighting
- first person to paint fruit
-Used side lighting to emphasize emotion and structure
- Painted the most self portraits
- Heard about caravaggio
Richard Avadon
Used side lighting for photos
- Used camera obscura
- May have had caterax
Magic Lantern
-Early projector
-Movable glass
-Hand painted strips
-Kerosene flames
-Projects image on wall
-Double/triple strips
-Converted from fire to electricity
First 3D ; Double photos
Movie Parlors
Where people would watch the projections
Magic Lanterns
Gave the ability to allow people to see other people and places that were far away; people didn’t have to travel to see something.
The only place that has all solar
Flip cards
-Animation on flip cars were very popular
-Made scientist have to understand the human eye
Dr. Peter Mark Roget
-Thaumatrope - “persistence of vision”
-12 pictures per second will trick the eye
Zootrope (zoetrope)
-Made by Horner
-See moving images
William Henry Fox Talbot
-Still photography
-Permanent negative - got something and could keep chemical plate
-Used “nitrates” which is used in gunpowder
- sit still 2 minutes - creates an image
Negative - Positive
-First used in lecture at London Royal Society
Luis Daguerre
-Invented Daguerreotype - Camera Obscura
-Uses mercury
Matthew Brady
-U.S Civil war photographer
-Wet plates
-War dead, rocks
-Astronomer invented “photographic gun”
-Took single “shots” of birds
-shooting birds
Edweard Muybridge
-Photographed a moving horse
-Able to capture san Francisco for the first time
Jules Marey
-Flexible films
-first to photograph sports
-Cinametic graph
Gov. Leland Stamford of California
Bet $25,000 that a galloping horse has all four feet off the ground
- Won because horses do have all four feet of the ground when they run
Muybridge horse
-Set 12,16,24 still cameras at 20ft. intervals
-tied individual trip wires to each
- was slammed by press because he had to draw the horse first
-2 cameras (2 points of views)
-Side and back view
Marey + Muybridge
Sports photography
a set of photographs of a moving object, taken for the purpose of recording and exhibiting successive phases of motion
Who was trying to create moving pictures
Thomas (Tommy) Edison
-Created the first movie
-Accidentally creates the first “camera”
-had hearing problems
-picked the best sound by rhythm and would bite the table do feel the vibration
-Affected sound for a long time because of his hearing problems
William Kennedy Laurie Dickson
-Edison’s assistant
-Invented Kinetoscope
- Kinetophone = sound
- Kinetograph = camera
Fred Ott’s Sneeze
-First Film
-Recorded by William Dickson
The Black Maria
-First Movie Studio
-Retractable Roof
-Covered in tar paper
Andrew Holland
-First “movie parlors”
-Poor working immigrants in slums watched short movies after they got off to work
-3 minute films
-only 1 person can view it
-stage actors called it trash
Thomas Edison frames
-Tried 50 frames per second
-sounded better at 24 frames a second
-just recently switched to more frames after digital films
John Hyatt
-Celluloid - a flexible plastic sheet used to capture images
-First firm stock
Eastman Kodak
mass produced celluloid
Exposes film to light in camera
The negative chemical developed
Light behind the film onto the white screen
like picture frames
Where was the first film camera and projector invented?
Paris, Europe
Lumiere Brothers
-First camera used as a projector
-Films shown to poor in NYC
-Films shown to rich in paris
-discovered reversed action
-shot first comedy film
The Grand Café
-Hottest night club in Paris
-Rich people high class
Who did Lumiere Brothers hire?
-Hired college students to shoot around the world
-they went to Europe, China, Russia, and India
Pathe-Friere Co.
-Pack to sell films internationally
-Shown in U.S Broadway theaters at Broadway theater prices
-First film shown was people coming out of factories
George Melies
-France theater director films
-Has a theater company
-Invents special effects
-Discovered he could turn film off and on
-Creates science fiction
A trip to the Moon
-made by George Melies
-Bathing beauties
-mocks scientists
-creates dissolve from one frame to the next
-rocket slams into the eye of the moon