The Design Argument Flashcards
Who created the DA as an argument for the existence of God?
William Paley
a posteriori
Based on sense experience
We observe the world through touch, taste, hearing, smell and sight
We draw conclusions for what our senses tell us
Where we use premises to supply strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion.
What is Paley’s conclusion?
The universe is designed is at best probably true but it might turn out to be false.
What 3 particular observations about the world is the argument based on?
Explain them …
Complexity - P looks at biological organisms and organs (e.g. the eye) and the laws of nature.
Regularity - P observes the orbit of the commits, moons and planets and the seasons of the year.
Purpose - P observes the machines that we make and watches.
How are the 3 observations linked?
Our observation of the complexity and regularity of the world implies that the world has a purpose.
Summarise the DA
Some objects in the world show clear evidence that they were designed because they exhibit complexity and regularity so we can infer they were made for a purpose.
The universe appears to exhibit complexity and regularity so we can infer that it was made for a purpose.
So it is likely that the universe was designed.
State the analogy used to form the DA
If, while crossing a heath, I come across 2 objects, the first a stone and the second a watch and I ask myself how they came to be there, i would give different answers to this question.
For the stone, it would not be absurd to suppose it had been there forever.
But the watch is quite clearly different because closer inspection shows that it is a complex artefact.
What is P’s response to … ?
If the watch is broken or doesn’t work properly that would weaken his argument.
What if you couldn’t work out all the parts.
He would still know that the broken watch was designed.
What is P’s response to … ?
There just happens to be a principle of order in material things which had somehow brought parts of the watch into their present form and situation.
Watches don’t get made by any ‘principle of order’ other than that found in the mind of a watchmaker.
Explain P’s watch analogy
- A watch has complex parts, each with a function, and the parts work together for a specific purpose.
2 So the watch must have been designed by a watchmaker.
3 Similarly the universe has parts that function together for a purpose.
4 So the universe must have been designed by a universe maker.
5 The universe is a far more wonderful design than a watch, so its designer
is much greater than any human designer.
6 The universe designer is God.
Why does Hume argue that the universe could have been designed by a lesser being and not the God of Christian theism?
He argues that there could be a limited designer and possibly more than one.
Intelligent minds are attached to physical bodies so there is no reason to assume that the designer of this universe was a metaphysical being.
Design is a feature of teamwork so there is no reason to suppose that the designer of the universe was a single being operating on his own.
Why does Hume argue that the existence of evil and imperfection suggests a limited designer?
The inconsistent triad.
The pain and suffering experienced by humans and animals is not what we would expect from a being of infinite power, wisdom and goodness.
Instead of confronting the problems, theologians spend time inventing theodicies to excuse God’s behaviour.
What is Hume’s argument that supports analogies between the way the universe works and the way machines work are unsound?
The world is more like a vast floating vegetable and vegetables grow themselves apparently without the need for a designer.
Why does Hume argue that the DA is anthropomorphic?
To know that the universe was designed, we would have to have some knowledge of how universes are made but we don’t so we have no idea what the designer would be like.
Our experience of design is limited to the machines we design ourselves so we are imagining God to be like a human designer.