The demographic transition model Flashcards
Name a country/area in stage 1 / stage 2 / stage 3 / stage 4?
Stage 1 = Amazonia Stage 2 = Afghanistan Stage 3 = China/Brazil Stage 4 = UK Stage 5 = Germany / France
Describe the birth rate and death rate?
The death rate and birth rate highly fluctuated
Why is the birth rate and death rate like it is in stage 1?
The Matise tribe and live in the Amazon rainforest; they`re encountering stage 1 and they aye a isolated society . The high death rate may be due to the fact they had little medicine which can be found in the Amazon.
Describe the birth/death rate in stage 2?
The death and birth rate begins to become stable and death rate begins to decline. This creates a large natural increase
Why is there a natural increase in stage 2?
The death rate declines because the citizens of Afghanistan have discovered more medicind