The Death Of Pop Flashcards
to cause strong feelings of love or sympathy
tugged at many critics’ heartstrings
an organization; company; team; military unit; etc.
(based on the ) template (of)
luxurious and showing that you are rich
(доноситься - о запахе); a sound; odor; etc.; faintly perceived
wafting (waft)
пришелся по вкусу многим критикам
caught many a critic’s ear
a lot of / куча
with bags of
немного подпорченный
let down somewhat
to cry in a noisy way like a child
вполне претендовать на звание черты; определяющей эпоху
have much of an era-defining quality to them
alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for
a sad poem or song; especially remembering someone who has died or something in the past
a newspaper that is printed on large sheets of paper; or an advertisement printed on a large sheet of paper
belonging to or happening in a past time
bygone (-ai) (a bygone era)
прошлые выпуски газеты
back copies
a detailed report
rundown on/of sth
выступающий (в шоу)
продолжает ощущаться и сегодня
endures to this day
тотемное животное; символ групповой идентичности
tribal beast
the period in your life when you are most active or successful
(in one’s) prime
unsophisticated; unfashionable; or unoriginal entertainment; especially in a remote or rustic environment
straighforward or simple (esp of pop music)
sort; kind
(a man of certain) stripe
a main product or part of something
staple (of sth)
решительно; абсолютно; полностью; совсем
кажется; попадают в эту категорию
tend to hit that category
не чрезмерный
contrary to nature; reason; or common sense; absurd / unusual in a silly or shocking way
иметь неудовольствие убедиться на собственном опыте
know/learn/find something to your cost
a person or thing that is a well-known or typical example of a particular quality
awkward when dealing with people and often saying or doing the wrong thing
impossible to correct; improve; or change
describes a person who is angry and unhappy because they cannot forget bad things that happened in the past
(remains) bitter (at sth)
continuing without any possibility of being stopped
in’exorable (ks)
представляет собой остроумную догадку
offers a sharp insight
в которых было столько привлекального
had so much going for them
скоропись / a short; simple phrase that is used instead of a longer and more complicated phrase
shorthand (for sth)
a liking or sympathy for someone or something; especially because of shared characteristics / a close similarity between two things
affinity (for-with / between)
to reach its nadir (ei-ie)
including or affecting everything; everyone; or all cases; in a large group or area
blanket BBC coverage
kill off (Some drugs kill off useful bacteria in the user’s body)
to make yourself very comfortable or safe in a place or position
en’sconce (oneself in sth)
to make yourself comfortable in a place or situation; or to prepare to stay in a place or position for a long time; usually in order to achieve something or for protection / сидеть на корточках
hunker down
полностью; прямо (x into adulthood)
it is not a problem (idiomatic answer) / used to say that sth is not important
no matter
развалина (о человеке)
to make someone unhappy or cause them to be in a bad state or situation / be forced to be doing sth because you have no other choice
reduce sb to sth
и как результат (I stood up to say hello and spilled my drink in the process)
in the process
to have an influence on sth
inform sth
раскрывать с обоих точек зрения
to cover from both angles
to behave or speak in a false or artificial way
put on an act
soul music played by white people
blue-eyed soul
the favourite or darling of a person or group
blue-eyed boy
to use something for help because no other choice is available
fall back on sth
to list or enumerate
(Pop Music) the recordings that a musician has made in the past; as distinct from his or her current recording
back catalogue
to send out a beam of light; an electrical or radio signal; etc.
in you are in x; you are with people who love you and make you feel safe
in the bosom of sb
very bad; as of wine; music; etc.
dull and boring because it has been expressed so many times before; not original
is something unpleasant that you may suffer or experience as a result of doing your job or hobby / профессиональное заболевание
occupational hazard
give sb a punishment; make sb suffer bad treatment
mete sth out to sb
If someone X to something in the past; they talk about it again and again; often in a way that annoys other people
hark back to sth
approve of sth or support sth; without proving their support by what they actually do; на словах
to pay lip service
no longer fashionable
passe (-ei)
to not be able to deal with problems or difficulties in a satisfactory way
can’t cut it
to quickly notice something that somebody has said or done; especially in order to criticize it
pounce on/upon something
lacking style; taste; quality; etc
to be impossible to believe/describe
beggar belief/description
used during an argument or a discussion to show that you accept that somebody has answered your comment in a clever way and has gained an advantage by making a good point
touché (ei)
smelling damp and unpleasant because of a lack of fresh air
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wax lyrical; eloquent; etc. (about)