The Cruel Prince Flashcards
What is Jude doing at the start of the story?
She is eating fish sticks with ketchup.
What does the tall man say about Jude’s mother?
That she married him and she faked her death.
What does the tall man do to Jude’s parents?
He kills them.
What does the tall man do with Jude and her sisters?
He takes them with him and raises them.
What are Jude and her sister Taryn getting ready for?
For a dance at the High King’s Court.
What does Madoc tell Jude?
She can fight in the Summer Tournament but she can’t become a knight.
Why does Prince Dain visit Jude?
He wants to make her his spy.
What is the deal Dain and Jude make?
No one can enchant Jude but Dain.
Who shoves the apple in Jude’s mouth?
Who helps Jude home?
What book does Jude find in Balekin’s home?
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
What does Jude do to Valerian?
She stabs him.
What does Jude do when she returns to Balekin’s?
She steals a mortal girl.
What happened to the mortal girl?
She committed suicide
How does Prince Dain punish Jude?
He has her stab her own hand.
What was the message that the messenger had?
Kill the bearer of this message.
Who killed Prince Dain?
Why does Jude challenge Taryn?
Taryn wants to marry Locke
What does Vivi try to do to Taryn and Jude?
She tries to enchant them to stop fighting.
Who is Oak’s real father?
Prince Dain