The CRUCIBLE X Flashcards
(Giles) … claims he cannot keep a pig alive for more than four weeks because my Martha bewitch them with her books. 2
Good evening to you Proctor.
(Proctor) Why, , Mr. Cheever. Good evening. 2
Good evening, all.
Good evening, Mr. Hale.
(Proctor) I hope you come not on business of the court. 2
I do, Proctor, aye.
I am clerk of the court now, y’know.
(Giles) You’ll burn for this, do you know it? 2
You know yourself that I must do as I am told. You surely know that, Giles. And I’d as lief you not be sending me to hell. I like not the sound of it, I tell you,. I like not the sound of it.
Now believe me, Proctor, how heavy be the law, all its tonnage I do carry on my back tonight.
I have a warrant for your wife.
(Hale): I know nothing of it. when were she charged? 2
I am given 16 warrant tonight, sir, and she is one.
(Proctor): Who charged her? 2
Why, Abigail Williams charge her.
(Proctor): On what proof? On what proof? 2
Mr. Proctor, I have little time. The court bid me search your house, but I do not like to search a house.
So will you hand me any poppets your wife may keep here?
(Eliz): I never kept no poppets, not since i was a girl. 2
I spy a poppet, Goody Proctor.
(Eliz) Has the courts discovered a text in poppets now? 2
Do you keep any others in this house?
(Proctor) What signifies a poppet?2
Why a poppet…..a poppet may signify…Now, woman, would you please to come with me?
(Proctor) Fetch Mary here. 2
No no. I am forbidden to leave her from my sight.
(Hale): What signifies a poppet, Mr. Cheever? 2
Why, they say it may signify that the….[finds needle] why this… this….
(Proctor) What’s there? 2
Why… it is a needle…. it is a needle…
(Proctor): And what signifies a needle? 2
Why this go hard with her, Proctor, this…I had my doubts, Proctor, I had my doubts, but here’s calamity! [To Hale] You see it sir. It is a needle!
(Hale): Why, what meaning has it? 2
The girl, the Williams girl. Abigail Williams, sir. She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris’ house tonight, and without word nor warning, she falls to the floor. Like a struck beast, he says, and screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear. And he goes to save her, and stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out. And demandin’ of how she come to be so stabbed, she…[To Proctor] testify that it were your wife’s familiar spirit pushed it in.
(Proctor): I hope you’re not taking this for proof, mister. 2
‘Tis hard proof! [to Hale] I find here a poppet which goody Proctor keeps. I have found it sir! And in the belly of the poppet, a needle’s stuck. I tell you true, Proctor, I never warranted to see such proof of hell and I bid you obstruct me not, for I….
(Eliz) The girl is murder! She must be ripped out of the world! 2
You’ve heard that sir! Ripped out of this world! You heard it!