The Crucible Flashcards
adj. unshakable or insistent esp. in maintaining a position or opinion. The test subjects were adamant that they were playing by the rules.
v. to distress so severely as to cause persistent suffering or anguish. The job of the news media is supposed to be to afflict the comfortable and
comfort the afflict ed.
v. to lead by deception. She’d used her daughter’s identity to beguile the two men.
adj. bewildered, confused, perplexed. Results of such are highly confounded and no conclusions can be drawn from them.
n. a struggling together in opposition, competition or contest. But how anthropoid primates originated has been a subject of frequent contention .
adj. touching; in contact; in close proximity. The astronauts climbed through a hatch from the command module into the contiguous lander.
n. respectful submission or yielding to the indigent opinion will, ect., of another. He responded with courtly deference , giving them his full attention.
n. shameless or impudent boldness, barefaced audacity. The naive effrontery of this book is more pitiful than ridiculous.
adj. causing fear, apprehension and read in formidable opponent; intimidating; strong. But getting from interest to a viable formula is proving a formidable challenge.
n. an excavation made in the earth in which to bury a dead body. By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore.
adj. not credulousd;disinclined or indisposed to believe. They were incredulous , but did not dare to undeceive themselves.
v. to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander. Their malign neglect has been with purpose.
n. a public demonstration, a stand for political effort. This is a manifestation of everything we’ve done and talked about.
n. a tendency to think favorably of something in particular. The objectification was tied to a predilection for violence.
n. pretending; make believe; a fake show of something. He makes no pretense to being an orator.
adj. extraordinary in size; amount, extent degree force ect. The legal costs involved in this enormous litigation could be prodigious .
v. to rid of whatever is impure or undisputed cleanse; purity. Hitler purged the nation of what he thought was unwanted.
v. to lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger shrink with fear. But I neither quiver nor quail .
v. to continue to cause irritation of bitter resentment with the mind. Many professors rankle at the notion that they should have to worry about it
v. to weep or cry with sniffling. I was siveling the whole time during class.